The world just keeps spinning, eh? Some things are lost, yet the world shows no care. Not even a flinch :3 BUTTHATSALLFINEANDDANDYWHENYOUTHINKABOUTIT! O:
Fine and dandy? Dandy... riiight.... is it really "fine and dandy?" Dunno :3 BUTWHOCARES! O:
Not my point :3 Don't you think it's wonderful to fake happiness, when you're really just aching on the inside? xD Wonderful, wonderful.
Mm, yes. Aching. Pain. Nothingness. That's where it all goes; that's where it came from, and where it shall stay. Nothingness.
Not my point :3 SOWEMOVEON!
There is no point really. I just feel like typing whatever comes to mind . . . do a little of this, a little of that. Thing's can have a big impact on a life. Oh yes, very big.
Giant sometimes. Like myself. It happens to me all the time; but I shall not get into that. Lies? Horror? Murder? Nope :3 Confusion? Debt? Sorrow? Nope :3
Doesn't matter. It all just fades away eventually. Again. To nothing. Emotions... are like toys, yet broke easier. You can play with them, and break them so easily. NOTHINGISHOWITALLBEGINSANDENDS!
And now, it's gone. Tata :3
Olive_the_Monkey_Ninja · Tue Apr 11, 2006 @ 07:44am · 1 Comments |