It has come to my attention that a few users would like to have the opportunity to dress my avatar, therefore I have decided to hold a little
'Style Manda' game.
What happens?Due to the number of requests to outfit my avatar im leaving the decision of how my avatar should look upto anyone that wishes to participate.
How do I play?Below these questions will be a list of items I currently own, which will be updated if and when I get some more, these are the items that you can use or not to use when creating a new look for my avatar. Alternatively if theres an item you think you could use to make my look better, donations are gladly accepted
xd How do you know what items are equipped?Well this is where I'm relying on your help, when you post the new style of my avatar I am asking that you post a list of items that have been equipped and -if any- what positions they are set as.
How do I make you?Easy I've already done that part for you, heres the link;
[DarkDreams] Also, please keep in mind that i won't change my avatar's hair, eyes or mouth style, so make sure this is taken into consideration.
So whats in it for me?Well you can say are the stylist for [DarkDreams]
xd I'll also advertise your skills in my signature as my current stylist and all showcased styles will recieve 1K in GaiaGold.
What's the catch?No catch, all you have to do is style my avatar using the base at
TekTek on the above link with my current available items and then I'll display your style for 7 days -give or take a few hours- for all of Gaia to see. Upon displaying your style you will recieve a trade with 1K in GaiaGold from me which you must accept in order to attain.
Can I enter more than once?Of course! Please keep in mind to make this fair I will do this in order of a 'first come, first serve' basis however, if you have already styled my avatar you will be moved down to the bottom of the list if someone who hasn't had the opportunity to do so decides to style me.
How long will this last?I havent figured that out just yet, I was thinking 'til the end of the year maybe and then having the most popular style displayed to welcome in the new year.
OmG yu haff s00000 much stuff can i haff sum?No, i earned the gold to buy all my stuff, and some of which was donated, all credits are in my profile, if you want something buy it yourself. I donate, rather frequently but if you ask, youll never receive from me.
Understandably there are some items I've become rather fond of, attached to or those that simply have sentimental value to me, I would like to keep these items equipped on my avatar as a part of the new style you have created.
Items I Adore
Sweetheart Silver Pendant

Silver Promise Ring

CoCo Kitty Plushie

Silver Pocket Watch

Silver Bracelet
Items I like But Aren't A Necessity
Soft Black Underwear

Black Strapless Bra

#0000FF Complex Shirt

Black Catscratch Hat

Chairo Cache Shades

Aoi Cache Shades

Black Dress Boot

Black Goth Boots

Streaked Brown Jeans

Streaked Black Jeans

Dark Halo x 2

Ancient Katana x 2
Everything Else
White Paper Cat Band

Blue Paper Cat Band

Goldenrod Paper Cat Band

Sharp Fish Teeth

Trap Jaw


Easter Bunny Shirt

Easter 2k6 Chicky Tie

Easter Bunny Ears

Bunny Tail


Gray Peasant's Top

Romani Glasses

Mod Squad Mask

Flower on my Head

Doctors Parabolic Reflector

Nurses Hat

Space Bubble

Night Vision Goggles

Bachelors Cap

TV Head

Ohh~Cean Red Head Wrap

Ohh~Cean Blue Head Wrap

Ohh~Cean Black Head Wrap

The 4th Amigo Lucki Hat

The 4th Amigo Dusti Hat

The 4th Amigo Guappa Hat

Ocean Blue Wrap

Mid day Yellow Wrap

Sunset Lavender Wrap

Pearl Castaway Shirt

Black Castaway Shirt

Whatever Blackheart Top

Smoke Glamrock Sleeveless Top

Black Sleeveless Silk Top

Blacklight Ribbed Shirt

Suede Ribbed Shirt

Black Skeleton Shirt

Black Net Top

Red Aero-D Top

Green Aero-D Top

Plum Aero-D Top

White Wool Top

Envy SLIK shirt

Gloom SLIK shirt

Pool Stripe Sleeve Sweater

Sun Stripe Sleeve Sweater

Citrus Snug Layered Tees

Berry Snug Layered Tees

Suede Mink Jacket

Violet Mink Jacket

White Nurse Skirt

Blue Nurse Skirt

Purple Nurse Skirt

Charcoal Plaid Classroom Skirt

Grey University Skirt

Black Goth Skirt

Dried Grass Skirt

Icy Snug Balloon Skirt

Citrus Snug Balloon Skirt

Berry Snug Balloon Skirt

Black Denim Button Skirt

Sunset Lavender Sarong

Ocean Blue Sarong

Midday Yellow Sarong

Violet Ruffled Skirt

Sienna Ruffled Skirt

Breeze Ruffled Skirt

Gloom SLIK Skirt

Olive Loose Cotton Cargo Pants

Brown Loose Cotton Cargo Pants

Blue Loose Cotton Cargo Pants

Green Flame Pants

Coal Baggy Jeans

Kill L0cke Pants

Slotted Black Pants

Anti-Terror Arctic camo pants

Glacier Sleet Pants

Blue Workjeans

Black Workjeans

Purple Work Jeans

Flare Chess Pants

Rustic Chess Pants

Embroidered Blue Jeans

Embroidered Pebble Jeans

The 4th Amigo Lucki Pants

The 4th Amigo Guappa Pants

The 4th Amigo Dusti Pants

Mami Pants

Blue Pawprint Pajama Pants

Green Pawprint Pajama Pants

Texture Canvas Jacket

The 4th Amigo Lucki Coat

In Da Hood Orange Sweater

Leather Native Top

Blue Leather Native Top

Dark Leather Native Top

Blue Ski Jacket

Black Ski Jacket

Blue-lined Active Jacket

Black Long Coat

Gun Metal Black Long Coat

Holly Jolly Collar

Morgana's Gloves

Flare Chess Socks

KoNfUzEd DiRtAy ToE SoX

KoNfUzEd MoNoChRoMe ToE SoX

Black Stockings

Anti-Terror Steel Toe Boots

Coal Gunner Boots

Black Leather Boot
Donation Items Monthly Collectables I Have

Mythrill Armour

Gwee The Dragon

Angelic Microphone x 2

Elegant Veil

G Blade

Pandy Pack

Ice Tiara


Shadow Spirit
Recently Acquired Items
Silver Boots

Loose Knit Canary Yellow Top

Zorro Mask

Sheer Stockings

Green Stockings

White Stockings

Red Stockings

Giant Black Eyeball

Gonk Emote Mask

Neutral Emote Mask

Shocked Emote Mask

Crying Emote Mask

Scream Emote Mask

Sweat Emote Mask

Happy Emote Mask

Pirate Emote Mask

Ninja Emote Mask

Wine Hippie Shoes

Tan Hippie Shoes

Grey Peasant Gloves

White Leather Belt

Blue Stockings

Pirate Patch

Neutral Starter Sandals

Cool Starter Sandals

Warm Starter Sandals

Lex's Blue Gloves

Autumn Stripes Eggplant Jacket

Large Silver Buckle Belt

Anti-Fashion Blue Anti-Accessory

Colonial Stockings

Those Black 90s Gloves

BLUE CRUSH! Bottled Cooler

Blue Trim HIPster Skirt

SLIK Shades


Satin Blue Pajama Pants

Satin Red Pajama Pants

Satin Blue Pajama Shirt

That 90s Orange Vest

Lawl and Order Belt

Catfish Whiskers

Alien Mask

Ahhrr! Fancy Vest

Orange Street Top

Black Tank Top With Highlight

S-Corp Labcoat

Daisy's Warm Gloves

KoNfUzEd rAiNbOw ToE SoX
Week One: October 1 - 7
Stylist: Vaguely_Imaginary heart pg 116 in tuitu's quest thread.
Week Two: October 8 - 14
Stylist: manual override heart pm.
Week Three: October 15 - 21 Me Week Four: October 22 - 28
Stylist: tuitu heart pg 118 in her quest thread.
Week Five: October 29 - November 4 HALLOWEEN THEME!
Stylist: Oragami Sauce heart pm.
Week Six: November 5 - 11
Stylist: Generra heart pm.
Week Seven: November 12 - 17
Stylist: Quote Of The Day heart pm.
Week Eight: November 18 - 25
Stylist: Ty-chan heart pg 151 in tuitu's quest thread.
Week Nine: November 26 - December 2
Stylist: c00ki3 heart pm.
Week Ten: December 3 - 9
Stylist: Makoto_Gin heart pm.
Week Eleven: December 10 - 16
Stylist: Sage Aki heart pm.
Week Twelve: December 17 - 23
Stylist: [HunterKiller] heart linkageWeek Thirteen: December 24 - 31
Stylist: Coyotecom heart Title: Christmas Slut xd linkage
Week Fourteen: January 1 - 7
Community Member