Item List:
Ahhrr!! Splendid Vest
Ancient Katana
Black Gloves
Black Shirt
Black Top Hat
Celebrity Date
Celestial Wrap
Demonic Pitchfork
Drop Dead Gorgeous Oynx Skull Earrings
Emo Glasses
Fox Ears
Labu Necklace
Labu Necklace
Nitemare Boots
Steel-plated Ninja Band
The Red Parrot
Those Black 90s Pants
White Leather Belt
Zorro Mask
Estimated Total: 1,142,824 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 26 February 2007)
If you'd be soo kind is to help me with this quest I am on sweatdrop
I will love you forever 3nodding anything helps I don't care if you just give me 1g I'll still love you because you cared enough to donatate a little 4laugh
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