Well hello again journal, it has been a while. Well, life is slowly getting better. From friends to family to relationships, of course I could be happier. But I can settle for what I've got now emotion_bigheart I have to say I love my friend even though sometimes they can be a little harsh, but everyone has their bad days emotion_yatta As for my family, they are too much of a jumble to even explain, I won't even attempt that one emotion_drool As for a relationship, at the moment I've got my eyes set on a guy, but all I can really do is hope he has his eyes set on me too yum_puddi heart
But the last thing I want to say in my journal is thank you to all my friends who have helped me through these hard times. I'm glad I have people, even if they are off in the distance, here to talk to me. It means so much to me. Thank you. emotion_bigheart
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