Profile for: Keba
Gender: Male
Race: Deerfolk/ Wizard
Age: 15
Basic Description:
Birth date: Aug. 24, 1989
Home: Druma Wood, Fincayra
family background: Family and clan killed in massacre
Blood Type confused ??
Height: 5"9
Hobby: wonderer
birth place: southeastern most part of Fincayra
History, background: Keba's whole clan including his family was killed of in his younger years, living alone in the forest he discovered his powers through the spirit of his great grandfather Merlin
Physical Description
hairstyle: long, red
Eyes: blue, has a hint of sadness toned into them
Body: slim, tall
Physical condition: strong in legs, arms, and back
Marks, scar, tattoo: many scars thought body
Clothing: clothing made from vines, wears no shoes

Fur style: short, thick, reddish tan
Eyes: brown
Body: very deer like but has more muscular legs than the usual deer
Physical condition: strong limbs neck and back (able to carry a man on back)
Points: 3 on each side

fur: short, red
Eyes: blue
Body: more muclecular
Physical condition: strong in legs, arms, and back
Marks, scar, tattoo: scares from human form remain on him
other: while in his werewolf form he is able to control himself

likes: forests, trustworthy people,
Dislikes: any preditory speicies, Guns, and Bows
Fears: Hunters, Arrows
Goals: to find out the truth of the attack that killed off his clan, to protect Fincayra
Hobbies: wondering
Occupation: protecting his homeland
Favorite food: mainly fruits, berries
Least favorite food: most meat
Most prized possessions (important or emotional value): a broken of tip of a deer antler that came from his father, pendent form homeland (Emerald of Life)
Vernacular (way of speaking): very calm, has a moderate tone to his voice, but voice is richer in his deer form
Character behavior: shy and untrusting of others, but will protect those he conceder's friends
Aptitude: switches from positive to negative depending on conditions
Social and other pressure, problems: does not cop well with human and other predatory species
Relationships (with who and what kind): Human:very poor/ Elves, wizard, other respectful species: good
Beliefs, superstition, moral value: doesn't know what to believe
Positive characteristics: Loyal, friendly, kind
Negatives characteristics: Shyness, persistent to keeping thing secret to others
Personality: Shy, Selfless/Righteous, helpful to others
Physical: able to walk great distances without getting tired, skilled at using staff
Magical: becoming a deer at will, magic: fire, ice, healing, limited teleportation, able to take a werewolf form (learned how to while under it's curse)
Other: able to communicate with animals and some trees, knowledge of using plants for many types of medicine
Name: Keba (last name unknown)
Age: 15
Height: 5"7 (human)
5"2(deer counting antlers)
Type: wizard/ deerfolk
Location: mainly forest areas
place of birth: in a forest near the smoking cliffs but moved to the druma ofter his clan was slaughtered (Fincayra)
Interests: magic, and such
side: defender (good)
Allies: Caris (bard), Gwded (dwarf), Smiger (giant), Ector (orphan), Titan (dragon)
Enemies: warrior goblins, kreelixes, Rhita Gwar, Clan Rightious
Additional info: is able to change into deer


(keba can speak common [human] while in his deer form)

Story: When keba was about 5 years old his entire clan was wiped out leaving him the only survivor of the deerfolk. Managing to escape into the nearby moutains he headed west till he reached the druma woods wherehe hoped he would be safe. A few days later after wondering around the spirit of his great great great great grandfather came to him and showed him a great tree called Arabassa. taking his grandfathers advise to live there and to grow there. (keba found his staff and his sword in the cottage also)
after a few years past keba (10) decides to visit one of the towns nearby hoping to subdue his fear of others. reaching the Town of the Bards he runs into a man carrying a large load of books by the name of Caries, while helping him with his books keba asks why he was carrying so many
Carise siply says that he need to look into somethings about the extinced race of the deerfolk. droping the books he was holding keba freezes and looks at the man and asked him if he could read some of the books to him. Caries agrees but wonders why a boy whould be so intrested in the deerfolk.
after learning about each other Caries agrees to teach keba they ways of his people (man) while keba tells him what he remeber what his people did before they where slaughtered.
(need to finish it))
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