My Turkey Day... was... unpredictable. >_<; Actually, let's start with Wednesday. I had this whole week off, Monday to today, and on Tuesday night I went to bed really late only to have to wake up at seven the next morning to babysit. So, all day 'til four o clock, I was across the street making sure these three little heathens didn't catch anything on fire. >_< Which they almost did. There are three kids- Bailey[7], Kameron[6], and Corbin[4]. Bailey's somewhat bossy with her brothers, but, they listen to her, XD, and she helps me out a lot. Kameron's an angel. >w< An absolute angel. Not to mention he's cute as a button. He's sensitive, and cries sometimes, but he's the greatest. Corbin, on the other hand... ... XD He's a handful. I love him, though. But he loves to argue... >_<; So, anyway, it was around lunchtime, and Elisha[their mum] had told me that they have corndogs all the time by themselves, but I needed to watch them anyway just in case. So I had wandered into the kitchen and Corbin was about to stick a corndog in the microwave with the plastic on there. I stopped him, telling him that you never put plastic in the microwave, and he was like, 'but there are germs in there...' So we got a napkin or whatever, and put it in there. I asked him how long he normally put it in there for, and he answered so readily that I was sure he knew what he was talking about, XD;;;, and the corndog was freaking hard as a brick, and so when he said four minutes and went ahead and pushed the button I didn't think anything of it. I sauntered back into the living room and then the phone rang, lo and behold it was my mother, and so I was talking to her for a minute or two in Elisha's room and then, when I wandered back into the kitchen, we were in troubllllee.... XD The WHOLE kitchen and the WHOLE living room were filled with smoke. Man did we pay. >_< We had to keep all the doors and windows open and turn all the fans on[luckily my mom came over when I told her that the house was full of smoke and I had to go], and the house still smelled like stoners. So I vacuumed, cleaned out the microwave[which freaking SMELLED], cleaned the table and countertops, did some of the dishes... not to mention used up like, all of their odor-deleting spray. XD; I guess we must have gotten rid of most of it and forgotten about the smell, because when Elisha came home, it still smelled like crapola. >_<; Luckily, I wasn't there for that though. See, yesterday I had guitar lessons at 4:30, and I'm supposed to be there a little early for various reasons, and Elisha wasn't home at 4:20, so my dad had to come pick us up, take me to my lesson, and then go drop the kids off at Elisha's work. I got to lessons at exactly 4:31[my dad made it seem like we were SO late..] and even stayed ten minutes late. ^^ I got home a little after 5, but then realized I had to be at Channing's house at like 5:15[it was 5:20 when I looked at the clock]. So I was like Shitshitshit!! Because, earlier, my mom had called me, told me Channing had called, and she told me that she'd asked if everything was okay because Channing sounded disoriented, and she said, 'Well, no...' And then my mom proceeded to tell me that their dog, Mick, had died. That made me all angsty, because they got Mick when I lived here in like Kindergarten, >_<, so I've known that dog since I was five or six. So anyway, I had to be at Channing's really soon because they were going to bury Mick and I didn't want to miss it, so my dad and I hauled over there. All the adults were in the back, and Channing and I stayed out front listening to my iPod and singing our hearts out... XD; We actually ended up burrying him later on, around like 7:30-8ish. Right before we burried him, though, my dad was gonna head home to check on the internet to make sure there weren't any laws on burrying them dogs and whatnot, and Channing and I were planning on having me spend the night and going to Circuit City or something, so I asked my dad to bring me back some money or whatever and I ended up just going with him. When I got home, though, I realized how understandably tired I was, >_<, after a long day like that and only having four hours of sleep, so I took a little catnap while my dad checked the internet. Of course, when he was ready to go, I was too tired to do anything, and so I asked him to tell them that I'm really sorry and I love them and that I started not feeling well, because, honestly, I wasn't. All the smoke from earlier was still taking a toll on me because of my asthma, and being over at Channing's house[which is really kind of dirty... animal dander and just plain funk, they don't clean] wouldn't help it at ALL, so that's the way we had to go. When he got back, I was actually awake, and he told me that they really wanted me to come back and that Channing's mom thought it was because she was really upset and crying and thought that it made me uncomfortable, which made me feel bad because people being upset doesn't make me uncomfortable at all... >_<; She had broken down and started crying to me on the phone earlier when I'd been babysitting, and that just made me kind of quiet because I'd never comforted an adult before[...well, I can't say that, actually]. I actually ended up getting her to stop crying, somewhat, at that point. But, anyway, Channing ended up calling me not twenty minutes after my dad got home. Bianca was over, and they wanted me to stay the night. I immediately succumbed, XD, and started getting my stuff together. So they picked me up, we went to Best Buy, got some CDs[Channing got the Lost Prophets and I got this FoB thing that came with a CD and a DVD and the Fray CD, which also came with a DVD... and we all got a free sample of the Scissor Sisters, XD], and went home. Needless to say we were pretty preoccupied. Of course, I slept before they did, XD;;, being as tired as I was, and woke up after them. We probably went to bed around like... 4... and they woke me up at SEVEN O CLOCK! The crazy loons! >_<; Those two have never heard of sleeping in. Then again, Channing had always woken up early... So anyway, that morning I felt like absolute s**t, >_<;, so I waited til around 8 to call my dad to come pick me up, and so that happened. I had almost forgotten it was Thanksgiving, and so when I got home and I discovered that my mom was cooking and had been all night[quite literally, she hadn't slept a wink], I was actually kinda surprised. I chilled for a while, then my mom was falling over so she had to go take a nap. I helped my dad in the kitchen forEVER, cleaning up all the mess that was made[and she hadn't even finished cooking yet], took a shower, and then when I got out I had to help clean even more. >_< Again, I was drop-dead tired all day and I was /going/ to take a nap, but that never happened. Channing and her mom were coming over to eat with us for Thanksgiving, and so the house had to be nice and yaddayadda... So they got here around 5:30[not that we started eating 'til like 6:30 XD;], and we ate and stuff. Channing and I were on the computer for about half an hour, then I let her get on, and I wasn't awake enough to sit there and watch her fart around myspace forever, so I ended up staggering to bed and passing out. XD; Channing and her mom left later and Channing came in and said bye or whatevs, and so I ended up going to bed at 8:45... XD -bum-
So, after a good while of sleep, at FIVE IN THE MORNING, I find myself awake for some reason. I get out of bed, wander around, find my mom on the couch, talk with her for a few, send her to bed, and get on Gaia to type up a long-a** entry about how two days of my holiday was. And that's where I am now. XD;
So now I'm going to try and go back to bed. >_<; Night.
[.Rikocette.Echoes.] · Fri Nov 24, 2006 @ 12:58pm · 2 Comments |