Of coure, my sister wants to watch Heroes instead of Blade Three. I mean Blade Three, you can't go wrong with some good vampire blood and gore. Though the first one was VERY good. ^^
So lets see, my back is still in pain from a few days ago which sucks but o-well, what can I do? I've been in pain for a few days now and so I've been drugged out and completely 'WHOAH...' But soon I wont be suck a lowly coutesy clerk, than I wont have these back problems. Just 21 more days, three more weeks. *sigh*

Skittle and Whiskers are now 7 months old. God they're getting old. Almost a year.
God, I don't want to take the SAT this Saturday but I need to. *sigh* so much to do. I hate being so stressed.
Only three more days with four hours a day. Fridays my big study day after school and my erands. I need to goto the bank and buy a few things at work.
lol, the dude on Heroes is like 'OMFG!' XD Thats so funny.

Another one of my work friends kept flirting with me. I find it sweet but kinda weird. Part of me partly enjoys it, but it's more the attention than annything else. I have a boyfriend and he's.... perfect. whee Thats the best word for him. ^^ I love him so much. Only one more day til our 15th month anniversary. ^^
THAT F'ER TRIED TO TAKE THE LITTLE KID!!! *is obsorbed in the show*
Well I'm going to go finish this in my room. Night all!!