How beautiful is the sun when it rises, fresh Like an explosion sending us its greeting! — Grateful is the one who can salute with love Its setting, more glorious than a dream!
I remember!... I have seen all, flower, spring, furrow, Faint under its watch like a palpitating heart. — Let us run toward the horizon, it is late, let us run fast, So we can at least catch an oblique ray!
But in vain I pursued a retreating God The irresistible night cast its empire, Dark, humid, morbid and full of shudders;
An odor of a tomb lurks, tenebrous, And my anguished, frightened, and cold foot, At a marsh's edge, treads unpredictable toads along the way.
— Charles Baudelaire/ trsl. Said Leghlid
Theandraz · Mon Aug 06, 2012 @ 10:43pm · 0 Comments |