I haven't written in this journal in two years. That saddens me somewhat. I have no further interest in the Gryphon Chronicals, but I do have some other stories I could post. Except I won't, because they're originals and I have this terrible phobia of people stealing my ideas, even though my ideas aren't especially good ones. Wierd, isn't it?
Tell you what. I have a story I wrote for English that will never get farther then my school LitMag. It amused me, so I shall post it. Enjoy.
The Acolytes of the Copier By Taidine
“All right. If you sit down, I’ll tell you a story.”
Does this one have green penguins in it?
“No, I don’t do green penguins anymore, you know that. This is about something much more sinister.”
Like platypuses?
“How are platyp- never mind. Just let me speak. You see, while you and the rest of the class were on that trip to some museum, I became an honorary member of the Acolytes of the Copier.”
The who of the what?
“The Acolytes of the copier. Don’t you know about them? Don’t look at me like that, I thought I’d told you before. Well, if you must know, they’re a secret society…”
Yeah, right.
“It’s true and veritable! Our school is stuffed to the sills with secret societies, practically plagued with them. Like… the Teacher’s Union.”
They’re not secret! Everybody knows about them!
“Ocular proof. The rest of the societies are merely biding their time. Now, the Acolytes have an affinity for copier, believe the machines are vested with supernatural powers. They’re also one of the most extensive societies in our school – making pilgrimages to the main office, trading secret messages on the back stairwell –”
Those people aren’t trading secret messages, they’re ma-
“Don’t be lewd, that’s a different sect, and I assure you, the Acolytes don’t deal with them at all. Actually, the main function of an Acolyte of the Copier is to procure students’ homework and test papers, which they sacrifice to the Copiers in elaborate ceremonies to ensure we will have copies of all handouts and be free of… those grey smudgy things.”
You’re making this up.
“Your arraignments cut me to the core. To continue – ”
Why do you use such big words all the time, anyway?
“I begin to despair. To continue, I joined the Acolytes as a witness, so I couldn’t participate in their rites directly. But I did have a chance to observe those enigmatic and capricious machines that sporadically provide our school with copies. In fact, I was asked to make a sacrifice of my own work to the Copiers, and for fear of some terrible retribution, I handed over last night’s homework. It vanished into the feed tray of the copier amidst myriad chants, and I no longer have it. Perhaps I can borrow yours to copy the answers?”
I knew you’d get to the point eventually.
“It’s due next period.”
Here. Enjoy.
Like I said, it amused me. I can't speak for the rest of you.
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