Within minutes, the entire fleet of the Crusaders of Lia-Alit Iil-tia were in their ships, and receiving instructions. The other planets' ships would not take long to join them.
The instructions, in a situation like this, were basic, and then specific depending on the ship's specifications and abilities.
Basic Information and Instructions
Mith-hirl issued aboard the Nerissa Altsoba by Eylyrs Captain Rilla, holding near the main docking station of Lia Alit Iil-tia
Objective #1: Attempt quick contact with Captain of the Altsoba and attempt negotiations for return of Captain Rilla.
Objective #2: Obliterate Altsoba.
Further instructions specific to your ship will follow momentarily. The Te'Illimiai will be attempting the negotiations, and will notify when objective #2 is to be followed.
Objective #1: Attempt quick contact with Captain of the Altsoba and attempt negotiations for return of Captain Rilla.
Objective #2: Obliterate Altsoba.
Further instructions specific to your ship will follow momentarily. The Te'Illimiai will be attempting the negotiations, and will notify when objective #2 is to be followed.
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