JOURNAL ENTRY 1; my first days as a wolf lord on gaia:
My first days on gaia started out ok but crashed with a horrible bang. truly, i dont know what went wrong. heres where it started. I went on my good friend, Y Hugerashie's page and was loking at her wishlist. i happened to see a wolf. obviously interested, i clicked on it. and i see "wild things" and think cool! it says they carry you around. it also says that its 9000g. so i go to the forum, thinking about my other good friend, Dunken_Angel, giving me a donation, and say "well mayby someone over here will be nice and give a newcomer something to start off with. now some people make big mistakes with what i sayed. heres what one kid sayed:
"your being a wussy. pathetic. OOH! GIVE ME 9K SO I CAN BUY AN ITEM! pathetic. So i went to the person who started it who i will remained unamed, but sayed
go kil yourself, noob. Now im starting to get serious. he brought his friends into it and now they say half of gaia hates me. I'm just trying to fit in. please. i thought you people were NICE. i guess i thought wrong.