I am posting this in my journal, because this is my absolute FAVORITE HOLIDAY EVER! blaugh 3nodding whee heart 4laugh Each and every year since I was little, I would start thinking about what I was going to dress up as for Halloween that year. Most of the time I'd pick something cutesy-wootsey xp , BUT finally I got into dressing up as something dark, and diffrent. whee
Last year I went as JACK, THE PUMPKIN KING! blaugh twisted 3nodding whee IT was AWESOME! ^^ The year before that, I was The lady of death(and life) if you will...but to make it easy on some I just said I was Hade's daughter or something like that...I didn't want to have to explain myself to everyone. 3nodding That same year, my friend Eric went as God. xd He had a plain blue shirt with a sticker on it that said, "HEllO, MY NAME IS GOD."It was kinda funny heheee 3nodding xp
THIS YEAR, Hehe, I owe it all to my friend Vickie! ^^ *hugs her* She is making me a Hiei outfit so I can go as, " The girl who stole Hiei's clothes" blaugh heart 3nodding whee
I cannot wait to see it.^^ I will be in so much debt to her, I owe her sooooooooooooooooooooo freakin much for doing this for me so, *hugs her again* THANK YOU SO MUCH MY TOMODACHI! whee whee whee 3nodding
*ahem* I am sorry, gomen nasi..I got a bit off track...I wanted to use this time to talk about a certain Halloween night that I will never forget, even if someone tried to brainwash me, or kill all the brain cells in my head..its something I love to remember. heart 3nodding whee
I call it, "A Jaganshi Halloween night", it started with me, Hiei, Hana, and shinboo(our kids^^) going out that night for 'Trick or Treating'. Hiei had gone as himself, well, as his demon form for Halloween..he kinda scared alot of little kids with his green skin and lots o' eyes on his body but.. ninja *whispers* I thought he looked VERY handsome heart heart
Hana was dressed up as Morgana the witch, and Shinboo was some Lord of Darkness..they were so CUTE! heart 3nodding whee But anyways, along with Hiei I was in my demon form, with the black Dragons wings and half my face covered in black scales. ^^ Kids were either scared of me and Hiei, or slightly impressed with what they THOUGHT was just really spooky looking realistic costumes..but as luck would have it, a little boy who looked like he was dressed up as Yugi-oh ..came over to Hiei and kinda stared at him..like this.."O-O"
Hiei didn't know what to do. Besides our kids, (now including our third child Haku heart ) he didn't really know how to handle children. So, obviously, Hiei stared back for a moment and then looked back at me..I wanted to do something for him since I could tell he was uncomfortable. Without thinking I told Hiei, that he was probably just playing around so maybe he should play back and he would go back..so, unfortunately, my love listened to me and squatted down to the boy's eye level and stared back at him without blinking. Then all of a sudden the little reached out and with a single finger of DOOM, he POKED Hiei's third eye.
It was quiet for a moment, as Hana, Shinboo, and I watched in sheer horror and silence as Hiei sat there with his eyes wide and slightly twiching..then...he fell over and stared cursing up a store as he held his eye in pain.
Luckily, the little boy ran off to get more candy, but poor Hiei lied there in pain and I had to take care of him..so we went back home..and when we did Hiei was embaressed that he had caused such a scene like that.
Here's the part I will never forget...As we sat down on the couch and watched Hana and Shinboo lie passed out on the floor in a sugar coma, Hiei looked at me and said softly, " I'm..s-sorry, this holiday..no matter how weird it is..is your favorite and I..hn..I'm sorry. Can I make it up to you?" I told him that I forgave him, I wasn't even upset with him at all..but I told him that if he wanted to..he could kiss me..not that kissing wasn't something we didn't do alot already..it just seemd special, a kiss in the dark, the only light being that of a Jack-O-Lantern on the table.
With that, Hiei smiled and embraced me, and with tender lips..kissed me in a way that I can't describe.. redface redface heart whee
Anyways ninja ..HAPPY MONTH OF HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!!! 4laugh
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The Book of Chaos: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
I love to write about ANYTHING! RP 's I may have made, things going on that I want to talk about...just a bunch of wonderful randomness! ^^- Oh, and a whole lot of Hiei stuff too! :heart:
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