Violet Red
I'm Sydney Stryker and I am different.
Ms. Negative
This school knows what I've been through
Sydney has horrible grades and no they won't ever get better. She is verbally abusive to other children and throws occasional threats. Anytime she is called to the office, she laughs and asks why the principle looks so surprised. Sydney is the way she is because she has been abused. Her father is a drunk and her mother is helplessly insecure. Every night Sydney waits terrified in her room for the door to swing open and her father to stumble in with a belt, bat, or even his fists. Sydney learn to take the hits and that screaming was useless. Her school is aware of the issue, but will not take action. The negative girl is therefore an outcast. Judged by her rebellious actions because no one ever listened anyway.
But they don't know me
She expects the worst of herself and would expect nothing more. Her life and the life of others mean nothing. It is rare to see her smile or offer the smallest bit of positive encouragement. She refuses to socialize properly.
Try as you may, you'll never change who I am.