Staring into space, Gargoyle's grip upon his friend Jack leesend, and without looking back turned his back and started walking every so slowly back to the Pumpkin Clan tree. Behind him, the noises of Jack and Grim rose high into the night sky, the cold gentle wind passing him by as he surveyed the sky. The storm brewing above them continued to worsen with each step the young soul took, his eyes shimmered like fallen stars traveling from the heavens as he watched the ripple in the sky slowly appear. With that, a great flash of purple light erupted out from the depths of the dark sky in a matter of seconds, splitting through the clouds like a hit knife through butter.
"This is it. " He said camly under his breath, quickening his pace he sprinted across the ground and set his sights on the almost microscopic image of the Pumkin tree.
Wafting through the air a fimilar tune sounded about him, his ears filling with the melody of their clan.
" Say it once ..say it twice..take a chance and roll the dice..ride with the moon in the dead of night...EVERYBODY SCREAM..EVERYBODY SCREAM...
....THIS IS HALLOWEEN.....Tender love rings everywhere, life's no fun without a good scare..thats our job, but we're not mean..
THIS IS HALLOWEEN...EVERYBODY SCREAM!! ..THIS IS HALLOWEEN...In this town we call...everyone hails to the pumkin song-"
In a blinding flash of hot, bright light illuminating like fire through the dark sky, shot down and sheered through unexpecting flesh if an innocent soul.
" WHOA! Look at that one! Thats one scary looking death beam! ..I wonder who got hit.."Jack whispered softly to himself, as the flash of light remained streaking through the sky, its victim's screams echoed loudly ...the pain overflowing in their voice ...the noise of their shrieks sent shivers up and down Jack's spine.
" Man...Look ..LOOK AT THAT!! IT LIKE...That..sound....GAhhhh..." Stepping back with his legs quivering, Kuwabara watched the spectacle with a look of utter fear and shock glued to his face.
"Hn.." Hiei breathed silently, his crimson eyes locked onto the storm's unspeakable wrath, the wind shot passed them felt like a small tornado had flew past, picking up whatever wasn't stuck to the ground.
As it would appear, everyone let out loud screams of fear, the storm being nothing any of them had ever expierenced before in their mortal lives. It was like the very bowels of Hell was unleashing it's full fire upon them, grasping, clawing, and tearing the weak and defensless to smoldering shreds.
Among the crowd, the girl named Christina held tightly onto her dearest's jacket, her long brown hair flying in the air, it was driving her crazy!
"JAVVIE!! Make the wind stop!! " She wailed out loudly, her voice nearly a meer whisper against the roar of the torrent of wind that soard around them.
"I WISH I COULD LOVE!" Javert shouted in response, his voice was also nearly nothing compared to the unbearable wailing of the wind. "SOMEBODY BLOODY BETTER FIND A BLOODY WAY TO STOP THIS BLOODY FREAKING MESS OR-"
" EVERYONE! STAY CALM OR I"Ll SEND YOU ALL TO THE UNDERWORLD'S WORST PLACE EVER! DISNEY HELL!! " Wiping out his sythe, Grim slashed through the air and ripped a hole in the very fabric of reality.
" ALL OF YE GET IN HERE!!" With a voice frim and loud as hell, the souls who were already freaked out enough as it was, were very happy to escape the disaster that was unfurling around them.
As it was stated unfortunate soul had been struck by the said death beam..their screams still echoing through the roaring of the wind..this soul was..Gargoyle.
(( he's not gone or anything billy don't worry! eek Don't hurt me! gonk ))
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The Book of Chaos: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
I love to write about ANYTHING! RP 's I may have made, things going on that I want to talk about...just a bunch of wonderful randomness! ^^- Oh, and a whole lot of Hiei stuff too! :heart:
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