So, after seeing 10 Things You Didnt Know About Naya Rivera, I thought to myself, "Wow. This girl. heart HeMo is soooo lucky" "Are there 10 things people don't know about me? Hmmm." So i spent a good 2 weeks finding out things i can entertain people on Gaia with. So here they are, accompanied by some emotes and gifs to show what my face mainly looks like during typing this.
10 Things You Didn't Know About The Idiot Behind Atomic
sweatdrop 1. I can't use sponges. I will clean every dish in the world by hand if i never have to touch a sponge. Ever. Unless, you know, it's the first time the sponge has ever been used. It's just--... The smell... The feel... The sound it makes against my nails... I will feel or smell that evilness for hours or even days. *shudders*

mad 2. I hate soggy cereal. Cereal is only good for 3 minutes after the milk is poured in.

cool 3. I can clean pretty well-- IF IT'S NOT MY STUFF. I can't clean my room because i'm a pack rat and might blow a gasket if i accidentally throw something i'll need away. So i might be a maid when i grow up, if my massage/teacher/voice actress/astronaut/keyblade master/psychic/glassmaker careers go down the toilet.

redface 4. I have a serious thing for glasses and clavicles (collarbones). Also, they way people say things. I like to watch people talk, and how their voice sounds when they say the letter S. And hipbones.

ninja 5. I know useless facts about things i'm obsessed with.
(Let's take Glee for example. Kevin used to be in a boy band, Cory and Mark currently have bands, Jenna and Lea and Matt were all in Broadway, HeMo was a backup dancer for Beyonce, Naya was on a bunch of shows before Glee, Jessalyn was a voice actor for the animated movie Quest for Camelot, I could go on but i'm freaking myself out from thinking about EVERYTHING i should've put down...)

scream 6. I don't actually text a lot. Most often, when people text me, I look at my phone and throw it.

cheese_whine 7. I love trashy shows. Bad Girl's Club. You're Cut Off. Jersey Shore. Scream Queens. Tool Academy. Tough Love. I can't get enough of them. I like to have marathons where i just watch them and laugh my a** off.

wink 8. I'm a vegetarian. Don't push your meat on me. No innuendo intended.

emo 9. I have an irrational fear of oven mitts. I would explain that, but i'd rather leave you to your imagination.

10. I was in band, i played clarinet. I named my clarinet Sam, because that's a unisex name and i didn't know what gender it was. Sadly, they sold Sam and got a bass that no one plays. Now there are 3 guitars and a bass in this house that have one soul purpose- GATHERING DUST.

xd 11. I like overdoing stuff....

whee 12. I really do like overdoing stuff. It gets me pumped to do emoticons.
10 Things You Didn't Know About The Idiot Behind Atomic
sweatdrop 1. I can't use sponges. I will clean every dish in the world by hand if i never have to touch a sponge. Ever. Unless, you know, it's the first time the sponge has ever been used. It's just--... The smell... The feel... The sound it makes against my nails... I will feel or smell that evilness for hours or even days. *shudders*

mad 2. I hate soggy cereal. Cereal is only good for 3 minutes after the milk is poured in.

cool 3. I can clean pretty well-- IF IT'S NOT MY STUFF. I can't clean my room because i'm a pack rat and might blow a gasket if i accidentally throw something i'll need away. So i might be a maid when i grow up, if my massage/teacher/voice actress/astronaut/keyblade master/psychic/glassmaker careers go down the toilet.

redface 4. I have a serious thing for glasses and clavicles (collarbones). Also, they way people say things. I like to watch people talk, and how their voice sounds when they say the letter S. And hipbones.

ninja 5. I know useless facts about things i'm obsessed with.
(Let's take Glee for example. Kevin used to be in a boy band, Cory and Mark currently have bands, Jenna and Lea and Matt were all in Broadway, HeMo was a backup dancer for Beyonce, Naya was on a bunch of shows before Glee, Jessalyn was a voice actor for the animated movie Quest for Camelot, I could go on but i'm freaking myself out from thinking about EVERYTHING i should've put down...)

scream 6. I don't actually text a lot. Most often, when people text me, I look at my phone and throw it.

cheese_whine 7. I love trashy shows. Bad Girl's Club. You're Cut Off. Jersey Shore. Scream Queens. Tool Academy. Tough Love. I can't get enough of them. I like to have marathons where i just watch them and laugh my a** off.

wink 8. I'm a vegetarian. Don't push your meat on me. No innuendo intended.

emo 9. I have an irrational fear of oven mitts. I would explain that, but i'd rather leave you to your imagination.

10. I was in band, i played clarinet. I named my clarinet Sam, because that's a unisex name and i didn't know what gender it was. Sadly, they sold Sam and got a bass that no one plays. Now there are 3 guitars and a bass in this house that have one soul purpose- GATHERING DUST.

xd 11. I like overdoing stuff....

whee 12. I really do like overdoing stuff. It gets me pumped to do emoticons.
ADMIT IT you liked this. Else you wouldn't have stomached this much of me talking about myself. I could barely handle it. Anyway, i think you, reader still reading, should do this too. PM me a link if you also do a "10 things you didn't know about..." in your journal so i can laugh at you as much as you're laughing at me.
Later, toots.