I'm very bored right now so I'm just going to type crap down!
Dreams I've had
A few days ago I had a dream that I was a girl named cream in the mythrill armor and there was this huge demon destroying everything and the world I was in looked like radical highway from Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. Anyways, I came in and tried destroying it w/ ninja weapons but the demon had poisonous skin so it melted everything. Then ed from FMA came out of nowhere and transmuted his automail into his big knife and started to stab the demon! Then my bf came in on a hover board (being a show off XD) and we attacked the demon and all we had from the mythrill armor was the headdress thingy then we activated the armor and it transformed into the full armor thing. Then we were eaten! XP! But then Roy Mustang from FMA came and rammed off a bridge in a really awesome black car and caught the demon on fire the demon spat me and my bf out (ew) and then it burned 2 death! Then I woke up!
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