
Name: Coon Hawk
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Vampire
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Appearance: Short white hair and bright red eyes. He is a tall and slightly build man. He wheres a lot of black and has oddly sharp teeth. He is also very pale.
Likes: Young women, pretty women, sexy women, girls, fine wine, good blood, great books, watching people in pain, giving out pain, killing and dancing
Dislikes: Anything load that is not screams, men, horses, small animals, bad tea, babies, kids, and werewolves, apples
Personalty: Even though he can appear very nice and polite, he is very cruel, has lots of lust for young women and fine blood, aggressive, random yet calm. He sometimes has mood swings and like to give gifts before he feeds or kills.
What Has Happened In My Pass: Coon grew up with an abusive step dad that would beat him daily. He hated him and his vampire mother for letting his step dad harm him. Once he has gotten to the age of 16 he started to drink blood witch, made him became a lot stronger so started to fight back. He not only killed his mother and step father, he tortured them and enjoyed it. He used their money to buy a house in the dark woods where he buys girl slaves of all races. He rapes, abuses, feeds off, then kills the girls. He now wants a slave or two to entertain him, and company him, he is feeling lonely and he is looking for some longer lasting 'food'.