TAB The first night in Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments was quiet. Too quiet. And in that quiet a mysterious figure could be found lurking, making its way to each and every door. It wouldn’t be until the morning that the tenants discovered the envelopes sitting just inside each of their apartments.
TAB Dear Tenant,
TAB To welcome you to the Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments the Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments concierge would like to invite you to a Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments Pool Party to take place this afternoon at 2:00 PM in and around the Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments luxury pool. Hors d'oeuvres will be served as well as champaign.
TAB The Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments concierge would love nothing more than to see all of the fabulous Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments tenants get to know one another. All Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments tenants should feel free mingle, gossip, and drink to their heart’s content. And hopefully all Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments tenants will experience the most expensive thrills of their lives. We welcome, you, Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments tenants and we hope the Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments experience will fulfill your every dream.
TAB Also, as a reminder this is a private function for Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments tenants only, so be sure to bring this letter with you and keep it on your person as proof of identity. Solicitors, party crashers, and plus ones will be shot on sight. Thank you and have a marvelous day!
TAB Yours truly,
TAB Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments Concierge

TAB Sure, the signature was illegible, but isn't that what all signatures look like? The name was impossible to read, but that didn't matter. No one thought twice about who this mysterious concierge they hadn’t met was or who might actually be running this event. The promise of free food and alcohol was enough to convince all of them to go. Besides it was the Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments in a gated community in the safest town in the world, Serenity Laketon. There was no danger to be had from an invitation to a simple pool party.
TAB In any case, each tenant had a much greater conflict to contend with: Whatever will they wear to a Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments Pool Party?
Will this pool party be all wet or will our new tenants be able to sigh in relief? Don’t hold your breath either way…
Who will survive After Tonight?
Who will survive After Tonight?
I'm afraid Aerovinity has been eliminated.
We'll miss you and thanks for playing!
We'll miss you and thanks for playing!
tea bakeries as Texas Candi Holiday

i got this text. and it was li'e you gotta be
here or we'a kick you ou'. so i got this thing
at li'e seven AY-EM. a ********' pool part-ay an'
i'm a mess. li'e my makeup's still on, an' i still
got blood from when Jesse go' punch-ed out
las' night. i'm going. i'm going. s**t, bro...
Creativity: 6/10
Visuals: 8/10
Total: 14/20
The choice in swimsuit is almost completely lost against that color skin and the torso and the right side are begging for some more color. She's almost a half-atar, the left side being bright pastels and the left being dull black and white. The choice in that particular head bow is odd as well, as that becomes the focal point. The textures are nice, but the white on almost white skin keeps a lot of the items (especially the swimsuit) from shining texture-wise. Even with the issues, though, taken as a whole the avatar isn't bad looking at all. It's actually quite nice. And the changes to her hair and face help solidify her character.
Creativity: 6/10
Visuals: 8/10
Total: 14/20
The choice in swimsuit is almost completely lost against that color skin and the torso and the right side are begging for some more color. She's almost a half-atar, the left side being bright pastels and the left being dull black and white. The choice in that particular head bow is odd as well, as that becomes the focal point. The textures are nice, but the white on almost white skin keeps a lot of the items (especially the swimsuit) from shining texture-wise. Even with the issues, though, taken as a whole the avatar isn't bad looking at all. It's actually quite nice. And the changes to her hair and face help solidify her character.
0-DCB as Brian Eichmann

Erm, I got this letter in my mailbox. I'm not really one for swimming. I hope you don't mind if I just sit on my towel and read this book? I might occasionally splash my feet around in the shallow end. There was a time when I was a child when my face got badly sunburnt! [...] Oh! The sunscreen on my face? I just don't like to take chances ever since that family vacation on the beach.
Creativity: 7/10
Visuals: 6/10
Total: 13/20
I like that you're trying to keep up with the quirky item choices, but that skirt is quite bothersome as it's quite obviously a giant blue skirt. I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish with it (is it a towel replacement?) and that's my biggest issue with it.
I actually really like most of the other choices (the book, the tattoo, the water) and the face is my favorite part of the entire outfit. I just wish the parchment didn't swallow the entire avatar and I would like to see a bit more visual appeal among his clothing.
Creativity: 7/10
Visuals: 6/10
Total: 13/20
I like that you're trying to keep up with the quirky item choices, but that skirt is quite bothersome as it's quite obviously a giant blue skirt. I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish with it (is it a towel replacement?) and that's my biggest issue with it.
I actually really like most of the other choices (the book, the tattoo, the water) and the face is my favorite part of the entire outfit. I just wish the parchment didn't swallow the entire avatar and I would like to see a bit more visual appeal among his clothing.
la faux pas as Klaus Ranier Zeitung

"Where's the alcohol? Never mind, I brought my own, as yours is no doubt cheap and poorly made."
Creativity: 10/10
Visuals: 10/10
Total: 20/20
I really like this. The watch. The sunglasses. The white rolled up slacks. His character is shining bright.
The only real suggestion I'd have is possibly adding sandals. As he seems like the kind of guy who wouldn't want to walk bare foot in a place where everyone else would be bare foot.
Could there be more to him? Certainly.
But would more really add anything to the character or his style? No.
Creativity: 10/10
Visuals: 10/10
Total: 20/20
I really like this. The watch. The sunglasses. The white rolled up slacks. His character is shining bright.
The only real suggestion I'd have is possibly adding sandals. As he seems like the kind of guy who wouldn't want to walk bare foot in a place where everyone else would be bare foot.
Could there be more to him? Certainly.
But would more really add anything to the character or his style? No.
flickadur as Josephine Johnson

Ugh, another pool party? I've already been to 3 this season. I would much rather prefer to go to one of those cool new glow in the dark parties. Those seem positively thrilling. Perhaps Hubby #7, Fernando I think his name was, will pay for me to host one. Wait, maybe it was Hernando. Well, I'm not sure anymore, but what does it matter? The old toad will bite the dust soon anyways.
(*hears meow from her cat Mister Cremizon the third*)
What time is it?
(*checks $5,000 watch*)
Oh goodness, I've got to get going to this damn party. I hope there are some cute boys there. Or even girls, I don't have a preference after all when it comes to pleasure. But oh goodness, do I have to go? Ah, maybe if I bring Mister Cremizon the third with me I won't be pressured into talking to anyone. Yes yes, good plan. Now, shall I bring my $12,000 Balenciaga purse, or my $43,000 Louis Vuitton "fancy" pack?
(*laughs to herself*)
Why did I even bother thinking about it?
(*grabs the Louis bag*)
Creativity: 6/10
Visuals: 8/10
Total: 14/20
If I'm going to be honest, she's a bit boring. She's actually exactly what I expected out of this kind of character. I kind of wish you would have stuck with her incessant need to look young, at least that gave her a bit more character than "I love money."
Once again, though, the face is fantastic for that overly botoxed look. The addition of the kitty is interesting and her pose is perfectly aloof and the kept the score from dipping too low.
The outfit isn't bad, but she's not breaking out of the box of 'rich lady'. Definitely a huge improvement over last round though.
Creativity: 6/10
Visuals: 8/10
Total: 14/20
If I'm going to be honest, she's a bit boring. She's actually exactly what I expected out of this kind of character. I kind of wish you would have stuck with her incessant need to look young, at least that gave her a bit more character than "I love money."
Once again, though, the face is fantastic for that overly botoxed look. The addition of the kitty is interesting and her pose is perfectly aloof and the kept the score from dipping too low.
The outfit isn't bad, but she's not breaking out of the box of 'rich lady'. Definitely a huge improvement over last round though.
Aerovinity as Sicilia Burke

Creativity: 5/10
Visuals: 5/10
Total: 10/20
I feel like she just flopped to the opposite end of the spectrum from last round. She lost that ditzy feeling for just college student.
She looks like a wealthy college student on spring break. While that isn't bad, it's just not all that interesting. I just can't find a reason to see this as anything but ordinary.
Creativity: 5/10
Visuals: 5/10
Total: 10/20
I feel like she just flopped to the opposite end of the spectrum from last round. She lost that ditzy feeling for just college student.
She looks like a wealthy college student on spring break. While that isn't bad, it's just not all that interesting. I just can't find a reason to see this as anything but ordinary.
eIeventh day as Lucrecia Cruz

Another day, another job to be done. My morning ritual is to get the job done before doing things that I want… as always…as a payment in return for Chantal’s kindness, I started at Chantal’s room up to the living room until I noticed a letter on the front door, It was some kind of invitation and based on the envelope it belongs to Quiet Oaks, since the letter was addressed to Miss, I called her up... it’s not the first time this happened, Chantal informed me to contact her whenever something arrived, letters, flowers, gifts… anything… and she always have those special presents… For a diva like her, she has a lot of admirers… She lived by her own will; she’s a success with a gift of generosity and fierceness (that’s what she said)… that’s why I idolize Miss Chantal… She’s the boss, she’s the best… I owe her my life…
I started calling Chantal… “Good day madam…” I greeted her with a cheerful tone, Chantal likes everyone to be happy and fierce (that’s what she said), she dislikes those grumpy and negative Nancy moods. “Lucy here, Miss Chantal”
“Heya, Lucy~ How you doin’, girl?”
“Im doing well Miss, How was your trip to Africa? When do you plan to come over?” I asked miss, She’s on a date, a cruise with an African politician she met on one of her opera show… they’ve been dating and getting to know each other for months now…
“Oh, Kanur is great, he’s all the man, I want… Im in love Lucy… he’s a package~ like he’s huge in physical ways, girl… I love him, he loves me… we’re planning to… settle, Lucy! Isnt that fun and romantic at the same time~colliding to each other like magnets?”
“That’s great to hear Madam…” I told her, with a bit of sadness… “What about your career Miss?” What about me? I asked her.
“Oh about that, hmmm… well… I’ve reached to the point where I think I need to leave it; I came to the point where my life changes pace… I’ve been living great, the lifestyle all in all, Lucy, You’ve been there, you know it… Everything is doing good but I still feel alone… Kanur is my missing puzzle Lucy… I’ve been selfish to you… Now I think, Im letting go Lucy…”
Tears start to shed… What a morning… Miss helped throughout, the changes in my life and those I’ve left in the Philippines is because of her, I was a struggling person until she helped me. I am nothing without Miss, my whole life depends on her… “Im just gonna tell you regarding this invitation Miss…” I started crying, my head starts to drizzle, I feel so down… I heard Miss laughing over the phone…
“Girl, just kidding you, haha, gotcha~ Oh great wow, what letter, girl?, Girl, I aint liking black dudes, and you know that hunty~ Im more of a white guy gal, and please, Africa? Pshhh, Im here for the blood diamond and the money honey? why’d you be serious, girl? Hahahaha” she was super happy “Girl, you was like huhuhuhuh sob sob sob, Haha, I should have seen your face LOOL”
I started to laugh also, that was odd, I was super happy; I thought everything will be gone… “You got me Miss”. Thank God it was all a joke, Thank heavens.
“And what is that invitation thing, open up that s**t and read it to me like it’s hot Lucrecia!” She commanded.
I started to read the letter to Chantal and found out that it really is an invitation… a beach party invitation for all the tenants of Quiet Oaks.
“Ew, what the ******** is that cheap Quiet Oaks beach party stuff, Lucy?… I aint attending that s**t, girl~ you go attend it for me~” she told me.
“But.. but… Chantal?” I told her… I don’t know what will I do…
“No buts Lucy, I hate the word… and yeah, you can use my Gold Card at my room or any of my clothes on my huge a** wardrobe, ok? For anything you want to do with yo’ self hunty~” She said… “and yeah, the diva will probably won’t be there for like 6 months, I have to practice for my upcoming opera, so everything else related to me like letters and bills… call me regarding that but those flowers and food, you’ prolly dispose that shits off girl~ I don’t want my first ever apartment, the gold of my sweat to look nasty as ********, and you know it Lucy~ OK?~”
“Yes Miss. That’s your word…” I told her…
“Yeah, yeah OK OK fine Im sure, I’ll be cutting our tete-a-tete Lucrecia, Im in the middle of the Africa… so girl~ you better just go, I will not give a ******** honey for like a month, don’t call me if it is not that important, ok? Tata~ and PS, don’t look like a rachet nasty a** ho, You bringing up my name and you’re so not gonna bring that meter maid aura girl, You should be bringing up my game~”
Miss ended the line… And I don’t know what to do… a beach party? It’s my first… Chantal brought me to the world but my world is Miss, so I don’t even know how to live it. What should I wear? What should I do, I really don’t know… I started reading stuffs regarding beach parties and other parties, I researched on what to wear and how to make things work… I guess I can do it…
Creativity: 5/10
Visuals: 6/10
Total: 11/20
I love how in depth your story is. It's got some super drama and all sorts of interesting and convoluted (in a good way) twists. I just wish the avatar was more. The choices you make are interesting (the dress in particular is a down right lovely choice), but the avatars are so simplistic that they're hard to judge. I can't applaud how nice the dress is because the artist made the dress. There's no difficulty in the layering. That's not bad by itself, this is a successful avatar even if it could use more detail.
Creativity: 5/10
Visuals: 6/10
Total: 11/20
I love how in depth your story is. It's got some super drama and all sorts of interesting and convoluted (in a good way) twists. I just wish the avatar was more. The choices you make are interesting (the dress in particular is a down right lovely choice), but the avatars are so simplistic that they're hard to judge. I can't applaud how nice the dress is because the artist made the dress. There's no difficulty in the layering. That's not bad by itself, this is a successful avatar even if it could use more detail.
SilverFalco as Ashley "Ash" Jardine

Don't really have any set-up writing for this one. I would like to explain some stuff though, if that's ok. I call him a nerd and yet he has abs. Because everyone in a soap has abs. Even nerds. Just like in real life. emotion_awesome Despite having the prerequisite nice body, he's shy about being seen looking like this, which is why he has a look of consternation on his face (that plus somebody handed him this silly party hat and he felt obligated to put it on).
(added for my judging, might as well include any explanations as story next round as I will be using all explanations in judging. either way, though, story/explanation will not be scored they just help me define what you meant with item choice)
Creativity: 7/10
Visuals: 7/10
Total: 14/20
I'm not feeling a couple of the choices (the watch in particular stands out as awkward). I'm iffy on the hat as well. I like it on him, but it is a luxury pool party. I have a feeling I'd like it more if he had shown up at the party wearing it. He feels like he might be the kind of guy who would assume any kind of party needed one of those hats. His face is neat too.
He's definitely unique (visually) among the other tenants. But I have the same feeling I had last round and I don't know why. He's just not jumping out at me as anything other than solid.
Creativity: 7/10
Visuals: 7/10
Total: 14/20
I'm not feeling a couple of the choices (the watch in particular stands out as awkward). I'm iffy on the hat as well. I like it on him, but it is a luxury pool party. I have a feeling I'd like it more if he had shown up at the party wearing it. He feels like he might be the kind of guy who would assume any kind of party needed one of those hats. His face is neat too.
He's definitely unique (visually) among the other tenants. But I have the same feeling I had last round and I don't know why. He's just not jumping out at me as anything other than solid.
Judging Rubric
Creativity (how interesting the avatar and your take on the round is): x/10
Visuals (the character's character, style, and all around visual appeal): x/10
Total: xx/20
Creativity (how interesting the avatar and your take on the round is): x/10
Visuals (the character's character, style, and all around visual appeal): x/10
Total: xx/20