Yay! No school for a whole week! whee Allthough I have to do some school projects, it's still quite fun. I don't usually mind going to school except at those days, when I have something boring classes.
This year we started to study more of our future profession subjects so school has been more fun. We start our studies in our school with basic subjects: math, physics, Finnish, English and Swedish (Swedish is obligatory for us becaus Finland is bilingua country), we study presentation skills and we "learn" how to make basic stuff with office (word, exel, acces) Most of us have already learned those things in our previous schools so it's really boring year the first two years. I have to study math and physics because when I graduate, I'm going to be an engineer. rolleyes Anyway, I'm glad we're pass those subjects and we're getting into more interesting stuff.
If someone is wondering what kind of school I'm going, it's a polytechnic, but because of some understanding mixup with german language (polytechnic is confused with vocational school or so I'm told) so my school's name is now: HAMK University of Applied Scienses. rolleyes According to my dictionary polytechnic and university of applied scienses mean the same thing so I quess it's right then.
And now, to whole different subject. It's really getting all autumnlike in here. It's raining more, all the trees' leafes are golden yellow or red, it's really cold and the sun sets earlier than usual. But don't think it's all gloomy and miserable. I think Finnish fall is quite beautifull as long as it's sunny. razz I love it when it's sunny and the air is crisp and clear. All the colors seems then ten times brighter. But I think it's ok to rain sometimes also. Last summer in Finland was really hot and it rained only few times so everything was really dry.
About the sun, we had some exchange students in our school last year and they tought that at winter the sun stays up only for few hours, even in the south of Finland. It's quite understandable mistake, but that happens only in the northes part of Finland. Here at south and in the mids of winter, the sun gets up around 9 o'clock and sets about three or four O'clock in the evening. So yeah, it's quite short time, but when the sun is up, it's usually really bright, due to the snow and also at winters we have lots of clear days.
About the snow, yeah, we get lot's of that but not as much maby as in Canada or Alaska. smile About few meters in a good year. It's hard to say how much exactly. At winter time I love, when temperature gets to -30 Celsius degrees (about -22 F) lol Yeah, I know, I'm weird, but winter doesn't seem like proper winter if atleast for one week the temperature doesn't get really low. xd Unfortunately in recent years those really cold days has been more and more rare occasions. We migth get -30C for a few days, but not for a week. And I'm talking about the south now. It's colder at the north. If your wondering how we manage that kind of temperatures, my answer is, easily. You just put more clothes on. wink
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