Goodbye Tinier Me....
crying It is truly a sad day when your favorite anime site decides to close....
cat_crying cat_smile But fear not! There's Gaia and Facebook! So we can keep in touch on here!
emotion_c8 emotion_bigheart And we can still share each other's adventures and be friends!
emotion_hug emotion_bigvein Anyway, I'm in Keller again.... And I have a bit of astronomy homework and I have to study my driver's ed....
emotion_zombie yum_tea And there's nothing but
yum_donut s to eat for breakfast..... And I really want some
yum_bacon .....
yum_coldone gaia_angelleft But, I guess I'll live....
gaia_angelright gaia_crown It's not like I'm a princess or anything...
gaia_crown gaia_nitemareleft Soooo..... How're ya'll???