Ello, my lovelies!
Thank you for checking out my art shop!
My name is auralife,
and I occasionally moonlight under the mule december lights.
This is a condensed version of the main version in the forums smile
Now, sit back, relax, and grab a drink...
Here we go!
Here's a few random things you should know about me or my art:
~I prefer to draw girls, but I will draw boys.
~I really like the colors blue, silver, red, and white.
~I love drawing dresses. The fancier, the better.
~I love clutter, cuteness, and a challenge.
~While I won't do pornographic images, that's about the only thing I won't draw ~ I'll draw sexiness and smexiness, clutter and furries; basically whatever you want.
~ The three styles I love to draw the most are Gothic, Victorian (or Royalty), or Japanese (like fuku and Lolita).
~I also love romance (preferably with candlelight ), and cuteness. You just can't beat cuteness.
~There is no need for rudeness! Whether you like my art or not, whether I accept your request or not, we can all be civil about things ^.^
~A please and thank you are always appreciated emotion_bigheart
~I like it when people provide poses and/or themes or theme songs for me.
~I reserve the right to decline any commission request that I recieve. It's rare that I will, but I think having this clause in here might come in handy someday.

Ah, rules ~
they pretty much all say basically the same thing, and most people are well-behaved, but alas,
we must have them!
So let's try and make this short and sweet, mm?
Here are some basic rules you are going to need to follow if you're going to post in here, and/or order art from me.
1. No lowballing.
2. Follow the Gaia TOS. There's nothing worse than dealing with a bunch of hooligans :/
3. No begging. No means no.
4. Please always save your art onto your own photosharing account! I am a meticulous organizer (*cough* neat freak) and so I am always moving my photos around on mine and breaking links and such..
5. Please be patient and appreciative. Art takes time, especially when you have a lot of it to do. I do try to get art done within the time limits I set, but sometimes life gets in the way. Being rude will get you nowhere, and I always appreciate a please and thank you.
6. I can't really think of anymore rules right now, but if I do, I reserve the right to pile them on in here :3

Here you can find samples and prices of my arts. The arts all belong to me and those who commissioned me, and the OCs all belong to their creators, so don't go stealing anything :/
Anyone caught stealing will be blacklisted and reported.
And here is how I do business:
Once we have made a deal on price and have discussed what you'd like to see in your art and a trade with the amount agreed upon has been sent (not to be completed until you've received a watermarked version of your colored art), I will draw you a sketch. I will send it to you, and you can tell me if you like it the way that it is or if there are changes you'd like made. All sketches will be rough and watermarked, something like this:

Once that's been settled, I will make your changes and then begin work on the lineart,
which I will then send you and you can tell me if it's alright to color or if there's anything you'd like changed. Linearts will be clean and watermarked, something like this:

Then I shall color your art. I normally won't do a background unless instructed by the commissioner, and when I send you the watermarked colored version, you can let me know if you like it the way it is or if you'd like something added, like a background. If and when you like everything, I will ask you to complete the trade and I will send you a non-watermarked version.

The cheapest thing you can buy from this shop, because chibis are itty bitty and undeniably cute.
Now, prepare yourself for some cuteness:

Headshots: 145k-200k
Waist-Up: 250k
Fullbody: 300k-375k

My most common form of art, a style I developed on my own
I'm really proud of it, because I used to think that I'd never find my own niche.
But then I did, when I stopped trying to compare myself and my art to those I admire,
and just sat down and drew what I liked to see.
Hopefully, you like it, too ~

Headshots: 325k-400k
Waist-Ups: 375k-485k
Fullbodies: 500k-700k

This is a more enhanced version of my regular style;
the eyes become more O.O and the noses and lips become more realistic,
I pay more attention to detail, and not to mention the coloring's better.
Only thing is, unless you seriously bribe me, I won't do fullbodies in this style. Tried it once... won't do it again.. >.<

Headshots: 450k-500k
Busts: 525k-600k
Waist-Ups: 650k-750k

Now, realism is the most detailed style I offer. It's the hardest for me to do, and for those reasons, the prices are expensive.
But, it looks like crap good when it's done.

Headshots: 700k-800k
Busts: 750k-875k
Waist-Ups: 825k-900k
Fullbodies: 875k-1000k
* add 1/2 normal price for every extra person on any style.
* You can request cel shading or soft shading on any style but realism.
For anyone who doesn't know the difference (don't feel bad, I didn't for the longest time). Basically cel shading is just two-tone shading and soft shading is where I blend a lot and make the picture look softer ^^
*For an additional 50k, you can receive a copy of your uncolored lineart along with your colored art, just in case you really like it.
*If you're in a hurry and want your art to get done quicker, you can bribe me to put your name at the top of my priority list. 100k is the lowest bribe I'll accept, because my time is limited, and if I'm going to value you over others, then it's gonna damn well be worth it XD
*Also, for bribes, you MUST log on at least once a day! I will not move onto the next step in my art process unless I've received an OK from you!!! I don't want to wait a week to see what you think of the lineart.

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