At least one person likes me again, that's a good start.
I'm chewing on one of my fingers, don't ask me to name which one since I probably can't. It tastes faintly of blood. Oh, that's pretty darn good. I like blood. Justing kiddin'. Blood is a little bitter tasting, sometimes salty. But I don't drink blood people, I'm just chewing on my harmless finger.
But this finger could go haywire and poke one of you in the eye. You'll go to the hospital and lose that eye of yours, getting you an eyepatch, as well as being half blind in the other eye. Why? Because your other eye feels like being half blind.
Like you eyepatch? Thought so, and so you file for a law suit. But since you like your jolly little eyepatch so much, you lower the charges. So then I get my finger amputated and it goes to jail. With a complimentary eye patch I might add ^^
But my four fingered hand becomes infected and I file for a law suit too. You become in so much debt because of having to pay me millions of dollars, so you desperately try to sell your organs to people on the streets. As a crazy organ-vender, people buy half of your vital organs and you die on the spot. Me, I get millions of dollars and I pry my finger out of jail. I get it sewn back on, then later die because of infections.
But I gots millions of dollars, and you are missing most of your vital organs. So I would advise you to stay away from my nameless finger... twisted