Monsters do exist Mommy They hide under my bed And grab at my toes They stand in my closet And foul my clothes They make scary faces And go bump in the night
But they don’t scare me Mommy I have Bunny beside me Keeping me safe
While you and Daddy are busy yelling I hold him close and cover his ears He doesn’t like you shouting But I tell him not to say
Whispers in the night Betray our secret words But you and Daddy can’t hear us Not over the bad words you say
I cover my head with my pillow Red eyes leaking tears of despair My seventh birthday is tomorrow But you say Daddy won’t be there
I have a new best friend She tells me that you’re lying That it’s like last year But instead of a party, Daddy will be the surprise Daddy will be there to eat the cake It’s his favorite too
My best friend came to live inside my head When you and Daddy started to yell She tells me all sorts of things But they’re secret and I’ll never tell
I love you Mommy I love Daddy too But I’m scared now Bunny isn’t here tonight And my best friend has gone away Little things have begun to bite You and Daddy can’t hear me cry There’s no one here to save me As the monsters come out