- I'm serious. oh and guys if you read any further you will feel uncomfortable so yea..
You've been warned...
Ok so...yesterday.. my pee was red gonk and I swear to god i didn't/am not having my period. It was weird...and very creepy..so i talked to sasa about it and she was all WTH?! and yea... i told her oh i think maybe my period is starting...before the month freakin starts.. and then today...there is no red pee/blood. so i'm like..umm...wtf... so yea... I'm very creeped out right now.. I mean I get that if you eat certain stuff your pee changes colors but COME ON!!!! I didn't eat anything that would do that...you know what..whatever... yea..
hope ya had fun reading that XD
~Blitz signing off now!