today is a rather strange day... i'm supposed to be on indeffinant grounding, yet here i am at my friend gabe's, (aka b4shnl4nd) watching fallout 2 walkthroughs, not quite sure why, but for somereason the emcee can hold my attention, though he's talking about a very very old game. there is so much snow on the ground, i think i'm going crazy slowly, sure i'm at a near friends, but for the holy power of god, he has a strange sense of humor, after all, he did create the platypus, but all that asside, when there is roughly 22 ft. of snow on the ground, i think that would give anyone rights to go out of their ******** skull, but hey, my grounding is lightening up, got my phone, my xbox, and some visitations, (wow, just thought to myself that i'm in like prison, but at home) anyway, i'll probably be on gaia for a long time, so don't be afraid to pm me