I wish to acquire the following, somewhat, higher priced items, in no particular order
Legend:bought/traded for heart donated by Gaia user
ninja currently questing

the almost unattainable
Random Non-Monthly Collectable Items
Red Rose Corsage

Bunny Slippers

Chicky Slippers

Nightmare Claws
heart Tuitu
Nightmare Bustier
Nightmare Collar
Witch Cape
Wraith Cloack
Dark Cape
Fairy Wings
Kandy Korn Hat

XL Gaia Shirt
Belted Pants
Belted Top

Joker Hat white-black

Joker Hat red-black

Ace of Spades

Marshmellow Snowman

Scar of Hero
Angelic Gloves
Angelic Boots
Angelic Collar
Leather Collar with Cross
#603913 Complex Jacket
heart Nya-chan
#0000FF Complex Jacket
Zombie G CORP Tshirt

Zombie G CORP Labcoat

The Family Jewels gold

The Family Jewels black

Angelic Camisole
Nitemare Boots
Elegant Pearl Drop Choker

Elegant Pearl Strand Bracelet

Pearl Drop Earrings

Elegant Blue Lace Fan

Elegant Violet Lace Fan

Elegant Black Lace Fan

Elegant Green Lace Fan

Elegant Feathered Mask (White Pinions)

Elegant Lord's Mask (Sapphire Studs)

Elegant Lord's Mask (Amethyst Studs)

Elegant Feathered Mask (Lavender Pinions)

Elegant Feathered Mask (Sky Pinions)

Elegant Blue Satin Coat

Elegant Black Satin Corset

Elegant Black Lord's Shoes

Elegant Black Satin Coat

Elegant Blue Satin Corset

Elegant Blue Satin Vest

Elegant Black Satin Vest

Elegant Snowy Cravat

Nitemare Headband
razz Brown Paper Bag

:B Brown Paper Bag

Fresh Grass Skirt

Angelic Headband

Brown Paper Bag

Angelic Camisole

#000000 Complex Jacket

XD Brown Paper Bag
Call me crazyNot again!
Community Member
I can give you the nitemare claws, I don't really need them. 3nodding