The shadowed figure walked down a dark path, not knowing where it was, or how it got there. It was cold, very cold as it moved along the dark path. The figure placed it's hand on a nearby surface that felt like ice, smooth and freezing to the touch. There was a light on the surface, revealing that it was indeed ice. The figure looked at the ice and it saw an ice blue fox, with violet eye's. After a moment it realized, it was looking at it's reflection. It jumped back, confused. It couldn't remember anything about itself now that it thought about it. It looked closer to it's reflection, then down at itself. It studied itself a moment, then it came to the conclusion it was female, not knowing how it knew, it just did. Finding her tail behind her, she enjoyed the touch of the soft, fluffy appendage. She couldn't stop herself from hugging it, somehow feeling safer as she did. She looked up to the source of the light in the dark path. She saw a small hole out her reach, only visible due to the light pouring through it. She wished to be on the other side, where the light was obviously abundant, but she saw no other light. She was afraid to leave the light, fearing the dark would make her forget again. She looked down the way she had been going, then back the way she had come from. She wished she could remember why she was walking down the dark path in the first place, but what good would that do if she couldn't even remember who she was. She felt something hot brimming her eye's, as she hugged her tail tightly. She reached her hand up to wipe the hot away, and felt something wet. She wondered what it was as she pulled her hand away from her face.
There was a sound behind her, so she turned, trying to figure out what it was. At first she couldn't see anything other then the darkness as before. She felt her ears turn towards where the sound had come from, straining to hear it again. She was not disappointed as the sound once again came. She tried to think what it was, but she couldn't place it. She strained to see what was causing the sound, though she did not dare to move from the light. After a moment she saw a red glow that was coming closer, gaining speed as the distance between her and it shortened. Something inside her told her not to let it get near. She was glued to the spot as she watched the red glow get closer, she was still afraid to leave the light. When the ground beneath her feet began to shake, she fell and the light disappeared. Once the light was gone she jumped up and ran away from the red glow. She ran into a wall, and was forced to stop. She panicked as she searched in the dark, running her numbing hands over more ice. When she found a hole in the wall, just barely big enough for her to squeeze through. The rock and ice of the wall scratched at her back, scuffing up her hands and knees as she climbed through.
As she reached the other side she looked ahead, and saw something that filled her with joy. Light, a lot of it pouring in through a large hole ahead of her. She looked back and was shocked to see a clawed hand reach through the hole, grabbing for her tail. She lunged forwards, only to be jerked back. She didn't need to look back to know that what ever had been chasing her had grabbed her ankle. Where the monsters claws rested felt numb, and a numbing feeling began to spread up her leg. She jerked her leg violently, wanting to free herself and reach the light. She was jerked towards the hole again, where she saw the red glow that instilled fear in her. She reached down and clawed at the hand that grasped her, but to no effect. She quickly bent down and tried biting it with her fangs, hoping to cause the beast enough pain to release her. As she gnawed on the hand, there was a bitter taste that sickened her terribly. Then there was a loud howling as the hand's grip loosened enough for her to pull her ankle free from it's grasp. She moved as fast as her legs would carry her, not daring to look back. She was almost there, the light seemed so bright. Then she heard the sound of rock crumbling, and ice cracking from behind her. She chanced a glance over her shoulder, she would have sworn her heart stopped at the sight of the massive beast the was chasing after her. This time she saw more then the red glow, more then the clawed hands. She saw the massive jaws that held sharp teeth that would no doubt rip her apart with no resistance. The size of the beasts body barely fit the path of ice and stone as it charged her. It's eye's glowed the fearful red, chilling her more then the ice round her. She ran faster, hoping to escape what ever horrible fate awaited her with the beast.
As she reached the source of the bright light, her heart sank. It was shining through a wall of ice. She began frantically pounding the ice with her fists, praying for it to brake. She glance over her shoulder, it was almost there, getting closer, moving faster. She felt the hot feeling in her eye's again, then it ran down her cheeks. She knew it was over, there was no escape. She didn't know what felt worse, knowing her fate was sealed, or knowing this without even knowing who she was. She pressed herself against the ice, closing her eye's and praying for it to be quick. She felt the heavy weight of the beast plow into her, unable to stop itself on the ice. The ice behind her shattered and the two flew through the air, out into the world surrounding the dark path.
The blue fox opened her eye's and once again fear welled up inside her. She was high in the air, over a massive frozen lake of some sort. As she began to fall she saw the beast, still reaching for her. Even though they were falling to their end, it still wanted her. She wondered what drove it to chase her as it did. It reached it's clawed hand out, trying with all it's might to grab her. She wasn't trying to escape it any more, there was no point to for they would soon crash into the ice below them....
And thats when I woke up... don't hit me, kidding.
Now, for some art:

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