Theory about Neo-Nazi-Alien-Terrorist
You think you know about the nazis and the terrorists but you don't know the truth. The actual truth is they are working with the aliens. It all makes sense the holocaust, the terrorist blowing themselves up it all makes sense. It is all a distraction so the aliens can plan an invasion. To top it all off Dracula is their leader, and second in command is frankenstein! The pirates have been holding off the invation for a long time but didn't know how long they can hold them off. The pirate were about to fail until the ninjas came to help the pirates. Then werewolves joined the aliens, not long after zombies joined the battle and started attacking both sides. The zombies were not a threat at first but then they started to adapt. They started to use guns and weapons and an army of the undead is a lot of zombies. So another army was born and this one shows no fear and feels no pain.