Tattoo aftercare
For those of you who have chosen a tattoo you want, where you want it and the artist to put it on, this is dedicated to the care of said tattoo once you have left the shop. Note that a good shop will not just tattoo and set you lose. A good artist and established shop will not only explain how to care for your body art (peircings included) But will also walk you through products you can use and what to look out for. Also most shops actually have an aftercare sheet that they will hand you before heading out the door. Please do read the aftercare sheet, they are handed out for a reason.
If you are curious about how to take care of a tattoo after you get one or by some silly chance you lose your after care sheet, here are some sights to help you.
TattooGoo sharptattoos about
My poduct recomendations: Working as a tattoo artist for 6 years I have found that some products work better than others, and some products work differently for different people. I have found that Bagbalm holds color well for a healing tattoo, you can find it in the pet department of Wal-Mart, and they have even changed up the packageing and started selling it in the first aid section, comes in a green square tin. Also A&D ointment, Basitration ointment, and Tattoo Goo. I havn't used tattoogoo myself but I know people who swear by it. There is another company that makes healing products just for tattoos and peircings called H2Ocean. Anoher helpful product after the 2nd day of getting inked is Lubiderm non scented lotion. Avoid anything with dyes or perfumes in it.
Products to avoid useing are Patrolium jelly, triple antibiotic (Unless you have contracted an infection then holding your ink is less important, your helath comes first) Anything with a drawing sab or ointment. Any product made to draw out infections will more than likley draw out ink. Avoid gooping on product as well, you want a thin layer.
I do hope this helped you out. I love feed back and anyone has a product that has worked for them feel free to share. I would love to update this for a potential information forum. I would also like to add other tattoo artists who can answer questions for gaian's interested in body modification.