▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ M A T H I A S & A S H E R ★★★Holla some feedback or advice at me for ways to make these characters better and fleshing them out more.

♚★★M A T H I A S S Ø R E N S E N ★C O M M I S S I O N E D: [★mathias][★][★][★][★][★][★][★] ★A G E & G E N D E R: 24, Male ★H E I G H T:6'1'' ★P O S I T I O N: One of the queen's protector in the Royal Guard and one of the top fighters at the Royal Center. ★B A C K S T O R Y: Mathias' family was well-off but had demanding parents who wanted him to have good grades and were never really there for him. Whenever he'd step out of line and complain or talk about how he feels, he would be ignored or get angry at so the only time he'd be able to release anything was when he'd train or go out side. When he finally became an adult, he left home and traveled anywhere far away where he met all kinds of people which helped him move on. He managed to earn a job as a royal guard for the queen after showing off his skills during a fighting competition at the Capital. He gets along well with everyone and his team but it wasn't until he finally befriended Asher did he start overcoming his issues of opening up to them. More to come, not yet finalized. ★P E R S O N A L I T Y & C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S: Mathias loves to have fun, loves to fight which makes him a bit brash and wild at times. Mathias trains everyday with others or by himself to keep him occupied when there are no missions to execute and it is his preferred way of cooling off. He enjoys sparring or fighting whenever he can. He is charismatic and can use his charm and flirting to his advantage. Despite being a polite and friendly guy (at times unintentionally) outside his work mode, Mathias has a few intimacy issues and really doesn't like to get personal or talk about family and his past. This sets up an unspoken boundary and distance with those around him and his team at the beginning, before meeting Asher. He follows orders without questions, disregarding right and wrong in order to complete his mission. When adding his steel determination into the mix, he can become very ruthless in a battle. More to come, not yet finalized. ★R E L A T I O N S H I P S: a s h e r: The first meeting occurs the aftermath of a difficult mission that leads to everyone in the Royal Guard being injured, where fate decides to assign Asher to be the healer of Mathias and attend to his wounds. After a failed attempt at small talk, Mathias becomes interested in Asher's apathetic and cold demeanor. It also didn't hurt that he was extremely good-looking. More to come, not yet finalized.
♛★★A S H E R C A R W Y N ★C O M M I S S I O N E D: [★asher][★][★][★][★] ★A G E & G E N D E R: 23, Male ★H E I G H T:5'8'' ★P O S I T I O N: One of the top healers at the Royal Center ★B A C K S T O R Y: Not yet finalized. ★P E R S O N A L I T Y & C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S: Asher is the type to observe others rather than engage in any form of interaction with them. Asher is a bit apathetic and doesn't show much emotion or talk much. He's mean spirited and uses sarcasm a lot, he likes to make his words sting. Though his job isn't to fight and despite how he looks, he's still pretty tough and strong. He's antisocial, dislikes most people's company, and it takes a lot to impress him or befriend him. He's calm when under fire but it took him a while to become used to busy and hectic days. He tends to takes solstice in quiet places or when surrounded by books instead of people. Asher dislikes it when people bother him for no reason at all or when it gets unnecessarily noisy. More to come, not yet finalized. ★R E L A T I O N S H I P S: m a t h i a s: Not yet finalized.
★★C O U P L E A R T ( C O M M I S S I O N E D ): [★mathias with asher] [★][★][★][★][★][★][★][★]

By: zombieberry
pepperoni cheese · Mon Oct 14, 2013 @ 11:27pm · 0 Comments |