Might as well let my thoughts out when I'm bored. xD This journal will probably be about family life, but mostly school and how I feel :3
Uh, hi. lol I just discovered I had a journal =D W00t! Anyway I'm new, but I think I've pretty much gotten the hang of most of the stuff, so yay.
Annnyway I skipped the last two periods of school and walked home. Idk, I just didn't feel like going D: In Geometry people were still on computers sketching, and in Computer Graphics...well, we never do anything in there. I was so scared I was going to get caught. I ran out the building ;_; I won't make it into a habit though, I swear >_<
I discovered tektek and now I'm trying to make a bunch of dream avis. I'm trying to reach 100k without actually selling anything, or buying those stupid cash cards ._. That's one thing I hate about gaia *sigh* I look like a total noob, but w/e -.- lyk i don t4lk lyk dis and ask 4 g0Ld fr0m rAnd0m strangerz. >_> So I be good :0