First we flew over the great Atlantic to London, then connected to Belgium.

Met our hilarious tour guide Fiona. Mr. Dietz loved to mess with her.

Took a nice 3 day tour of Belgium, ate the local food, took a boat ride, saw the Atomic Tower (made back when they thought nuclear power was going to be used for non war reasons...that's a good one!)

Took a not very relaxing 4 hour bus ride to France, a bigger, busier NYC. Went to the famous Louvre. Got lost and acted like retards.

(heh, that's a foumous strip club, the Moulin Rouge!)

(meh teacher bestie)

(ever been here, or seen it in a movie? Fiona was saying something about it..)
Last 2 days were spent in Switzerland, where it snowed, rained, and sunned...

Had an EPIC snowball fight in the middle of a funeral up the street.

(see some one throwing a snowball..? tell me who!)
That's about it! Thanks for reading!! Hey how was your spring break? What'd you do?? Have you even gone on it yet? If so what are you going to do?