Senior class of 2006 (meh friends, tehe): I love these people to death!
(From left to right: Adam Farque, Justin Vilo, me! XP, Scott Ursery, Jeffrey Kelso, Robbie Bridges, and Nicci Moran)
*sniffles* Heather and Nathan... you guys are like family to me. I wuv you!
Phear t3h potato people!! XP (inside joke) Ben is a sweetheart. I'm gonna miss him!
Nathan, Sissy, and Dustin... ya'll are crazeh!!! But I love yah!!
Robbie and Justin... meh bitches... XP *wicked grin* Bwuhahahaa. We just crazy like that. XD
My best friend in the entire world, my soul sister... I love you Nicci! I don't know where I would be without you. ^^
After the awards, we hit Chili's. ^^ It was Nathan's b-day, and we wanted to all hang out. The strange guy in there *grins*, that'd be Morgan, and the other chicka ish Katie, Nicci's lil' sis'. ^^
And of course, I have to throw in a random picture from prom. ^^ That night was friggin' awesome. (From left to right, back row: Lindsey, me, Katie, Nicci, Sarah, and Sissy. Bottom: Alex, Anthony, Morgan, and Larry)