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Leau Rosalie Gante---------------------------------fillerfillerfillerfiller--------------------------![User Image](https://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c115/Stealful/post-1-1.jpg)
Morning and Night, they were always different in her mind. The rising of the sun and then the rising of the moon, almost pure in any form and the colors were brilliant. People would paint many pretty pictures of a horizon scattered with oranges and reds, but then there would be others with purples and blues. It would make the sky seem mysterious and beautiful, adding a quality of security. One could gaze at that single location for hours, but the rising of each orb of light only took a couple of minutes. There is no specific term for a sensation of beauty; everyone just knows that something can be beautiful in any way. She missed the sun very much, seeking it out through paintings and through the expression of words. She sometimes could picture it in her mind, but she could never make out the exact distinction of the clouds or the way the rays of the sun hit the ground. She couldn’t feel the warmth either and she couldn’t picture the way she smiled when she looked at the sun. Then night would come and steal the sun away, but she did not feel fear when it turned dark. The sky would be purple at first, but then a dark blue would cover everything showing small twinkling of stars, but one white orb would illuminate everything. Night was safety for her, it was a place where she could sneak out at night, speak at night and even run. She had no fear of who would find her as long as she was herself. Now the night had been taken as well and she could barely remember the stars. She could count some of the stars she remembered on her fingers, which was sad indeed. But the chill had disappeared with it and the coolness of the wind had been taken away. Every nerve in her body craved some kind of warmth, some kind of chill that would give her goose bumps.
Her eyes adjusted to the blackness of the room, hearing occasional snores, but she could hear everyone’s breathing. One arm was across her waist while the other was above her head. Turning her head on her pillow she looked across from her and smiled. Next to her was her brother, lying there with his mouth wide open and his body huddled close to her. He was taking up majority of the bed, but she could feel someone on top of her feet. Looking down at the end of the bed she could see her two little sisters each holding onto a leg and onto each other. Her bed was crowded and it was only made for one person, but it had taken over. Putting her head back onto her pillow she smiled and closed her eyes. She could easily fall back asleep, letting her memories wash over her and let her drift away. The only thing though, was that her body would not let her cooperate. She was already warming up and could feel the beating of her heart increase, letting her know that it was time to get up. Turning on her side, she gently grabbed the side of her bed and slid out.
She heard moans and breathing become staggered, but no one woke up. Her legs were dangling from the top of the loft and she slowly lowered herself down until her bare feet touched the floor. She quickly went to her knees when she looked at the bed underneath her own. Her other brother and sister were sleeping together, holding onto each other without even realizing it. She smiled and wouldn’t have minded waking them up, but she did not. Touching the cool wood floor she rose to her feet once more and then quickly ran out of the room. She would have left the room, but before she closed the door behind her she looked at her siblings, looking at each of the beds and the sleeping bags on the floor. There young ones and then older ones, each one having someone to hold onto in their sleep. Looking at her bed she saw that her brother had woken up and was looking at her with his chocolate eyes. He was five years older than her, but there was no difference in age to her. Looking back at him with her steel blue eyes she nodded to him. He only rolled his eyes and laid back down on the pillow, his back turned to her. Walking into the hallway she closed the door behind her and went off into the changing room.
This at least she could claim for herself, because everyone had a separate closet where they could get their clothes. Flipping on the light she saw some other siblings were changing as well. Waving to them she opened her closet and began to look for clothes. Changing in front of any gender was not an issue; it was more natural than actually hiding behind layers of clothes and skin. Taking off the white t-shirt she was wearing she let it slip to the floor, exposing her green bra which matched her flower printed underwear. She always slept without some kind of pajama pants, there was no such thing as being too exposed at home. Of course in public she couldn’t dress as freely so she began to pick out whatever matched her mood. She didn’t have an exact clue as to what she wanted to do, but for some reason she was hungry and also felt a peak of energy going through her. So she settled on a pair of faded grey skinny jeans, red sneakers, a maroon colored tank top and a darker grey jacket. Make-up wasn’t necessary, but she did slip her hair into a pony-tail. Letting her fingers run through the purplish black hue of her hair, she slipped it into a high pony and went on with her day. She looked like an average young woman who was about to head off to some rock concert or at least to some dance club that was very informal. That was occasionally the look she went for, because really did she ever need to get fancied up for anything? Heading to the front door of their three story apartment she waved to some more elder siblings and then went into the city.
The air hit her first and she took a deep breath, taking in the fresh air, but along with the carbon dioxide that was in the air. Coughing for a second she stretched out her arms and then began a light jog. Everyone was walking or running nowadays. It was way too expensive to afford or car, or better yet any kind of transportation. City life population had grown immensely since everyone had to be close to living stations or stores. Passing a few siblings she bowed to them, acknowledging that they were there at least. She could smell the other race though, but they at least didn’t come close to their district. It wouldn’t exactly be a smart move to be in a place that was your enemies, but that was at least what she thought of it. Then she smelled beer and day old fish, she had arrived to her meeting point. It wasn’t exactly top notch, but she liked to take at least one drink before her job started. She liked to have a little buzz before getting pumped up. Three guys were waiting for her outside the bar, each wearing something similar to a leather jacket and some kind of jean. Rolling her eyes she leaned on one of them and said, ”What are you guys wearing? Are you trying to give an impression that you are a motorcycle gang or just some ragged street dwellers?” Her voice was very steady and had a sweet yet intense quality about it. The three guys began complaining, but she wouldn’t hear about it.
Ushering them inside the bar she was about to join them, but then stopped. The air always smelled bad, but she got a whiff of something else, something she didn’t like. ”Are you coming Leau?” She did hear him, but she didn’t answer right away. ”Just start off without me. You guys drink like bulls anyways, I’ll be back just in time for my round.” She looked over at him and saw that he wasn’t convinced. She knew it would be harder to actually convince him of anything, but she just smiled. He walked back inside while she stood outside, taking in a deep breath of the smell of death. It was never strange to smell one, but so close was a different matter. Those damn under dwellers thought they owned everything, but there were limits to how far they could get.
Her speed was kept concealed as she maneuvered through people traffic and little carts and outdoor shops. Walking, jogging, running, sprinting, her speed kept increasing the closer she got, but she stopped dead in her tracks when she had made it. The only problem was that she couldn’t so who the culprit was. She could also smell blood now, but that was not the issue here, well not now at least. Her blue eyes scanned everywhere to see who exactly was walking around with their head up high, probably still having blood on their lips. Getting out of the center of the sidewalk she made it up a fire escape until she was on higher ground. Here she could see everything perfectly, or at least what she wanted to see. The man was mixing in with the crowd, trying to blend as perfectly as he could, the only problem was…he didn’t blend that well.
She had left the top of the building for the street again and she slowly began to approach him, until she was right behind him. Sticking both of her hands into her jacket pockets she looked at the back of the man with intense blue eyes. ”You know, we don’t tolerate unwanted guests here. And I think you know what the punishment treatment is.” Leau didn’t come to close, but she felt cold metal in her pocket and then felt the sharp edge of her weapon of choice. Their being here could cause a disruption, but if he wanted public execution, she would happily oblige.
xx 0 30 · Sat Jul 03, 2010 @ 11:47pm · 0 Comments |