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Auliro's Wonderous World of... Nothing You Care About ^_^
So... I haven't writen it yet so I don't know what this is about. But I like to rant, and ramble, and talk to myself. I suppose those will be major factors. I'm also fond of bragging, cause I'm kinda arrogant, so that will probably be there, too. Wha
Birthday Cheese Cake
Yeah, so life's been... simple. You know, besides the fact that I have like five big paper's due next week, a senior project portfolio to prepair, three scholorship applications needing to be done and all that reading for English. Oh, and I'm back to swimming twice a week, I have my two TV shows I watch, I'm trying to keep the kitchen clean and this week I have Chess club, Japanese club, Creative Writing Magazine, A Water polo pre-season meeting and a quick after school talk about what we're going to do for a yard sale Japanese Club is doing as a fundraiser for my friend Maude. Then through in the Science, Gov and Math tests, along with the Japanese vocab quiz, and you kind of have a full week.

But hey, no sweat, right?

Good news: I don't feel like s**t. I can actually answer "Okay" when people ask me "how're you?" and not mean something along the lines of "Shitty, but I'm sure you don't want to know that so I'm giving a safe answer that you won't bother to question so all's good."

And I'm kind of calm. Like I'm sitting back, being quiet, somewhat relaxing, and not doing much. This is kind of bad, because I have all that work to do. But I really just didn't want to, so I'm pushing it off. Again, that's really bad. Aw well. Life goes on.

So what brought about this easy-going feeling? I can't decide if it's the fact that I did something really stupid, or really smart. Really don't know. But it led to me feeling better so I'm going to say, regaurdless of the intelegence level, it was a good thing. And while I spent four days with a knot in my stomach I over all didn't feel bad. And now I really don't feel bad at all. I think I just feel kind of passive. Like I can handel a lot right now because I'd just keep my mouth shut and nod when needed. Not up for fighting, or taking action. Just kind of mellowing out. Not something I do often. It's like I pushed all the annoyance and worry and stress aside, and it's sitting in the back of my head, still perfectly aware of everything, but while I can pay attention to it and consider it, it isn't part of the In-Charge portion of my brain.

Now that you know how I'm doing, let's talk about what I've been up to.

Um... swam twice this week. Was online for like a total of 10 minutes before today. Kept up with homework, kinda did bad on an English quiz. Just kept up with things. I pissed my step dad off yesterday and almost didn't get to go to a Birthday party, but then I made it up by having the kitchen clean and being honest about things. (which is funny, because I got in trouble for being honest, too. Some people just don't like honesty. They'd rather you made something up or just weren't so blunt. I'm not really up for playing with words or being tactful, I'm not having an "attitude" I'm just telling the truth).

Anywho, went to the party. That was a blast. I was the only senior there... which was odd... but I got to hang out with a bunch of sophmores. Sadly, though, I've been really tired lately. Not mentally tired, but physically. So I feel asleep not too far into Garden State and I didn't see the whole movie. *Cries* I wanted to. The nice kiddies woke me up at 3:30 in the morning though, and I don't remember all of what we did then. Played Sims 2 some. I had brought my laptop with my and Taylor (my friend who had the party) let me rip a lot of her music and ta da! I knocked like 5 songs off of my favorite's list, and I'm that much closer to being able to make my favorite's CD.

Oh, and she had cheese cake. Glorious, wonderful cheesecake. I didn't know we'd have cheese cake until after I ate a lot of pizza, and chips, and carrots. (I don't like carrots, but with all that pizza I figured I'd best eat something healthy.) But even with a full stomach I forced a piece of cheese cake down. *slaps hand* bad me. Shouldn't have done that. I'm gonna be all fat. >.< aw well, at least I'm swimming.

Today I went with my family to go see The Phantom of the Opera. It wasn't bad. Started slow, but I loved the music. The sword fighting wasn't fantastic, but I loved the music. I wish that I could see it live. It's on my to see list. That and the Lion King show. Everyone says that was great. Oh, and I want to see another version of Guys and Dolls. The high school one was good, but professionals are prolly better. And Fiddler on the Roof. I watched the movie in orchestra, loved it.

But yeah. So, sometimes whe I sit at home watching not too important TV or listening to good music my mind tends to wander. The movie was kind of a mixture of both. TV that you don't really have to pay attention to as long as you listen to the music. So while I watched it, my mind was often elsewhere. Where? Well, I like to day dream. I come up with this story and this plot and things get interesting, and I'm always the main charector, which rocks. Anywho, I go through this whole thing, and it takes hours, sometimes days (I know, I'm lame) and my mind just keeps going back to it if I sit around doing nothing, or staring into space, or reading. It's interesting. I love making up stories, so it's a lot of fun. When I was little I always day dreamed about Peter Pan. Or at least I was in neverland. And from there things varried a lot depending on the day's story. Once the ninja turtles where there. (again, I'm lame.)

Next weekend is a four day weekend. Don't really know why. But Friday my friend Zach, who currently is more an aquantence who is good friends with one of my good friends, is having a birthday party. He's turning 18. Ian said I was invited to his party, so I might go. That would be fun, I'd get to see a lot of the people I hung out with sometimes in junior high. Most of them I haven't seen for a long time. But I figured if I feel lost or get bored I'd follow Ian around and look desperately bored. Or I could chat with David. (Not my friend david, but Ian's friend who once dated my former best friend and now just really good friend Chelsea. Dave's cool.) Or maybe I'll just meet someone new. I'm sure there will be plenty of people I don't know.

My big thing is I don't know what to get him. I considered getting him the same thing I plan to get Ian, but then it would be lame to copy the present for Ian in March. Yeah, Ian's a gun freak, so I'm gonna buy him a dollar store toy gun so that he has something to pretend to shoot me with when I'm annoying. Now, I'm gonna get Maude some really cool super soaker, so that she can actually shoot me when I piss her off. I don't give Ian anything that actually shoots, his aim is too good. He'd hit me everytime. With Maude I can at least dodge. Not to mention Maude and I will have our party closer to summer, further from the cold weather going on now.

My friend Taylor just made another family on the Sims, with all of us who were at her party. Since I was the oldest I get to be the parent so that everyone else can be teenagers. I have kids >.< eck.

Also, I'm supposed to be reading Heart of Darkness. And I did get about five pages into it. Then I started Death Masks, by Jim Butcher, fifth book in the Dresden Files. So obviously my school reading ain't getting done. When I'm done with this entry I'm going back to my book so that I can finish it, and since I don't have book six there will be nothing else to distract me. Okay, scratch that, I have a whole bookshelf. I have so many books that I need a new bookshelf cause they don't all fit. I don't really have that many books, but it's over a hundred. And if you're a teenage sci-fi fantasy loving girl you'd prolly love my collection. If you're a general fan of sci-fi fantasy I'm sure there's something for you. I've got everything from a couple star wars, to vampires, wearwolves, witches, wizards, midevil things, futuristic things, some magic, some technology, quite a few stories I haven't read yet... and a few books that I lent out, being the only reason I can still fit everything on my completely stuffed shelving unit. I'd clear off another shelf on my smaller book shelf, but the tops one's full of CDs, and the bottom one's full of notebooks. Leaving only the stuffed full middle one for books.

^_^ What can I say, I like books. and I'm sure if I ever bothered to get into Heart of Darkness I'd like it. Sure it's one of those classics, but I liked just about ever classic assigned to me in school. Can't quite remember the names of most of them at the moment, though. I really like a lot of the reading we've done for English class. I mean, a lot of it's boring, but a lot of it's not. Mostly so far we have read prose and poetry from English Victorian authors. Browning's my favorite poet so far, and I liked Newman's prose. We read the Importance of being Earnest, that was funny, and this other play, too, but I don't remember the name of it. I actually didn't finish the second play (bad me, part of the reason I screwed up the quiz) but I was reading it when I should have been listening to the teacher during class, and I really got into it.

I should not read so much, then I could get all those scholorship essays done. Tomorrow I'm not reading until I get my essays written. And my math and science and Japanese done. And any other homework I have. Maybe I'll work on the senior paper. And shoot, I have to do something for English. >.< Nah, I'm not busy. Not at all. On the bright side I really haven't procrastinated with this stuff, most of the senior paper's written, and I've been busy the last day or so with other things, so I haven't finished the stuff for school. The English prolly could have been started sooner, but it's quick and it will be fun to write (just reader responses. I get to say what I think of all the spiffy authors.) I have been putting off that scholorship stuff. It's due Tuesday. I'm out of time.

But my cat's laying on me now. Neko is so cute. *pets Neko* Taylor had cute cats. She had a black cat, too, but Sabath didn't like me. He's the only cat I've gone up to that hissed at me right away. Most cats get along with me okay. Maybe I've lost my touch. They don't like the mellow, laid back me. Or maybe I smelt too much like dogs. And Taylor logged off line. T.T I'm all alone. Saddness. I think I'll log off soon.

Oh, last thing. I've got this crick in my neck. Dunno why, must have slept on it's wrong, but it's been there since Friday morning so I'll prolly call my ciropractor soon or something, cause I can't turn my head to the right certain ways without my neck hurting. Like sharp pain. Ouchness. I don't like it. *has a semi-low pain tolerance*

Oh! And I swam a lot on Thursday. Like, I've been kidna out of shape, but I got in the water, chatted with a friend who was there, then started swimming. And just didn't stop for some ways. I dunno how long, or how far, just kept swimming. When I felt like stoping I did. I grabbed the water polo ball, did some treading drills, then some water polo IMS. I'm not very good at water polo IMs, but they'll help me.

So that's all folks. Thanks for reading if you've made it this far!


P.S. Happy Birthday Kikuo! Everyone, he's 18! Birthday was last monday! BTW, I have a gift for you, it's small and not the most spendy, but it's fun and should keep you entertained for awhile. ^_^ I'll drop it by some time.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Feb 13, 2005 @ 08:33am
Yeah you're welcome to drot it off everyday but friday, I'll go into detail why in my journal, and thank you for the congratulations.

::Turns to watch half dresssed doll androids get blown to bits by of all things a kill android shooting japanese yen out of her arm:: I love this show.

Anyways, getting back to your life, I have my own journal to talk about mine in, you seem to be getting back to your normal over active self. Sooner or later, most likely later, you'll be begging to get back to your lazed self.

As for Zack's party I hope you have fun, don't know if I'm going, if I do I don't mind if I don't I don't mind. I wasn't in school in Friday for that long so I dunno anything about it.

And thank you for reminding me we don't have school this friday.

Sounds like that party you went to was had some good aspects, that's always good I supose.

As for your cat, it I'll come back to you when it wants attention like it always does.

Also, go see someone about your nack, always better to be safer than sorry.

This was one long post, also there were a couple spelling errors (yeah yeah yeah me talking about spelling errors XD) so you seen to be slipping a bit,but that's to be expected when you're so bussy.

Till your next post, Kik~

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