Your Day:
Its Friday and your heading to your favorite class, potions. Snape isn't there yet and you see Malfoy talking to Crab and Goyle. "Hey," you say walking over to him and giving him a kiss. Snape comes and you file into class. About ten minutes into class, Harry Potters Blemish clearing potion began to bubble and turn a strange color. "Look," sneered Malfoy, "Poor Potty cant handle such a big potion." You join in, "Maybe it will explode on poor Potty and he'll get a face full of blemishes. If he got any uglier, I dont tihnk we'd be able to look at him." After dinner in the great hall Malfoy pulls you aside. "Follow me," he says, pulling you into an unocupied classroom. "Today I realised how much I really liked you," he said pulling you closer. He meant it. He begins snogging you and you dont stop him. About ten minutes later Professor Snape walks in and spots you still at it. "Draco," he says, startling you, "I suggest you find another room." And you do.
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Your Fred or Georges girlfriend. You are a really fun, funny person to be around. Your best friends are Angelina, Alicia, and Lee Jordon.You are smart, but dont try that hard it class. You find trouble more fun than studying.
Your Day:
It's Friday and its the most boring class of the day- history of magic. You sneak a purple and orane candy out of your pocket and bite off one end. You faint to the floor and are excused to go to the hospital wing. Fred or George (okay, I'm going to just say Fred cuz its annoying to wrtie both their names) take you ouside and give you the other half of the candy and you come back to conciousness immediatly. "Those snackboxes really work!" you say, delighted. "Course they work!" Fred says, he graps your hand and begins to pull you along the corridor. "Where are we going?" you ask, curiously. "You'll see." A few minutes later you arrive at a portrait of fruit. Fred tickles it and it opens, revealing the Hogwarts kitchen. A house elf runs up to Fred and asks what you'd like. "A table for two," he says, glancing at you, "and your best dishes." Lookind delighted, the elf ran off. "Wow, this is really cool," you say once Fred seats you at the table. He smiles. "Dig in," he says as the house elfs put delicious food all around you. Once your done Fred pulls out a mint and offers you one too. You walk to your common room talking and joking. "Night," you say, hugging Fred. He gives you a long kiss and walks you to the girls stairs. "Why do you get the good girls?" George asks Fred as they walk up to bed.
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-Pet- You need attention and always know how to get it. You are very sweet and can get anyone one to get you what you want. Though curiosity did kill the cat!
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You are dark witch you are evil. You will only use dark magic to beat your oponents
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You'd wear a purple uniform! You are friendly and loyal! You have many friends that really trust you! You enjoy being with your friends and is always in a great mood!
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You are Art! Expressing your feelings through drawings and paitings.
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You like the goth and dark type. You like the guys who are different and don't care who knows.
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You are a GOTH. You are very dark, not only do you hate people, you've never heard of a thing called color before! Remember, White and black are SHADES, not colors! But you can be a fun person to hang out with, when you are not in your "EAT MY KATANA AND DIE" mode. Want to meet my Sythe!
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What type of Fae are you?