I wasn't on much from two weeks to a week ago. Here's the long story why, more for my own purposes than anyone else's. xd
The old place I was living at had the lease expire on August 30th, instead of the 31st, which I had always assumed. The landlord, being quite the jerk, sent my roommates a letter, outlining that we had to leave by 1:00 p.m. on the 30th. Of course, he sent us this letter on the 29th...He dated it the 22nd, but it was obviously hand-delivered the day before. xp So then I had to message my roommates (most of them had gone by then) in a panic, and spread the, um, joy. This also meant that I had to call my dad at the last minute for him to help me move. Moreover, I had to inform my new landlady that I was moving in early. gonk
It was horribly annoying to move so early and get everything organized. I moved in without too much problem (with the guilty conscience that I was making my new landlady angry, although she's really kind). Unfortunately, I had to go back to work that same afternoon, since I had started something that had to be finished within 24 hours. (That, by the way, didn't work out since someone mixed up the chemicals at work and ruined my experiment...ARGH!)
Then my sister and I were planning a bus tour trip from September 2-5. My dad was angry because he said that if I didn't have my room cleaned before I left, I'd get kicked out by the landlady for being too messy. (...WTF? All my mess was in my room, nowhere else.) So then I spent all of September 1st cleaning my room (my work contract expired by then). Finally, I took the bus home that night to go home and take the tour bus the next day with my sister.
I was travelling with my sister, and no one else. (After the trip, my sister and I both agreed that our dad would have hated it.) We had two seats on the tour bus. And it was a good trip. We visited a ton of U.S. cities, including New York and Washington, D.C. We got to stay in hotels and stuff. whee The food varied (mostly because the meals were somewhat pre-determined). Unfortunately, we were not allowed adequate time in each stop. The maximum amount of time we had free time was one hour. crying So we didn't get to do all that we wanted.
I did, however, go shopping...for books. xp (Did I mention I was a nerd? xd ) Books are cheaper in the U.S. than in Canada, mainly because the price difference in the books are outrageous. For example, my copy of Emma has a U.S. price of $4.95, and a Canadian price of $6.95. This is a roughly 40% difference. However, the Canadian dollar is roughly 90% the value of a USD. So, I'm paying an extra 30% for books. Silly me decided to take advantage of my trip to the U.S. and pay a very little less for books! Glad to know I have my priorities straight...So during dinner once which was right next door to a Borders, which I have never been to, I bolted down my dinner, ran next door without paying (sort of, since it was already pre-paid) and bought Volumes 13 and 14 of Fruits Basket. xd PockyFille always mentiones Borders, and I'm glad I got to go there. It was just like Chapters...Plus, they had exactly what I wanted.
Later, in Baltimore, my sister and I went to Barnes and Noble. They had, however, an unimpressive collection of manga that was all helter-skelter. So I bought a couple of Ursula Le Guin books instead, and one of them was a little bit damaged. I like my books pristine. Suffice to say that if given the chance, I'd go back to Borders before Barnes and Noble. wink
Blah blah blah. I can't cover the whole trip, so I'll just post one of the many pictures I took and be done with it. >_>
The Washington Monument:
 Too bad the wind was blowing a bit; I wanted a clear reflection picture, but that didn't happen in the...ten minutes we were there. @_o;;
Lost and Found
So after we came back to Canada...I lost my wallet. crying (My dad exploded when he found out. sweatdrop ) I tend to lose things (being a loser and all) so I had no idea what had happened to it. We couldn't find it in the house or luggage, so my dad came to the conclusion that someone on the bus took it from me while I was sleeping. I had some money in it, but I was more worried about replacing all my cards (health card, bank cards, etc.) Anyway, we couldn't find it, and I had to start school in a week. So I went back to campus with just cash, and barely any ID. confused But I really believed that I would get my wallet back. I did believe it. domokun
And yesterday, I got a call from my mom. After almost two weeks of being lost, my wallet turns up in the mail, minus my cash. eek My dad said that the thieves took the cash and then put the wallet into a mailbox, which Canada Post graciously sent back home. heart I kind of didn't replace all of my cards yet, since I believed that it would turn up. And it did. So I have mixed feelings about that. Of course, I wish the money hadn't been taken, but I'm glad to have my wallet back. I had told myself that if I did get my wallet back, I'd write about it. I got it back, so I am. I'm not sure if I should say "thank you" to the thieves, but oh well. (I personally don't believe my dad's theory, but...) At least Canada Post (the mail system here) is great. Thank you to them. whee heart
And then I didn't get hooked up to the Internet until Tuesday of last week. The end. O_O
Shatterglass · Sun Sep 17, 2006 @ 09:21pm · 2 Comments |