So Like, I got my hands on the towns audio source file, although I would have preferred the actual score, but no one seems to have that...Anyways I searched high and low for the file from the mediafire source directory all the way to a few choice sites, that will not be mentioned for reasons I wont disclose...So, let's just say I looked around, alot. But alas, I found it not.
Until finally, Like a beacon of light guiding me to the promised land, I stumbled across youtube. And guide me it did, to the video simply titled "Gaia Online Towns Music", I felt so stupid for not looking there before, some 8 hours earlier.
Not only that, but the gods of the internet also bestowed upon me search results for Fruity Loops Tutorials! Praise be, for there art gods, if someone as unlucky as I am, would stumble upon such a trove of data! After five minutes of staring at the screen, wrought with euphoria, and at the same time disbelief, I downloaded the video and promptly stripped the audio from it, revealing its sexy interior.
[You might be wondering why, I would go to such lengths for something I could simply record from GAIA Towns on the site, well, If you've not been keeping up with the amazing life of me, its because my Network Card is busted on my laptop and its currently in the shop. But then, most of you probably didnt know you could batch record from your Default Mixer Device, or Soundcard input. Anywho, back to the great quest~!]
So having trailblazed the great internetverse, slaying all dead links or broken search results, I had finally acquired that which I sought. Oh how the chills ran down my spine, and how the oxygen just would not stay in my lungs long enough to actually take a breath. I soon got over my hysteria, but that was soon replaced with a feeling of helplessness, so much so I almost cried. As I had no Idea how to import my shiny and newly converted mp3 file into Fruity Loops Studio. See Fruity Loops Studio only supports .Ogg vorbis, ,MIDI files, and .Wav files...All seemed lost...
Until I turned to the great databank, known as YouTube, filled with both useful, and unhelpful information! I lurked around the tube until I found a video pertaining to my current predicament at hand. The video detailed how to import mp3 files into a sound editing and recording plug-in known as "Edison." The man in the video spoke like a sage lecturing his adepts. I could only watch in awe as this greater being showed me the ways of completing my current quest. Twenty minutes later, of which only 7 minutes were actually helpful...I had imported the file into Fruity Loops, and all seemed well in the house of von Kalek...Until...
I found out that sending the file to the piano roll does indeed imitate the melody, I had been searching for. But it also picks up on every frequency in the file. My toughest foe seemed to be the deep base line, despite being in such a simple melody. The Clap, was easilly filtered out via a Noise Filter, but that left a considerable gap in the meodic tone, as it seems the creators of the original towns theme, magical as they are, set the tune to only have a single Mono Channel, and a measly 64kb/s bitrate...And so the song sounds like it was beaten like a red-headed step-child.
I'm thinking the remix i'll do of gaia towns will have a dubstep-style flow to it. But I'll also remaster and rerecord the towns theme, so it has an updated tone to it, and doesn't sound so grainy.
So, currently my new quest is to figure out a way to cut out the deep bass and balance out the frequency of the song, leaving only the melody.
Remix update: Thinking of maybe sampling some skrillex tracks for my remix, more specifically, Scary monsters and nice sprites, and Breakn' a sweat. Both of those files have exactly what im looking for, deep and grainy Growl Effects, plus some nice vocal channels. biggrin
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