To be or not to be Sisters... That is my question..
welcome all to my pity party i hope you enjoy lol. well i have a sister named chrissy, and she has something called cerebral palsy. she is unable to physically take care of herself but she is one of the most intelligent people you will ever meet. well the problem is, is that my biological mother was unable to care for her because my real mom has a severe problem with perscription pain killers. so my mother placed her in a home. well they call it a center. it is the Mary Cambell Center in Wilmington DE. i now live with my father and stepmother who i call mom, (she is the best woman in the world) and we just got a new house. neither me or my sister have contact with our real mom anymore. so, i'll just get to the point... I WANT MY SISTER OUT OF THAT CENTER AND BACK HOME!!!!! (pant, pant, pant) but she doesn't want to come home. i don't even want to go see her anymore because everytime i leave i know i'm leaving without her, and it hurts. i just want my sister back... does anybody have any advice? i really need it... i just want her back home...