that basikly sums up most of my life scence my last post...I'm trying to talk and act more like I am on the inside *wich is a pretty much a goth but not quiet* than I normaly do wich is pissing off my mom beacuse she thinks I'm rebeling because my sister * who is doing pretty much the same thing as me* is sorta is...My new years resulution was to STOP TAKING s**t FROM PEOPLE and to STOP GIVING A ******** ABOUT WHAT MOST PEOPLE THINK exept for my friends wich are few sad ...OH and speaking of friends now that I am trying to be my self and open up more sudenly all these popular girls at my school are talking to me more and more wich isn't bad *its great* but it makes my feel sorta crary beacuse if I had been like I am now oh.... 4-5 years ago I MIGHT HAVE A DAMN SOCIAL LIFE!!!! now you can see why mt title is CRAP!!!
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