RedvsBlue This site has very hilarious and entertaining comic strips that are posted if not every day, every other day. Heres ONE of the many comics they have made.
 Now if you already know the site great! You guys ruined my entree if all of you know it. But to those of you who don't know the site and have not seen it here some of the Cool. Great! Awesome. Best things ever written in history!(kk fine yes I exaggerated a tiny little bit.....) One of the main things,supposedly, are the Redvs Blue episodes in which they made a Halo Vid...... stare Well anyways apart from the grand selection of episodes to watch they also have News, Video Archives......duh i just said they did right?.........they also have a Picture Archives, and a Store in which they sell awesome stuff! check all that stuff out later or right after I'm done congratulating them. You can Sing up to roosterteeth and make a homepage and journal and more stuff!! There are also forums which you can join and talk aboutnerdy geeky stuff things of your interest. There are also community stats. I leave the rest for you to find out! Click here for the total website.
Head Decapitator · Tue Nov 21, 2006 @ 11:33pm · 1 Comments |