I am not currently accepting any art requests (as in, free art), I'm sorry!
Art Trades
I'm probably not accepting these, either...unless you're some amazing god-artist...in which case why would you even think about doing an art trade with me O_O;;?? XD XD
I occassionaly hold art auctions and open temporary stores for commissions. I post links to my art auctions in my profile and sig normally, but the temporary stores just kind of pop up and close down randomly ^^;.
I am willing to try to do pictures like the full, detailed CGs from my DA or website gallery (like:

in exchange for one of my quest items (currently angelic minis or a devil tail). I'd have to see what the picture request was, though. (It's hard enough to do one of these from my own imagination...much less illustrating someone else's ^_^;;!)
I do occasionaly open for commission on quicker CGs, though~. Like SDs or headshots~. Some examples~:
B&W Headshots:

Quick CG Headshots

CG Headshots:

CG Super SDs:

I'm not open for anything but occasional bribes right now on these, though~. (The normal price, when I'm open for commission, is about 3k for a B&W headshot, 6k for a quick CG Headshot, 20k for a headshot and 50k for a full body Super SD chibi)