I guess my summer just started[I guess so, genius, today was your last day of school]. Brittnae's gonna be here soon; unfortunately I'll be gone when she gets here, but whatever, I'll be at the beach with Christi. XD For liiike... eight days. So then when I get back she'll be here, and then I can get some babysitting jobs down the street. There's a little girl named Serenity; she's getting a lot smarter, and she's soooo cute! She's got downs; but she's getting so smart. She's starting to say more things. And people mean it when they say kids at these age have minds like a sponge; they have these black neighbors, and when they come over they'll be like, "Oopsie daisy, here come the niggers!" AND SHE SAYS IT. OMG, it's really funny, but she's two! Dear Lord is it funny though. XDDD! Except she kinda says 'neggers'. [NO I'M NOT RACIST.] Her parents are really funny; there's Jimmy and Jill. They're awesome. XD They make the best jokes, and they talk freely around kids, so I can make dirty jokes and really funny jokes around them and they don't, like, say anything. They make more. XD I know I mentioned them last summer... ... probably. I dunno. Also! Zak came to get me earlier. It was weird. AND HE GOT HIS EAR PIERCED! OMG, it's so awesome. We went to the park and caught up for a while, then Jimmy came out, we went over and talked to him, we went back to the park, Jill came out, and Zak left after a few. I was out there for a long while with Jill, Jimmy, Serenity, and Valerie; it was cool. Talkin to the J's, playing with Serenity, jokin' 'round with Val. smile I think I'll actually have a nice summer. Word is, though, that Britt had to erase her Myspace. o_o That was, like... her life. I'm scared of what she does with her time now. I wonder if she learned how to play chess... XD
[.Rikocette.Echoes.] · Thu Jun 15, 2006 @ 02:49am · 6 Comments |