Chapter 3 - I'm Sorry
Morning has dawned once again showing the town a brighter day. The suns colors shown as orange, red and yellow over the small, lush green hill tops that act as a border for the town. As always the Locke Lynx mansion is striving with lively maids and butlers that tend to my family's demands. Among some of them are Leo's care takers, people who are actually willing to take care of the mischievous little cat with an unknown kind of power. The power to grow into a large, powerful lion like creature that's able to drive Lupin away. Anyways, the typical morning to the family as always, but with a new twist. Our new friend, Riefaa, has started becoming part of our normal morning rituals, even though she just started today she says that she'll be coming to our home every morning till we die, but still.
"Morning Cain!" Riefaa yelled as she breaks through my room's doors as I continued getting dressed for school. Leo was perched on her shoulder like a parrot and rubbing his face against her neck.I spazzed and tried covering torso with the dress shirt that I barely got on. "Oi Riefaa! Ever heard of knocking?! You don't barge in on someone while they are dressing! How would you like it if someone did it to you?!" I yelled at her. She rolled her eyes and kiddishly stuck her tongue out at me as she walked over to me, "Ha ha, don't worry Cain, I've taken medical terminology before I've moved here, so it's not like you have something that I haven't seen before." She said as she took my arm and slid it through the dress shirt sleeve. I started to blush with her helping me get dressed. "Don't think I'm going to do this every day Cain, I'm not your mum! Christopher told me that you take awhile getting dressed, for some strange reason, so he told me to help you. He's already on his way to the academy so there is no worries with any enemy coming near there." She smiled as she started to button up my dress shirt, "Argh! What the heck?! Cain, you're missing some of your dress shirt buttons!" She complained. "Heh actually I kind of took out the buttons since I have a thing for showing off my pectorals. I guess I got it from Talenne when I was growing up." I explained. She shakes her head and mumbles Talenne's name under her breath as she fixed my collar and necklace that loops around my neck three times.
A flashback then came into my mind as the room got quiet.
An open field scenery. Yellow meadow with tall grass, trees that line up against it. A small stream passes right through the meadow dividing it into perfect sections. A mountain breeze would always come and blow gently through the tall grass. Blue skies every day even when it's raining, wait no, it almost never rained there. It was the perfect place where Talenne and I would train for no reason what so ever. I could remember Talenne telling me that the body is a beautiful thing and I should show it off but not too much or else people would think that I'm either psycho or just like to run around in my boxers. And I doubt anyone would want to see that happening....
"Hey Cain! Are you listening to me?" Riefaa's voice interrupted my flashback.
I snapped back to reality and saw her with her hands on her hips and her weight shifted to her left, "I said come on, let's go! You're dressed already, the academy isn't going to defend its self you know!" She said as she grabbed my hand and began dragging me out of my room. Leo jumps down from her shoulder to grab my school bag. It was pretty cute on how he just drags it on the floor.
Riefaa seems very eager to get to the academy for some reason, most of the classes that we have together she dislikes very much. I don't see why this day could be any different from yesterday. Same classes, same people, same agenda, almost same every thing basically.
As we walk through the town I could hear people mumbling as Riefaa, Leo and I passed them. I keep hearing the girls and women say things like, "Aw, that's too bad that he's taken" and "That girl is so lucky!" which made me blush a little bit, due to the fact that I do have a small attraction to Riefaa. Many times, during our walk to the academy, I've tried to grab her hand when she would have it out of her pocket to see if she would blush if I did that but every attempt was a failed attempt. I think she might know what I'm trying to do and she's avoiding it.
We haven't even stepped onto academy grounds and Riefaa already senses something. "Riefaa what is it? Werewolf? Vampire?" I whispered into her ear so no one around us would hear. No answer. Simultaneously Leo and Riefaa sniffed the air, their nostrils flaring as they pick up a scent.
Riefaa runs up to the schools gate and starts sniffing it, just like Leo.
Students passing by to get into the academy looked oddly at Riefaa and Leo as they continue to sniff the gate, I pretend that I'm oblivious with what Riefaa is doing and whistle an out of tune version of one of Beethoven's songs.
"Trying to act cool as always aren't ya Cain?" A close to high pitched male voice asked me from behind. The voice, seemingly familiar, started registering in my mind. Nakamaru Matsumoto. I turned around and saw him with that crazy grin on his face.
Nakamaru Matsumoto, he's my best friend ever since we were young kids. He's built is almost like Christopher's but a bit more lankier. His spiky side-swept black hair is always looks very disorderly due to his blond streaks. His almond color eyes are closely resembling to how Riefaa's bright and friendly bi color eyes are. Nakamaru is almost like me but he's most likely the one who falls for girls more than me. He's much more out going than me but I seem to pass him on the handsome scale. With Nakamaru I always seemed to find something to laugh at except the time when he and his father decided to move due to the idea of having an academy act as a bridge for our kind and the humans. That was probably the last time I saw him till today.
"Yo! Haven't seen you in a few months. How are ya?" Nakamaru asked with that all-around-good-guy smile that he greets everyone with. "Nakamaru! Yeah, it's been awhile! I'm good! So you and your coven have finally decided on coming to the academy?" I asked happily. He smirked and nodded, "Heh yeah, got that right. Sorry that we made a huge scene about it."
I couldn't help myself from smiling, "Oh don't wor---"
"CAIN!" Riefaa's voiced roared as I could hear her and Leo run from the gate to my side. The two of them began to growl deep in their throats. Nakamaru's face grew bright, "Whoa, well 'grr' too you too sweetie."
"Cain I have a bad feeling about this guy. I'm getting bad vibes from him." She hissed.
"Riefaa, don't say that this is my best friend Nakamaru Matsumoto. He can't be bad, the only bad thing he would ever do is try and grope a girl." I tried to whisper to her without laughing. "It's true you should listen to him." Nakamaru said with a nod, "Plus I'm getting some good vibes from you sweetie!" he winked at Riefaa. Riefaa bared her teeth and hissed as did Leo. "Heh, feisty." Nakamaru grinned. "Oh, Nakamaru, this is Riefaa Andersen. She's new to Myth and she is a bit cuckoo." I told him as I placed my hand on Riefaa's head. "Hey! Cain, I'm not cuckoo!" She complained as she stepped on my foot not really doing any damage to me.
"Hey, Riefaa, Kerberos, what are you two do----" Christopher's voice paused from behind me. I turned to look at him. He didn't seem pleased to see Nakamaru. "Riefaa! Come on, let's go." Christopher ordered her. Riefaa turned to Christopher with a worried face, "Christopher, what's wro--"
Riefaa pouted bring her lower lip up and leering at Christopher, she signals Leo to come with her. Christopher walks with Riefaa and Leo off the cobble stone path that leads to the academy when most students weren't looking. Riefaa and Christopher both look back at me as they melt into the dark mist of the cemetery. "Heh, looks like Christopher still hasn't warmed up to me yet. And I'm guessing that Riefaa is taken then." Nakamaru said as he rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry about that, he's just been a bit on edge for the past two days, I have no clue why but he's been acting a bit different than usual." I told him with my head down as I replayed the scenes that happened for the past two days in my head. I raised my head and met Nakamaru's crooked smile, "Mood swings!" we both laughed together as we started to talk about what we both missed in the past few months that we haven't been together.
For the first day that Nakamaru has been at the academy I felt as if Riefaa and Christopher were avoiding me. No socialization of any sort but they would occasionally look at me then just quickly turn away. 'Why are they avoiding me?' is what kept going through my mind. I have a feeling that they don't want me hanging out with Nakamaru. What gives?! Nakamaru hasn't done anything wrong to them, yet. But it seems a bit childish that they are just ignoring me and him. I've heard Christopher talk about equality for the past few years but he's never shown any of that to Nakamaru. If they have something to say they should tell me what's on their mind because I'm the leader of the defense team.
Two days have passed and Riefaa and Christopher have both caught at least one intruder on the campus and they haven't told me. The thought that they aren't telling me that there is an intruder on campus makes me feel like I can't really trust them. How am I supposed to lead a team that won't even tell me that there is an intruder? I even asked Talenne if he knew anything but he's told me that he has no clue and that I should keep my eyes peeled.
During our lunch break I decided to go look for them, and my first stop is to go to the mausoleum to check if they are there.
"Yo!" I said as I opened the mausoleum door and saw Christopher and Riefaa there. Christopher was reading a book next to the stone coffin which we turned into a storage container and Riefaa was just watching Christopher read as she lay on top of the coffin. Both of them seemed to ignore me which really seems to tick me off now. "Okay, what's wrong with you two?" I asked them as I crossed my arms over my chest.
Christopher slammed his book shut and put it down, "Nakamaru." is all he said.
I scowled at his answer, "What's wrong with him?" I asked. Riefaa got up and walked over to me, "Cain, I told you my nose is never wrong! Can't you sense it? Those vibes that he gives off, the vibes that make it seem like he wants to kill you!" Riefaa explained to me with a weary face. "I don't believe you. He wouldn't ever want to do anything like that!" I yelled at her, "You just came here, you haven't even given him a chance and yet you're judging him for a person that he's not! He may be a blood sucker like the three of us but he would never want to kill another person or vampire. Especially me! And ever thought that your little nose sense is just playing tricks on you like a cold?" I added.
Riefaa mumbled something under her breath which I wasn't able to make out.
"Kerberos, listen to her. She's right, I got the same vibes as Riefaa, you can't hide it. The majority rules Kerberos whether you like it or not." Christopher said as he got up from the foot of the stone coffin and walked next to Riefaa. "You can't say that Christopher, you never liked Nakamaru from the get go! You have no say in this!" I snarled. "Cain, please! Listen to us, Nakamaru doesn't seem like he belongs here. There is something about him that seems really off." Riefaa said in an apprehensive tone. "No, you two are wrong. Nakamaru is not like that, he's just like us! He's a vampire like us. So he belongs here!" I roared at the two of them. "But Cain-" Out of a fit of rage, I cut Riefaa off and struck her cheek with my fist. She get knocked back onto the floor with eyes wide and mouth open, breathing quietly but heavily. She placed her hand on the cheek that I punched looked away from me.
I realized what I've done and I try to apologize to her and offer to help her up but Christopher returns the punch that I gave to Riefaa back to me. The impact of his punch shocked me making it seem like he didn't even use his full force, which he didn't. Christopher helped Riefaa up and sighed, "I guess I was wrong about having you as a leader." he said as shook his head. "I thought you had what it takes to be a leader but I guess I was wrong." Christopher walked with Riefaa out of the mausoleum and it became silent. Small little meows started to be heard from behind the stone coffin. I know that it's Leo due to the fact that he was with Riefaa and Christopher, I guess he just decided to stay behind.
I walked to the stone coffin and saw Leo curled up into a small furry little ball with his tail covering his face. "Leo?" I called him. He looked up at me with a worrisome face and meowed, he started to fade away, like he does before he disappears into a wall or thin air, as if now he's avoiding me now.
I groaned and just sat down on against the stone coffin thinking about what I have just done.
Not only have I disappointed my team, I punched Riefaa. Well there goes my chances of ever being with her. Man the past few days haven't been very lucky for me, I mean yeah I'm happy to see Nakamaru but it's just ridiculous that I most likely lost the trust of the two people who saw me as a person who would be a leader. Even Leo is starting to loose all respect with me.
Once the academy closed for the day Talenne and Forrest took over for the night shift of protecting the academy. Nakamaru had already headed home while I decided to avoid doing my studies and just try and get my mind off things as I walk around in town. I've already changed out of my academy clothing and into my normal street or as Christopher calls it, "commoner clothing". I tried looking around town for a place to just take a break and think but no place in town. The town of Myth is like a nocturnal town. The humans take day shifts while other beings like vampires and werewolves take night shifts, and when vampires and werewolves take over night shifts they always seem to manage to make the town louder than usual.
After mauling it over I decided to just go to the park to the park, my head bent, shoulders slung forward as if I just lost a job. No one commented me like they would as usual which didn't bother me one bit. Comments aren't going to help repair the kind of damage I did onto my relations that I just crushed back at school.
Night fall had come as I made my way into the park. The sky was filled with stars and there were barely any clouds out tonight. The moon illuminated the sky in a half moon shape.
The park was nearly empty besides a drunken Riefaa who lay sleep on the park bench.
How I know it's Riefaa, I she stands out from all the other girls in this town and Leo is with her. And how is she drunk you ask, she has a beer bottle in her hand.
I shook my head and decided to go over to her even though I know I'm going to be ignored. I sit on the portion of the bench that she didn't take up and sigh. "I'm sorry." Riefaa's voice whispered. I looked at her as she opens her sleepy eyes half way. I frowned as she didn't look at me, "What for? I'm the one who should be sorry. I punched you remember?"
Riefaa finally got up and sat next to me. She put her hand to her forehead and hissed through her teeth, "I shouldn't have drank that entire bottle....." she attempted to shake her hangover off.
"You drink?" I asked out of curiosity. She shook her head, "No, I'm still too young to drink. I was just drinking Ramune." she said as she looked at the liquor bottle that she's holding. "But it says liquor on it..." I pointed it out to her. "Well Forrest is a cheapskate, he refuses to buy new bottles of things so he gets our drinks from Talenne, so he doesn't have to pay." Riefaa said as she placed the bottle on the floor carefully.
Then it is liquor she's drinking..... Talenne would never have ramune, he's an alcoholic. Talenne has his own claim of land on the outskirts of the town where he makes his own wine and liquor then sells it. It's actually pretty good and all but it's not in my nature to drink. Talenne on the other hand drinks 24/7 and he's able to keep going without getting drunk and yet he acts sober. He's even stated that the wine and liquor he makes is just like regular water.
Worried, I asked Riefaa how many bottles has she drunken and she tells me three.
Great she's turning into a Talenne...... enter little party noise here.....
"Maybe you should lay off the 'ramune' for now." I tell her in a bothered tone. "Why?" she asked puzzled as she tilts her head to the right. I shake my head and tell her to forget it.
The two of us sit on the bench for a few seconds till I finally break the silence, "Sorry I punched you back at the mausoleum. I guess I couldn't stand listening or having you guys ignore me and talk about Nakamaru the way you two did."
Riefaa shook her head, "It's no problem. You're probably right. I rely on my senses too much and maybe they were actually dulled due to all the scents of aura at the academy." she said as she fiddled with her fingers, "Everyone's aura is different but can be changed in an instant once an emotion is felt. And once an emotion gets intertwined with another persons then it gives off a different feel to the individuals aura and that can sometimes cause confusion for me. I guess when you and Nak-kun greeted each other my senses got confused and tagged Nak-kun's aura as evil." She tried to crack a smile but failed at the execution of it, "I guess that's what happens when you're not a purebred. Your senses aren't as strong as you think, I'm just a sorry excuse for a vampire/Noah hybrid." Riefaa's bangs hid her eyes so I wasn't able to make out what kind of emotion she was feeling at the time. But I have a hunch that she's very troubled right now. "Noah? What's that?" I asked trying to stray away from the topic of what happened earlier today even though I was the person who brought it up.
"Hmmm I dunno, but I was told that I was part Noah by Forrest. He won't tell me what it actually is but I know it's human since I don't change during any moon or time." she giggled. "So I guess that's why you were a reject before and put up for adoption?" I asked with a chuckle. No reply.
I think about what was said before there was no answer from Riefaa.
"So I guess that's why you were a reject before and put up for adoption?"
Great going Cain! That was a b***h move, especially since I don't know that much about her.... my chances of ever going out with Riefaa currently is negative six percent.
"Riefaa?" I called her name. "Huh?!" She answered as if she just came out of a trance, "Oh sorry, I was just zoning out again, ha! So what was it?" she asked in a perky way as she looks at me with a smile.
Her smile didn't seem very real like how she would always smile. The way she smiled seemed a bit fake. I guess I did affect her a little bit when I said 'So I guess that's why you were a reject before and put up for adoption?', that was the stupidest thing I could ever do! I'm going to regret saying that for the rest of my life.....
I tried to smile but it turned into a frown, "Nothing. Forget it." Riefaa cupped her hands around my face just like she did when we first met at the animal shelter. She turned my face toward hers and brought it a bit closer to mine, she pouted as I began to blush just like before. "No frowning Cain. A leader shouldn't pout, a leader needs to be proud of who he is. So who cares if you hit me, that's fine, you're defending your opinion on Nak-kun. A leader should be authoritative with their subordinates or else there wouldn't be any order, that may be a way you show your authority. Christopher did tell me that you do like to pick fights, and that you have issues with anger sometimes." Riefaa said with a shrug.
Anger issues? Oh wait... that's true...
"But anyway, Cain, I know you'll make the right decision with Nakamaru. I have your back all the way and ready to support you at anytime, same with Christopher! Even if we have different perspectives on things Christopher and I are still your subordinates and we're ready to back you up at anytime." she says happily with a nod. Riefaa moves tilts her head to the side and moves closer to me. I could hear her quiet giggles as she moved her lips closer to my cheek. Her cold breath sent shivers down my spine. An unexpected turn of events, she hugs me. "You'll do what you know is right." she said as she released me. She smiled happily like she normally would. Although I'm a bit disappointed with what I thought was going to be a kiss I was alright with the hug and her smile. Just seeing her smile can always brighten my day.
"Heh, thank you Riefaa." I smiled back at her. I chuckled a bit then leaned forward toward Riefaa. "Huh? C-Cain?" she stuttered my name as she withdrew a little.
I don't know what came over me at the time but I really had this urge to kiss her. I closed my eyes and pulled her closer to me, I could hear her heart beating louder and faster as I got closer to her. As soon as Riefaa's lips and mine came barely into contact.....
"Saketa mune no kizuguchi ni
Afure nagareru ..... PAIN In the dark
Kasaneaeta shunkan no
Tsunagaru omoi ..... tokashite"
I heard my cell phone ring. The ring was Christopher's little theme that I dubbed him with a year ago, INNOCENT SORROW by the Abingdon Boys School.
"Samenai netsu ni unasarete ...... saigo no koe mo kikoenai"
"Ah, damn it..." I said under my breath as the song continued to play. I pulled away from Riefaa and apologized for trying to kiss her. She says it's alright then I quickly answer my phone since I know Christopher hates waiting.
"Hello?" I answered. "Cain, find Riefaa and meet me at the academy. I think you might want to see something." Christopher's voice whispered through the phone.
"Christopher? What's going on there?" I asked.
"Just get here now!" He hissed then hung up.
"Was that Christopher?" Riefaa asked as she tilted her head. "Yeah it was, he said we have to go to the academy now though." I said as I got up from the bench. Riefaa stood up beside me, "Is he alright?" she asked weary. I looked at her, a bit confused with her quick reaction to Christopher's call, "Uh, yeah he's fine. He just wants us to go down to the academy asap." I told her. Leo perched himself on Riefaa's shoulder as she nodded and grabbed my hand, "Alright, Cain, lets get going!"
Riefaa dragged me by my hand till we got to the edge of the park where she just stopped in her tracks. "What's wrong Riefaa?" I asked as she released my hand. "Eh, which way is the academy?" she asked in a puzzled way. I hit my forehead with the palm of my hand, "You have to be kidding me..." I said under my breath. "Hey! It's not my fault I can't remember which way it is! What about you? Do you know which way it is?!" She barked at me. "Well!" I tried to remember which way I came from and how I got to the park. I had no answer for her. Riefaa began to complain like a little child, stopping her feet on the ground and waving her arms wildly up and down, "Argh! I knew it, you don't even know either!" she whined. Leo jumped down from his perch on Riefaa's shoulder and hid his face with his tail. I poked her in her shoulder and said, "Hey, at least I don't drink!"
"Where'd that come from?! And I'm not an alcoholic! At least I'm not a pervert like you!"
"I'm not a pervert!"
"Oh yeah! Christopher told me how you always look at girls chests and asses and then imagine yourself with them!"
"Hey, I used to do that I don't do that anymore! Besides I only look at you now!"
********.... that slipped.
Riefaa stomped her foot on the floor and pointed at me, "Pervert!!!"
"I am not!" I put Riefaa in a head lock as she began to yell at me to let her go. "Let me go you pervert!" She flailed. "I am so not, you snot nosed brat!" I barked at her.
This went on for about a few seconds until Leo roared which silenced both of us. We both looked over to where the small ghost cat hid and in his place stood tall another large lion like creature.
This time it didn't have a mane, large canines and spear-like horns. It just had a large patch of fur that started from the top of it's head all the way to the beginning of it's tail.
Basically a larger and more aggressive looking Leo.
"Leo 2." Riefaa said happily. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow and let her go from my head lock, she looked at me and began to explain what Leo 2 is, "Leo 2 is still Leo but a larger version of Leo. My father created Leo and gave him three forms. The small cat that you adopted, an older teenage stage and--"
"A large lion like adult stage?" I added. She nodded, "Yeah! How'd you know?" she asked with her head tilted to the side. "Oh, just go on." I said as I didn't want to go into a conversation about knocking her and Christopher unconscious while Lupin tried to attack. "Leo 3 is what we call it. Leo was supposed to be the only one of his kind that Forrest created for my birthday but someone stole his blueprints and so now there are many creatures like Leo." she said as she went up to Leo and petted him on the head. Leo rubbed it's giant head against her and began to pur. "Wait blueprints?" I asked as I went up to the two of them. Riefaa nodded, "Yeah, Forrest has this ability to draw out things on a piece of paper, make it come off the page and come to life. And once off paper he's able to give the thing that he drew special attributes and personalities. That's what he did with Leo and those are the blueprints." she sighs, "Unfortunately someone also has the same ability and made copies of Leo. We thought we could catch whoever stole the blueprints by putting Leo in Talenne's animal shelter, but we didn't catch them since it was your family who adopted Leo and Forrest knows your father would never take what isn't his."
"I see." I said as I petted Leo on the large jewel on his forehead. Leo nudged me enough to make the cell phone that was in my jacket pocket fall out. "Leo, what was that for?!" I exclaimed. Leo gently picked it up in his massive jaws and handed me my phone.
"Cain, find Riefaa and meet me at the academy. I think you might want to see something."
Christopher's voice replayed in my head as I took my phone from Leo. "Crap, we wasted too much time here!" I said as I hit my head with my phone, "Riefaa!" Riefaa straightens up and saluted me, "Yes sir!"
"You know Leo a lot better than me, can we use him for fast transportation to the academy?" I asked in demand for an answer. She looked at me with eyes widened, "Eh? Well, I don't know if my father ever gave that kind of ability to Leo. I mean sure he can fly, disappear and fight but I'm not sure if he'd allow people on him. Plus I never really tried to ride Leo."
I shook my head at her then I look at Leo. He tilts his head, still purring, and blinks. I smile and jump onto Leo's back with no problem. "Hey not bad." I say as I began to stroke Leo's back for behaving and letting me get on him. I hold my hand out to Riefaa, "Come on." She looks at me and hesitates to give me her hand, "No funny business right?"
I roll my eyes, "Yeah, come on! I promise!" Riefaa gets on behind me gracefully as she did when she was running amongst the tombstones the first day that the academy opened. She wraps her arms around my waist and I begin to smile, thinking of it as a hug. "Leo, you know which way the academy is right?" I asked. "Wait, but if Leo doesn't know then what's the point of getting on his back?" Riefaa questioned. I shrug, "Well if we do get lost then most likely we won't waste a lot of time in that one spot arguing since Leo is the one who's actually looking for the academy."
Riefaa nods, "Good point."
"So Leo do you know where it is?" I asked once again. Leo nods his large head and begins to dash off into the direction of where he thinks the academy is. Leo avoids going through the town so it doesn't cause a ruckus of a large adolescent lion thing running around so he sticks to the thicket of the woods which is also a short cut to the academy.
Note, never take the woods path way to the academy without a mythical being because humans can get easily lost in the never ending changing woods. I learned that the hard way when I was a young boy, thankfully Talenne and Christopher were able to find me, although I did get scolded by Christopher who was playing 'Father' at the time.
Finally after six minutes or so of watching Leo make sharp turns, jumps and dives through the woods we finally made it to the academy gates. The moon setting behind the academy gave it a dark castle like feel to it. Inside of the academy we could hear loud clanks of steel brushing against each other. Each time the steel was heard it sounded like lightning. "Christopher's fighting something." I said as I looked at the academy. Riefaa jumped down from Leo and began running toward the academy. "Oi Riefaa! What are you doing?!" I yelled after her. She didn't even turn around to answer me she just kept running toward the entrance of the academy. I jumped off Leo and he reverted back to his small cat form and began to follow me as I chased after Riefaa. I called her name many times but she wouldn't answer to me.
Geez she's starting to sound like a disobedient dog.
The deeper we entered the academy the louder the sounds of steel got. Past the science and English wings we ran and finally I caught up to Riefaa in the history wings. There Christopher had drawn out a side-sword that was originally mounted on the wall for display and is in a middle of a duel with someone. "Hey need help?" I called out as he watches Riefaa, Leo and me from the side of his eye, "Took you two long enough! And no I don't. You dare try to help I'll slice you in two when I'm finished!" he grunted as he took another swing at whoever he was fighting.
Ah good old Christopher, threatening us lightly. Argh! It's so frustrating not being able to see who he's fighting. The moonlight doesn't even fill half of the wing and all I can really see is Christopher pushing his foe into the darkness of the room. I try to make out what little hints I get from the grunts, fighting style and the figure. Nothing yet. The fighting style seems a bit familiar but then again I use the same fighting style whenever Christopher and I duel, but whoever his foe is can really give Christopher a run for his money. He's almost matching in technique and skills that Christopher has but knowing Christopher he can always find someones weak spot.
The moonlight then begins to fill the room as Christopher gets pushed back toward the window where the moon shines bright. Finally it's revealed who Christopher's foe is. Nakamaru.
My eyes widen with surprise that my best friend would be dueling Christopher in the academy this late. Many thoughts started rushing through my head as they continued dueling paying no attention to Riefaa, Leo and me. "Cain I'm sorry." Riefaa said as she turned her head away from me. I shook my head, eyes still locked on the two of them dueling, "No. I'm the one who's sorry. You two were right the entire time. I should've listened." I told her dazed with what I'm witnessing. "Good! Now that you know he truth, might as well deal with it!" Christopher said as he dodged on of Nakamaru's swings. "Hey, Cain!" Nakamaru's voice called for my attention, "Sorry you have to witness this."
"Witness what? You and Christopher fighting?"
"No, witnessing your own brother's death! And by the way I'm not sorry for all the things that are to come once I kill all of you!" Nakamaru laughs maniacally as he finally lands a blow to Christopher's ankle using the blunt side of the his katana that he drew. Christopher is then pushed to the wall by Nakamaru. Nakamaru's blade slowly glides across Christopher's neck barely even touching him. "Ya know, I kinda figured that this was how it's going to end for you Christopher. Two rivals from the very beginning fighting for what we thought was right!"
he tries not to laugh, "Ha ha, looks like I win the war Christopher. And what a glorious victory it is for the ones who always wanted to stay secret to those damned humans! So any last words?" Nakamaru grins. Christopher doesn't say a word and keeps the same expressionless face on. Nakamaru frowns greatly, "I've always hated that face of yours, I'm just glad that I won't get to see it anymore after this!" he draws his katana back and settles it toward Christopher's neck. "Good bye Christopher Fenris! It's been a real blast seeing you again!"
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LIKE, LIKE, LIKE THE SUPERMAN nah wah mah joo cheen
"Blah, blah, blah Cupcakes... Blah, blah, blah..... blargh......."
LIKE, LIKE, LIKE THE SUPERMAN nah wah mah joo cheen
"Blah, blah, blah Cupcakes... Blah, blah, blah..... blargh......."
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Community Member |
Like my art go to my DeviantArt ♥

FAQ: Do you take any Art Classes?
A: No, but if you're willing to offer me some for free then alrighty! : ) ♥

FAQ: Do you take any Art Classes?
A: No, but if you're willing to offer me some for free then alrighty! : ) ♥