Hello everyone. I'm sure you all probly saw my asking for donations to get the Steel_plated Ninja Band. I still want it, but that would be years of saving up. So I'm going for a easyer thing. One that I can get little by little to compleete, that's my dream avi.
I've got everything needed for it on my Wish list, well almost everything. I know this will cost alot for the fox ears and tail, plus the whip, but if I keep buying everything for it bit by bit, I'll have my dream avi in no time. ^^ So if you could please donate some gold to help me out on this, it'd be much apreciated. ^^
P.S. If I spelled a word wrong, please let me know. I can't spell very well. >.<
Luna_Hasawa · Sat May 27, 2006 @ 07:56pm · 2 Comments |