Name: Zero
Age: 36
Height: 6'8"
Race: Devil Time Mage
Weapon: His Magic, staff or body
Personality: Always ready with advice or a retort, he usually is silent unless spoken to or about. He is generally a thoughtful, reserved and otherwise indifferent man that many seem to think is hard to get along with. In reality he jst takes some getting used to and is very open with his fellow Patrolers.
Bio: He is one of the three founders of the Night Patrol. He has known Messenger for most of the other Immortal's life and the two are rather close friends. He has three children by one woman, who now hates his guts as the two had a rather nasty falling out over the education of their children. He has had three visions regaurding the Night Patrol, so far only one has come true.
Teamed With: Black Sheild
SwordOfTheDarkOnes · Mon Jun 11, 2012 @ 05:56pm · 0 Comments |