A day of wondering a day of trying to figure out what is wrong with me and his face makes it all clear. n_n I love him heart No matter what doubts my mind puts into my head. My heart tried to tell my head "No" But I'm glad I listened to it. Fighting Logic and doubt it was hard. They were trying to rip my life apart. Made me doubt my feelings and if I truely felt them. I was lost in a sea of confusion for why I was thinking this. He's never done anything to me to make me want to leave him. I'm not sure why my head even thought this. Maybe this is what my ex was fighting for the last monthes of our relationship. Logic... It makes since I suppose, but seeing my love's face made me sure. I love him and I don't want to lose him. I want to be with him once more. So hopefully next time I'm in doubt I won't act on impulse cause if I did this time I would have hurt him sooo much. And I knew I didn't want to do that. My heart kept telling my head that I love him I'm glad something stood up for him if it hadn't I would be so miserable right now and so would he. I'm so sorry to even think of leaving him. emo And I know your reading this. And it propably kills you to know I had doubts But I'm certain now. I love you and I don't want to leave you. It hurts me knowing I have thought that I was unsure. I'm glad I didn't do what my mind was telling me to. It would have destroyed us. I love you and I DON'T want to leave you. I'm sorry to have had those thoughts. But my heart will always love you no matter what spell my mind is under.
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