Character Name: Mayoko Yuki
Title: Maid of None
Age: 6
Race: Iron Maiden
Gender: Female
Ability: +.] [Active] Transmit: A skill that she is able to deploy in a fight. It allows her to bring in weapons into her arms of her choosing. This does take a bit of her stamina away as she has to replace or get ride of weapons she may have. She has a range of weapons from knifes, swords, and some odd ones such as brooms, every item in her eyes is a weapon to her. So in times of need she will bring in a odd weapon choice which may turn the tied of battle to her favor.
+.] [Active] Cleansing Limbs: This as the title says deals with her limbs deals with her fighting with either both hands having no weapon or one having no weapon. Using the weapon free hand if she was going to catch a person fist with it they be shock to see it open up showing the inner working of her body and as fast as it opens it close around the hand and wrist. Once caught it will thrill spikes into them and the spikes will open up inside like fish hooks, each hook has a poison tip that will stun that part of the body and will start to spread at a slow rate . This does however deal damage to herself as she has to change parts of her arms to be able to do this and does drain her magic and cause some internal damage. However compare to what happens to her opponent its worth the risk as they most likely will either lose that arm or be unable to use it once she releases it.
+.] [Active] Cup of Tea: Using a bit of Transmit she bring forth a cup of tea and offers to her opponent this is normally an open type move for her fighting. Taking the cup or saying no to, it will result in to actions. If taken they will get a nice cup of tea and once they are done with it the cup itself that they were holding will explode in front of their face. If they chose not to take it she will toss it down shattering the cup and from the liquid soaking into the ground will create an underground weapon that will at some point of the match shoot up from under them. However it not that easy as she must keep them close to where she destroyed the tea cup in about a 10 foot radius of it. This takes a small bit of energy away from her and stamina to use.
+.] [Passive] Inner Clock: Being an Iron Maiden she gains the skill called Inner Clock. What this does is as a match rages on and such all the damage she takes can for a small burst (2 post) increase her power, stamina, and her magic. The way one could tell that Inner Clock has been use is the color of her eyes switches to a crystal clear color almost appearing that she doesn't have eyes. However once Inner Clock is use it enters a cool down(5 post) once the cool down is done it reactive itself. She doesn't control when it becomes active, each time she gets harm it adds 1 count to Inner Clock getting 6 count turns Inner Clock on.
+.] [Passive] Details of the Severs: Even thought she isn't human her eyes can easily keep track of people and of their actions. Even if they move at intense speeds she can keep track of them; however, it may take a bit longer for her eyes to calibrator to their speed. The longer she fights the more like she can even plot their next train of attacks however this many not be right all the time. she is pro to making errors just like anyone else. However if her opponent doesn't notices this and the longer the match goes on the more likely she will be able to easily counter them.
+.] [Passive] Maid to None: Appearing as a human like maid at all times, from head to toe she looks human and gives no hint to what she truly is. Even her flesh will bleed and such but it wont effect to her much as she truly isn't human or really alive, however she appears to be it. Only way one could tell she isn't is by the moves she does such as Cleansing Limbs.
+.] [Passive] Internal Cogs: Being not human she doesn't have to worry about bleeding to death however if to much of her internal cogs or the crystal in the center of her body is damage she will feel it and it will slow her down. Over time it can repair itself out of combat, but in combat it cant and the more the cogs damage the slower she reacts but the slower she becomes the stronger her hits will become. If she reaches the point of where internal cogs falls below 10% she will enter a mode call Severs Awaking.
+.] [Passive] Severs Awaking: A state in which her body become light and fast but due to her cogs being at 10% she in effect has only 2 post to finish the fight before her body shuts down fully and enter a state of recover. With her state being light and fast and her power at its strongest she can be deadlier then anyone could believe. However she is unable to use any of her magic at this time.
Gear: +.] Servant Pocket Watch: A small watch with a golden chain attack it that she has on herself. It has really nothing to special at first glance but as she able to increase the length of the chain and send it flying towards her opponent and around the pocket watch small thine saw like blades appear and using her magic starts to spin at a high speed being able to cut through flesh with easy. If she wraps the chain around someone she can use it to pull them towards her or pull them down to the ground.
+.]Cruse Maid Blade: Two knifes that she has strap under her outfit on her right leg. These weapons can not be summon with Transmit. These blades are long knifes and are special as in order to use them she must have already been harm. Using one or both of these blades she is almost able to slice through anything that gets in her way. Getting cut by one of these blades will slow the person down in time as the tips are lace with a poison. Getting stab will most like cause a numbing effect to the target and quickly shut down the limb or body part that was hit by it. If these blades are not within 3 foot radius of her they will vanish to reaper where she had taken them from and she has to wait 2 post before being able to re use them.
+.] Maid Outfit: A stander cloth made clothing that appear to be nothing more then a maid outfit. If she is using any item that is called a Servant or a Maid she gains a small speed increase. By use is holding such weapon in her hand such as her two weapons she keeps on person. Those two are the only two that are name as Transmit weapons do not count.
+.] Iron Maiden Human Skin: A thin layer of skin that covers the body. Its only 2" deep thus light cuts will not show what is really under it but stabs and deep cuts will show the metal body. It does bleed but doesn't effect her motion or action.
+.] Flash Bang Grande: Hidden under her skirt are a 4 Flash Bang Grade (FBG) which she can deploy by just hitting them and quickly moving off of them as they have a delay fuse to give her a few seconds to move. She able to use them in the mist of a battle to turn the tide of a battle to her favor because of the sudden flash and the shock wave that comes off one plus the fragments of the device going off can cause harm to herself and to her opponent if she's not careful when using.
Occupation: None
Residence: Despaira Plains
Alignment: None
Background: Created to be use as a assassin and deal with high value targets. However a pound creation the mansion that she was made in was attack and destroyed in a battle to by time for her and her Master to escape. At the end she found herself all alone. She has been traveling around kill those who have wrong her. Those who have to make them theirs have also meet the same fate those who have escape her have come to name her the Maid of none. she yet to find those that she was meet to aid nor does she truly know who 'they' are and thus she doesn't trust anyone and will not give people many chance before she kills them.