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Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 @ 04:40pm
Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 @ 06:07pm
Heroic Demise
Chapter One: A New Legacy
Now, our final student of the day will show his amazing increase of skills. Zeke Tamsan the youngest student this dojo has ever graduated at the age of 17 will leave us with a demonstration before officially being a record breaking graduate. The dojo was in a flurry after hearing the teacher of the class of two hundred students per year, especially one young man, that being Zeke. Zeke turned to martial arts to calm his mind and spirit after many hardships in life, and was the only person in the history of his dojo that has ever graduated in less than 8 years, beating this timeframe by an immense 3 years. “Now for the demonstration of my finest student, and a boy who has a very bright future in martial arts, now for Zeke Tamsan” Sensei said. Now is my moment, after years of hell, years of depression, years of living like an animal, my moment in the brightest of lights is here, Zeke thought in a trance of concentration. Starting his graduation demonstration Zeke executed every move perfectly, awing the audience of six hundred, including his friends, foster parents and sensei. Three minutes of sheer perfection later, after various kicks, flips, punches and acrobatic maneuvers he was successful and was the reason for the standing ovation that he was the center of, without a single doubt his proudest moment.
”Yes, I can’t believe how perfectly you nailed it!” said Zeke’s friend and fellow student Rachel approaching Zeke, “you were absolutely phenomenal, perfect exit for the perfect student” Rachel said, now patting Zeke on the shoulder. “Yeah, I thought that it could have been better” Zeke said, quickly being interrupted by Rachel, “You always are so critical of your own accomplishments” now giving Zeke a hug. “I guess” said Zeke returning the hug. “After all you have been through in your life, to be the best student sensei has ever seen in his life, I mean you should really be proud.” Rachel said still hugging Zeke, thinking momentarily with an emotionless look on his face Zeke said “well, you always could cheer me up” with a smile directed right at his friend. Walking towards Zeke and Rachel were two adults, clapping with respect aimed at Zeke, “Mom, Dad!’ yelled Rachel towards the advancing people. “You were great Zeke; best by far, impressive considering that most of the other graduates are 3 years older than you, we’re so proud of you” “come on guy’s, you’re embarrassing him” said Rachel, Zeke noticeably blushing next to her. “Congratulations Zeke!” said two more adults approaching from the seats; “we’re so damn proud of you” they added. Thanks Zeke quickly said talking to his foster parents with an arrogant look on his face. “I’m glad you’re here, none the less that you liked my demonstration” with more of that arrogant look on his face.
”This is truly the greatest day of my life”.
Chapter Two: Blaze of Glory.
“Thank you very much guys, but I think I have to get ready for the final presentation with Sensei, I’ll be back out here in a bit” Zeke said while walking towards the centre of the dojo. Walking to where his fellow six graduates were in the middle of the room facing his long time teacher. Zeke took his rightful position kneeling in the middle of the six other, older graduates of the dojo. The entire audience of spectators went silent as the teacher began the yearly graduation ceremony, “Roy, William, Janette, Zeke, Robert, Erin and Stephanie. You are the seven graduates of the group of 2007, you are the most skilled graduates I have had the privilege of teaching in my forty two years of teaching the martial arts. You seven are a truly historic group for this dojo. Including the youngest ever graduate, the first group including more than one female and the largest group of graduates in twenty six years.” The proud man spoke. The audience immediately broke out in a frenzy of pure respectful applause, with tears appearing in the eyes of many. The seven proudest of students in front of their long time teacher and mentor bowed there heads and stood up with another standing ovation from the respectful masses of students, family and friends of the seven graduates.
“You may continue with your families” said the proud sensei after a bow of respect. Zeke quickly ran to, and hugged his closest friend, then his foster parents, unable to hide the excitement racing in his heart. Rachel immediately congratulated Zeke by saying “well it is now official, you my friend are the youngest graduate in the history of the most respected martial arts dojo in North America” she said this while her eyes steadily filled up with tears of happiness while again embracing her best friend. Zeke was clearly happy and enjoying his greatest achievement, but the only thing he could think about was “what is there to do now?” and he even accidentally said this out loud, being heard by his friend still hugging him with a vice like grip, but she waved it off as a topic for another time.
With all the excitement, praise and emotions being felt all around the dojo, nobody recognized the growing heat all around the dojo. “Is it just me, or is it getting ridiculously difficult to breathe?” Rachel said while coughing. The two sets of parents and Zeke all nodded quite fast, Zeke holding his hand over his mouth and nose when the terrifying reality was apparent. “s**t, where is the smoke coming from?” said Rachel’s mother terrified. After moments of fear Zeke yelled as loud as he could “Everyone, get to the front door!” as he started rounding up the people in the impressively big dojo with the help of his friend and their parents. After about ninety seconds the five people rounded up the rest of the people in the dojo and quickly started each of there groups towards the entrance hurriedly. Zeke made it to the entrance first and grabbed the handle attempting to open it to help all of the people who were mere minutes from death. As he grabbed the handle Zeke unleashed a blood curdling scream of pain, his hand was being burnt from the handle, unfortunately this place was where the fire started, and his right hand paid the price. Zeke’s right hand immediately clenched into a fist and essentially became useless, all the while the mass of terrified people behind him were starting to panic when Zeke yelled, “okay everyone to the emergency exit in the back!” and started rounding the people into the main room once again when he noticed, the flames have made it into the dojo… and they were spreading extremely quickly. The entire population of the dojo moved towards the back of the building when Rachel informed Zeke of one missing body… “Zeke, where is sensei!?” she yelled. Zeke immediately made a U-turn and sprinted towards his teacher’s private quarters in a race against quickly spreading flames. It took nearly two minutes to reach and open the door to the room housing his sensei who was calming him self down after the day’s festivities, in a trance. “Sensei, Sensei, wake up!” Zeke yelled nudging him on the shoulder repeatedly. “The building is on fire sensei, wake up!” he yelled finally catching the attention of his endangered teacher. “Hurry up and get to the emergency exit, I need to see if there is anyone left in the building!” and with that the man quickly made his way to safety, while Zeke ran further into the every growing inferno searching for people to help.
As the man of seventy years made his way to the exit, and entered the eye shot of Rachel who was holding the door open and eventually made it past her, Zeke was nowhere to be found. Where is he? Rachel thought now getting desperate and began to run into the nearly fully engulfed dojo without any thought. Zeke and Rachel had been friends for twelve years, and it was often dismissed by both of them frequently were more of a couple than friends, but truthfully they were, therefore Rachel had to at least try to help, life or death, and she would try her damndest and help Zeke at all costs. Running as fast as she could towards the sensei’s private room she failed to notice that the roof and support beams in the building were rapidly beginning to burn, cave in and crumble because of the flames intensity. “Damn it, the smoke is building up a lot” said Rachel as she tried to lower her self below the lingering smoke but she was unsuccessful in her efforts. As she was looking in the black abyss of smoke in front of her for Zeke but she knew in here heart that this was extremely unwise. Rachel’s vision began to blur, her breathing became hard and strenuous and she knew she was close to breaking and she fell over… unconscious.
Zeke was now laboring to breathe at all, on his hands and knees to avoid the low smoke level when he saw it. Rachel was there, lying on the floor, unconscious with the flames approaching her, while the flames were also approaching Zeke from his back and the ceiling. Slowly crawling towards his fallen friend Zeke slipped to his stomach and cracked his Jaw on the floor, but this was the least of his problems. The intense blaze finally fought through a support beam near him and fell, landing directly on his legs, immediately immobilizing him and killing all hope he had in his heart at the same time. Screaming for help was all Zeke could to at this point when bad went to worse, another support beam dropped and landed on his arm breaking it instantly and immobilizing him further. Zeke’s eyes filling up with tears as the flame reached Rachel, screaming at her was aimless, and in mere moments the visual of his best friend…his girlfriend was exchanged with that of stray flames that were both covering Rachel and now covering him from head to toe. Soon the flames started searing away his flesh then they hit his right eye, his lungs were filling up with fire, he couldn’t breathe he fell unconscious and his mind didn’t even realize he was drowning in flames… dying… being erased from humanity.
Chapter 3: The Trio of Fate
”Zeke Tamsan, after living a truly horrific life made it to his crowning achievement only to be cut short by something more mentally, physically and spiritually demolishing than anything could possibly be. His best friend of more than 13 years, his Girlfriend disappeared into flames right before his eyes and he could not avoid the visual. Zeke’s Arm and legs were both broken by support beams. His flesh was seared off from an intense fire that effectively spread a burn of maximum magnitude across his entire body. He lost his right eye, left ring finger and two toes. After all of this he is still not only alive, but breathing under his own power.”
”Hey Mark, I think I found something” a beautiful Teenage girl said across the room with a sense of relief in her voice. “This kid in the States survived a full body burn; loss of an eye, finger, two toes and his girlfriend’s life was taken before his eyes. Still after all of this he is alive and is breathing without the assistance of any medical equipment” the girl said reading from a computer monitor. “I think we found the newest piece of the puzzle” she said in excitement again toward her friend across the room. Diverting his attention away from a television screen “I don’t know Kait, people have survived some really horrendous injuries before” the teen said toward his friend. “Come on, you know as well as I do that is a bit extreme of something to survive from for a normal person, none the less a kid” she said removing some of her hair from in front of her eyes. Silence engulfed the room while the two were obviously recalling past events when Mark said “Fine, couldn’t hurt to make sure” now standing in front of the television. “Thought so” Kait said with a smile on her face.
While in a near comatose state, Zeke had no control over what he saw, unfortunately in this state all he could see was a repeating image of Rachel, the most important person in his life being burnt alive, over and over for what seemed like an eternity. He had no ability to interrupt this horrifying image for what in reality was a full four days. His body knew he was alive but his mind didn’t believe it until. “RACHEL!” Zeke screamed waking up in an unfamiliar place. Looking around this new place Zeke immediately knew where he was, “I’m in a hospital? Then all that really happened?” Zeke said pressing his hands over his eyes. Before long he realized that his face was covered in bandages, then he noticed his entire body was covered. “Why is everything blue?” Zeke said weakly, under the confusion and trauma of the current situation. Bringing his hand over to his right eye he noticed that his hand was missing a finger, but he didn’t care at this point. He tried to get his hand near his eye but realized there was a lens covering it then he tried for the other eye but was surprised to find nothing in its place. “Oh why not, let’s make me have one eye now…” he said as his mind raced trying to figure out what was happening. Heading towards the front of his bed he picked up the medical report that was there and started reading “full body external and internal burns. Removed right eye, left ring finger and 2 toes due to extensive fire damage. Bone fractures throughout the body due to extreme heat. Lungs were ravaged by flames yet still have the strength to breath. …………………………………………………..” Thinking for a second he quickly threw his right hand at his neck, searching for something. “Damn it! The chain is gone” now angry. “The one thing that was remaining of her is gone!” he yelled as the door to his room began to open slowly, as he quickly lay down before he heard a voice say “Okay wake up, were not dumb we heard that” a man said. “We know that you survived some immense trauma but hear us out.” Zeke decided to sit up after a quick session of thinking. “Hell, I’m likely full of pain killers and I am just imagining this crap, sure why not!” he said sounding fully sarcastic. “We have a sense of humor do we?” a female voice questioned as Zeke was starting to sit up and face the two visitors. As he did that he let out “wow, you look like her” his voice dipped into a slightly depressed tone near the end. “I look like your friend?” the girl asked, waiting for a response. “Yeah a bit” Zeke responded promptly. “Anyway, will you hear us out?” the girl said, quickly receiving a nod in agreement from the bed ridden Zeke. “As you know by now, you survived something that was not meant to be survivable by people. My friend and I here both have done that exact thing as well.” “You lived after a burn this bad?” Zeke said quickly and quizzically. “No not quite, we both survived deadly incidents. Like you and the Fire 4 days ago we both should be dead, but obviously are not.” The girl said while starting to sit on a chair near the bed of Zeke who was focusing on listening. The male who was with her started speaking while she was sitting “she and I are both from a modestly sized town in Europe. While growing up there there were always bedtime stories of three being saved by god just before death and being given the gifts of time, space and reality respectively. We think that you are the third of the prophecy, we believe that you have received the gift of reality, as I have been given the gift of space and she has been given the gift of time.” the man said.
Zeke confused as he has ever been quickly asked “Do you really think I would believe two people that I have only met now, that you and I have abilities over three scientific laws?” Before he could even regain his breath to continue, the girl sitting next to him said to her friend “could you toss a coin?” fumbling around in his pocket her friend tossed a coin into the air, and as it hit the peak of the toss the girls eyes flashed a sapphire blue. “That coin is stuck in time? The coin is stuck in time… okay now I know I am messed up on pain pills” Zeke said quickly. The girl’s friend quickly said with a small laugh “wait, we’re not done” holding his hand up to the coin he closed his eyes and shadows engulfed the coin, followed by a hole finding it’s way in the middle of the quarter. “Wow… nice trick you have there” Zeke said with his eye fully open.
The girl next to Zeke stood up and walked in front of him, “Hi, my name is Kaitlyn” holding her hand out looking for a handshake, which was quickly accepted by Zeke. “This guy over here is Mark, and just hear me out on this alright? You are a marvel medicine wise, if doctors find out that after what you went through that you’re still completely alive, your life will be turned into a series of demonstrations. You will be no more than a test subject to this assholish profession for as long as you live. If you come with us, your life will be nothing less of astonishing. You can harness a prophecy obtained gift, and who knows, maybe that friend of yours is okay? I mean she was never found; only you were.” That statement caught the attention of the deep in thought Zeke. After a couple minutes of thinking things over.
Alright I’m in.
Chapter four: Why we are
”So… you guys have control over time and space” Zeke said quizzically. “Yeah, we have been over that” Mark returned. Zeke took a second and said “no, not that… you have control over time and space and…we are taking the train why?” Zeke said with an implied look of confusion on his face. “I like the train, it is relaxing” said Kaitlyn rather calmly “the train is simple, the cars, the passengers and a track, it is really relaxing” she continued. With a small laugh Mark added “not to mention the privacy, look at this car, we are the only people here” Zeke looked around, nodded and continued the conversation “damn, that is a good point, no people add in the low prices great ideas for transportation. Where are we going anyway?” Zeke asked amazed that he hadn’t already. “We have a cottage about an hour from here” Mark said staring out the window he was sitting next to.
Thinking to him self Zeke was noticing things a bit more now that he had adjusted to the lens over his eye. “Wow, was I wrong, Kaitlyn doesn’t look like Rachel, though she is very beautiful”. About five feet 4 inches tall, long, amazing black hair that reached the small of her back, with some purple streaks dyed in. she was wearing a sleeveless white top with a thin black sleeved shirt under it. She was also wearing a pair of black boots, a pair of black and white striped stockings and an off grey skirt. What really caught Zekes attention was her left hand, not only was it taped up from her fingertips down to at least her wrist but she also wore a padded fighting glove. “You know you can ask about anything… no need to stare at my hand” she said with a smile and a bit of a laugh. “The hand is taped and padded because I am left handed, if I need to spar or defend myself hand to hand, I wear this because… well skulls are not soft” she said with another smile. “In most other cases though, I just use this” pointing to her friend who was still staring out the window. “Love you too Kait” Mark said with no indication of looking away from the window. Looking at Mark, Zeke was intrigued by the less than conventional person he was. “He was at least six feet tall, wore jeans, a shirt and a coat. Nothing out of the ordinary except that around his neck, there was a red… something secured around his neck. After thinking it over, Zeke asked “what exactly is that thing around your neck?” not even looking away from the window he said simply and decisively “just some protection to cover my face. The jaw is hinderingly easy to break.” Zeke just realized something after that statement, “What the hell could you need to fight?” pointing to Kaitlyn then added “what the hell could warrant armor?” pointing to Mark. Looking at each other rather alarmed Kaitlyn and Mark then looked to Zeke, then Kaitlyn said “to be honest, I was hoping we could get away with holding the stories and explanations until we got home” she said interrupted by the car’s door opening. “Excuse me you three, do you have tickets? The question struck some shock into Kaitlyn and Zeke, but Mark stood up and walked over to the man who had asked. Walking over to him he put his hands behind his back and three masses of shadow appeared in his hands and then appeared to take the form of train tickets. “Holy crap, he can do that?” Zeke said looking at a just as confused Kaitlyn” “I guess so” was her quick response; even she had things to learn about Marks little tricks. “All seems to be in order here, enjoy the rest of your ride” said the man asking for tickets. “Thanks, you too” Mark replied with a very lackadaisical looking smile.
”Well, I suppose there is no time like the present, I guess you get to tell the story Kait” with another less than sincere smile across his face. “Okay guess I might as well simplify this thing” Kait said with a sigh. “Alright, Mark and I have known each other since we were essentially born; our parents were friends and we were born only 4 days apart from each other. We spent our lives in a town outside of London, not a big town but it had a couple hundred people in it. We were just normal kids, going to school, having friends and whatever else. On Mark’s fifteenth birthday, four days after my fifteenth birthday...” she stopped looking visibly sad, a tear even escaping from her eye. After a moment she continued. “at a joined birthday party, during the little time to talk after the party’s cake and present the like…the mayor of the town showed up with an endless supply of wild accusations, including murder, drug dealing and numerous other things…” tears now streaming down her cheeks and onto her shirt.
”The b*****d mayor and his cops killed our parents” said Mark quickly to divert the attention away from his bawling friend. “Our parents tried to reason with them and got shot in their heads for the effort. That corrupt b*****d and his grip of fear over an entire town and his leads with everyone from the mafia to proven murderers… left two kids, two fifteen year olds without parents, and with the image of our families getting killed in front of our eyes, forever in our minds.” Mark said, even some tears were present in his eyes. “So… they killed your parents for no reason?” Mark answered Zekes question rather quickly “and then some… three weeks later, no effort to find either of us any sort of foster homes or anything, we were essentially dieing, no food, no shelter, our friends didn’t want to risk being seen with us, it was us against the entire town in basic terms. We resorted to stealing food to survive, living in houses that were up for sale and rent… we were down to no options. We lived like that for not two weeks before I was caught stealing from a restaurant, and mere hours later Kait was found looking for me. Instead of being helpful and trying to improve the lives of two of his citizens…” Kaitlyn interrupted “he decided to get some cops to hold me back…force me to look as he shot six bullets into the heart of Mark…” she said clearly not liking the task of remembering what had happened. “After that, I was stripped naked… and had my throat slashed, and my heart stabbed” she said crying as she removed her shirts collar to reveal a massive scar across her entire throat. “Those bastards weren’t content on killing homeless teens, so they kill one, strip and then kill me, before tossing both of us into the river in our town” she said now holding her hands in front of her eyes, makeup streaming tears on an endless supply. “Mark and I were in the river for a few days, drifted down stream, when I woke up, marveling at how I was alive, without air, and a scar over my throat as well as my heart. That is when my share of the prophecy kicked in. While I was dead, time reversed itself over and in the cuts. The scars were there, but the damage had never happened. I caught up to Mark and forced him onto the nearest shore and then I passed out. What happened next neither of us can remember, but apparently we were both on a public beach where a family found and brought us to the nearest hospital.” “Why did they bring Mark is you were the only one alive?” asked Zeke. “My prophecy kicked in as well, I was unconscious while the Bullets in my heart, were expelled by my little space gift after we were on the beach, by the time we were found both of us were breathing.”
”It took us two weeks, but we got away from the hospital, if not for the scars, we would have never even knew we were hurt, none the less killed” said Mark very uneasily.
Complete silence was all that there was on the rest of the entire ride, until Zeke said “I guess we’re here, I won’t repeat or ask anything
Chapter 5: Emotional Detachment.
Walking on a gravel road that peeked over a relatively steep hill was a beautiful girl. This girl walking down a road in Tulsa was silent in her movements, carrying only a book bag over her right shoulder. This girl by anyone’s standards was gorgeous, she was five foot seven inches tall, had shoulder length black hair and had skin with an elegant light brown hue to it. Walking down this road for at least a half an hour already, she took a quick glance at the watch on her left wrist. “I should really hurry” she said quietly to her self picking up the pace as she did just that. Walking faster now she was nearing her destination, it was visible down the road, not five minutes from her. When she reached where she was going, she found her self in a small group of trees, away from the rarely used road she had been using. As soon as she got into the shade she sat down, removed her book bag from her shoulder, started to open the bag and pulled out a case that housed a most interesting and terrifying sight. What this girl was pulling out was a rifle, then a scope and finally she pulled out a document with a picture of a man who easily doubled her own age.
Assembling the detached halves of the Rifle was quickly done with no hindrances as she smiled at what she was seeing. This group of trees just off of the gravel road was not a spur of the moment location, this location provided shade but most importantly was empty, this was an illegal action in itself being on government declared condemned property which was to be dug up in upcoming months, as well as having a clean view of an extremely controversial, and very important construction site. This construction was to build a new set of homes for the growing amount of people, but in the process the city condemned a local landmark in the form of a Hospital that had been there for years upon years. “Done” the girl said while rubbing a cloth on the scope of the gun then bringing it to her eye. This girl looked out into the city for a small moment before smiling at her scope’s clarity. Slowly rising to her feet holding the rifle’s scope to her eye, she scanned the construction site and saw her target. Emotionless she said “sorry Mr. Greene” and started to push the trigger that would end a life in an instant. Just before she could do so however she heard a sudden ringing, the noise caught her so off guard she jumped and swore in surprise before digging a phone out of her pocket, quickly scanning the number the call was from she opened her phone with a cheerful “Hello?”
”Hello” the girl said answering her phone. After a quick listen to the ear piece she said “hello to you as well Diana” she said happily to the phone. “You’re on Oklahoma are you not?” this woman on the phone asked quite blatantly not letting conversation or anything else get in the way. “Yeah but not for much longer” the girl said looking at her rifle. “Good to hear, I was wondering if you could possibly do us a favor after you were done there” this woman asked again not letting anything get in the way of the point. “What Kind of favor?” asked the girl with a confused, but clearly interested look on her face. “Nothing too big admittedly, we just need you to keep an eye on three people until we can get into this ourselves” after a moment of thought the girl asked “where exactly are these people?” she asked “they are two states over in Denver, or at least they will be in a few hours” this statement added a confusing look on the girls face but before she could ask the phone came to life once more “These three are getting on a train to Denver as we speak in California, they have to travel three states and you only need to travel over two” this woman said, again she was strictly to the point. not letting the girl a chance to speak she continued “all you need to do is keep and eye on them, find out where they go and tell us what you learn” “okay sounds easy enough” this girl said, though once again being cut off “don’t worry about needing a picture, you won’t miss these three if you try, a girl and two guys is all I need to say. “Alright” she quickly said but it was too late the woman had stopped the call abruptly. “Rude” she said re adjusting her vision in her scope, she scanned the site once more and once again apologized, but this time nothing had gotten in the way of her goal.
After the shot was fired the girl detached the gun, placed it in her bag and made a quick, silent almost ghostly exit from the hill that would become infamous. Running for her placed car a quarter mile away, once she reached it “Denver” slipped from he lips and she peeled out heading for Kansas, and eventually Colorado
Chapter 6
Making it to the Train Station in question was a laughably easy task for the girl. Though she made the trip a bit too early admittedly, she was there, sitting outside of the building on a simple bench. Sitting in wait, eyes locked on the sole exit to the thinly populated train station “I guess trains aren’t exactly the most popular method of transportation anymore,” she said, her voice sounding bored and sarcastic. “ 'Three people I will know instantly by sight'... either they are a group of unmistakable oddity or she thinks rather highly of me.” The girl's hand was clutching the left side of her head. There was something wrong with this. Maybe the drive. Maybe the thrill had worn off of ending life. Regardless, the girl had a very strong migraine. An oddity for her. She dug around fruitlessly in her bag, looking for something to dull the pain. Holding her head with both hands now she removed a half empty bottle of water from her bag and took a drink. Another young girl walked out of the station and approached the waiting girl. “Are you okay?” The other girl asked.
“Yeah, just exhausted, nothing to worry about,” she replied still grasping her head, not paying much attention to the stranger until she finished her reply. “Just a lot going on,” she added, not really grasping the oddity of the situation through her headache. “Well, when I have headaches I usually try to think of something that has calmed me in the past” this second girl said, sitting down on the same bench. “My name is Sam, by the way,” she added. “Calming myself isn’t really something I have been accustomed to,” the girl said finally realizing she was talking to a random stranger (though a polite one). “It is difficult to calm down when you never stop moving,” she continued finally looking up at the girl who called herself Sam. “Well I am sure that there has to be something in your life that can calm you down or cheer you up,“ Sam said with a genuine look of concern on her face. “Everything that could just leads to more exhaustion,” the girl said looking down again clutching her head. Reluctantly thinking back into her past, she recalled various things that did nothing to help her throbbing head. Raising her head, she noticed two teenage guys and a girl who was wearing a fight glove walk out of the station as well as noticing one of the guys wearing a fair bit of bandages. “I am willing to bet anything that I have found them...” she thought. The girl started to smile a bit and turned to Sam. “Thanks, I have to get going,” she said with a smile on her face. “My name is C...” she hesitated before giving her real name, but quickly added “Claire” feigning that her head started hurting once again. She stood up, grabbed her bag and picked her phone out of it. She punched a few numbers into it before thanking the girl and following the three oddities.
Quite the distance from them, she listened into the receiver of her phone waiting for a response. She finally heard a “Hello” from her phone. “I think I found them” was all she said to the phone “What do they look like?” the woman she had been rudely ordered by before asked calmly. “Two guys and a girl, all seem rather young, one of the guys is showing a lot of bandages, the other isn’t too peculiar and the Girl is much the same, aside from wearing an oddly placed fighting glove." she said, hardly stopping for a breath. “Yup that’s them,” a second voice said over the phone. “Do you have me on Speaker?” the Girl said into the phone, aggravated. “Had to, I’m not the one with the description,” Diana responded in an overwhelmingly sarcastic tone. “Okay fine, whatever, I will call back if I notice anything of interest,” she said pissed off and almost yelling into the phone. “I can’t believe those two,” she said closing her phone and tossing it back into her bag. She removed something from the bag. She placed an ear piece tested it out and smiled. “Here we go” she said to herself, draping her bag on her shoulder once again. “All of this insanity has cured my headache at least,” she thought to herself.
What struck her as odd, was the path they were taking. She was walking away from any big buildings and more towards a suburb than anything. With less noise, she started to hear things rather clearly.
”Well, we were on graduating the last day of the teaching year, and long story short, a fire tore up the entire building. Everyone seemed to get out of the emergency exit, except for me and…”Zeke said stopping and looking up. “I can’t imagine what that feels like, I am so sorry,” Kaitlyn said patting Zeke on the back. “I have no idea what could start a fire that severe but whatever started, it did its job” he said looking down, and sounding more depressed my the minute. “Well you survived, what’s not to say that your friend didn’t?” Kait said. “I survived but look at me. I'm covered head to toe in bandages for my troubles, I'm missing limbs and an eye, and honestly I don’t wish that on my worst enemy,” Zeke said growing all the more depressed as he went on.
”Zeke… Zeke Tamsan? Was that his name? I heard about him surviving but why… how is he here? How is he moving like he is fine…” The Girl thought to herself. “and who are these two anyway, how could they possibly get a marvel away from a hospital, none the less out of a state on a public mode of transportation? What exactly is going on here?" The questions bounced inside her head, confusing her more second by second.
”So anyway where are we heading?” Zeke said, trying to change the subject and lighten his heart. “We have a place not to far from here that should be quiet and safe” Mark said with a smirk crossing his face. “Safe? Why would we need safety?” Zeke asked confused. “You are still technically supposed to be in the hospital,” Mark said before adding “A couple states over in a subtle location and we should be fine,” “Oh… well right… you think I'd care more” Zeke said shrugging off the news that should have been obvious all along.
”So they stole him from a hospital?...” the girl said to herself.
They continued walking for a few more minutes, going over some repetitive subjects until finally Kaitlyn said “We're home.”
Thinking over the details in her mind she quietly said to herself “Okay, don’t get lost in the Details, Crystal."
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 @ 08:25am
A Heroic Descent.
Prologue “Damn it kill him” Trenn Said with a quick burst of anger yelling at a Black armored Space Pirate that had infiltrated the base. As Draken came down with the final blow to the head of the enemy with his Trident, many Culties were screaming in sheer terror “he got to Fish”, “oh no Fish” and other worried yells. “How in the hell did he get in here?” Trenn said puzzled while about twenty surrounding culties were thinking the exact same thing. With no time to think a message was heard over the intercom in a loud panicking voice “more Space pirates in the bay! It looks like about twenty give or take!” “Damn. Okay Draken, Lavable and I will take them out” Trenn Said heroically “and what ever you guys do, keep them away from the infirmary if they get a few past us!”. Synching up as if practiced, fifteen culties said “Yes sir”. As the three warriors were running off to the Bay, Trenn was worried about Fish as were all the culties… or so everyone thought.
Rushing furiously into the Bay: Draken, a tall silver haired ninja who wore a pair of shades, a white coat and a pair of black pants and who wielded a large black Trident that he called a Spork. Lavable, a secretive warrior whose body was completely covered in red clothes with but one eye visible the other covered by a scarf. In his utter uniqueness as a fighter, he was equipped with a pair of gloves with razor sharp claws that seemed modeled after a wolf's claws. Trenn, Second in command of the N-Cult, was a snarky, sarcastic and yet very viciously trained expert of hand to hand combat. Despising weapons he often just beat his opponents into a bloody submission, who simply wore a coat and black pants that oddly matched his beard and even in this time of trouble he had two headphones on to calm him down…..with metal.
Running for what only felt like five minutes, the three defenders reached the Bay in fifteen with a major surprise visible, Trenn said confused…. “There are five here!?”……. “Oh hey guys” a voice came out from a group of the five remaining space Pirates. As Draken stabbed one of the pirates two others were brought down in a bright burst of light “huh?” Lavable slashed the remaining two pirates and said “hi Masamune”. “So you’re back from your mission on earth already?” with a quick second to regain his composure he said in a tired voice “yeah it was easy, so what the hell happened here?” Masamune was a mage that excelled in offense, which was made even odder by the fact that he was trained to be a healer. In appearance Masamune looked like a simple teen but in reality, he had been trained to use magic since his third birthday to defend his parents' country, but was exiled after becoming an offensive mage. He was dressed in a bright red coat with black shorts and metal shin guards. After a long pause of silence, looking depressed, Draken said “Fish was attacked by an armored Space pirate.” After another pause, Masamune asked “is he oka…, wait how did a space pirate get in here?” in a loud confused voice. “Well short answer we don’t know and we don’t know” Trenn said looking out of the docking bay. Walking towards the infirmary there was silence by all, not a sound was uttered. A pin could be heard if dropped. The silence continued until Trenn asked Masamune how the mission was but only got the answer of ok in a soft voice. When the four culties got to the infirmary in 20 minutes, a hopeful feeling filled up the room from the many culties waiting for news of Fish’s condition. After two hours of working, the medical experts of the cult, Geno as well as Gonbe, the white mage, walked out. Gonbe said to the waiting culties “he is just knocked out with very severe injuries but he will be fine with rest”. After about ten seconds of eerie silence, the culties let loose in different ways some shouting and some sighing in relief. Chapter one Just while all the Culties were sighing and shouting, a girl rushed through the entire crowd of people, knocking Masamune and Draken flying in different directions, screaming "Fish" repeatedly with genuine terror in her voice, “Whoa, Skitty, hold it, you cant go in there” said Lavable with a quick burst of amazement. Wearing a brown skirt with a blue sweater and an odd hat, the girl replied “…Fish, is he okay?” in a scared and loving voice. Draken getting up from the floor said “yeah he is, just a bit hurt.” and before anyone could add upon that statement, with a fiery scream of anger “How did this happen!” She looked towards Trenn. Taking off his headphones he said “uhh, I don’t know, we were five minutes back from our last mission” sounding confused. In an attempt to calm herself down she asked in a polite tone “may I go to his room” after no time at all Trenn said "sure, I doubt you wouldn’t be allowed to” then he called Geno over. As Geno walked over to the group of five, Trenn started to ask “Could Skitty” but was interrupted by the anxious Skitty “can I see my Fishy?” with a look of sincerity, Geno said “sure, you will just have to be careful, he is out cold and his left arm has been broken.” With wide eyes, Skitty thanked the doctor politely. “Wow, from screaming to perfect manners in 10 seconds flat” Draken said jokingly. As Geno and Skitty walked into the infirmary, the mood of worry left the air and the mood of suspicion entered it “How do twenty one space pirates get in here when our security is unbeatable?” said Draken puzzled. “We just went from a search from how to who” Trenn said with disappointment on his face. Masamune asked “do you really think that the N-cult has a mole?” Trenn replied with the simple response of “we must. Okay you three, we need to look over the security records. So off to the defense room” Trenn declared putting his headphones back on. Walking towards the south most part of the base, Trenn said "Masamune get to the communications room and call back all of our people either on missions or under training okay?" “Yes sir” replied Masamune. “Lavable you personally call your room mate from Hyrule. We need our most experienced fighters right now.” with a nod Lavable ran off with Masamune to the communications room.
Stopping at a door labeled security room, Trenn gave out one more order. “Draken you look at our security cams. See if there is anybody out of place, okay?” opening the door Draken just said “no problem” and ran over to a station with a bunch of monitors. Trenn in no more than two minutes said with a voice filled with negativity “three minutes after our landing, the defense was lowered for twenty seconds, Draken we were right there. How didn’t we see them?” with no response being heard, Trenn asked the question again and it was answered by “I got him locked in a room”. Standing there confused, Trenn asked “what? No you…” Before he finished, he saw the monitor and changed his sentence, “wow you do have him under lockdown…in the second floor bathroom” Trenn said with a chuckle. “Yeah, why do you make a bathroom break when you are an intruder?” with a laugh, Trenn said “that’s easy my ninja friend…he is an idiot”.
With a quick breather Draken said, “I know him. Damn it, it is him” with a complete change in tone from the laughter he asked “who is it” with a pause, Draken said the word “Ghost” in a calm voice then he added “you freaking idiot, you sent him?” “What, who, when?” Trenn said randomly. “Ghost is the fool who tried to kill me one time on a mission, and it almost happened” Draken explained. “So who is that in the bathroom?” Trenn asked. With a build up Draken said “…..I don't know?” as Trenn slapped his head he said “lets just kill him”. Draken replied “I get to, his boss damn near killed me a year ago” with a nod, or a head bang from Trenn, the two were off Chapter two Running towards the bathroom at a furious pace, Draken ran ahead of Trenn, wanting to kill the affiliate of his enemy, with extreme anger and viciousness. Trenn, now far behind Draken, was still contemplating the fact that such a small group of space pirates would invade the base. Historically, space pirates traveled in a massive group of two hundred minimum to guarantee the kill and invasion of the enemy. Trenn was thinking about all of the events, while still listening to metal at a deafening volume, he managed to catch up to Draken, who was waiting at the door of the bathroom. Struggling for breath after a five minute sprint, Trenn asked “so, what are you going to do?” With a cold hearted smile, Draken pulled out no less than eighty sporks and readied them in his hands. Trenn holding back a chuckle said “oh yeah, I forgot, you’re the spork ninja” now in a full fledged laugh, after seeing the evil intentions in Draken's eyes.
Without a single warning, Draken slammed into the door and threw all of his spork kunai in every direction and backed out of the bathroom. After moments of hearing ricochets, they both ran in to see the dead body of a hapless hooded man, with a body covered in bloody sporks. With a look of pure surprise, Trenn asked “did you just ruthlessly murder a man, with eighty kitchen utensils?” his eyes still as open as they could be. With a look of honour, Draken said with another smile, “I guess so.” With this death, came some confusion. For example, Trenn asked himself and Draken “how did such a flunky get into the base?” and Draken stated “Ghost would not work with the space pirates, or even this sap.” “So what we have, is a suicide mission to kill a moron, and a complete coincidence?” Trenn questioned. “We must, Ghost has a team of extremely skilled warriors, who wouldn't take a bathroom break on a mission” Draken said, trying to keep a straight face. And at that moment, they both looked at each other and Trenn said in a loud embarrassed voice “Crap, We forgot about Fish!” with that as a cue they both started towards the infirmary.
Walking gingerly into the room, was Skitty, who was just getting to see Fish now, a very annoying twenty minutes after being let into the infirmary. Before opening the door the words “I hate hospitals” slipped out of her worried mouth, which was replied by a dirty look from Geno. When the thick door of the infirmary’s room opened, all was silent. Skitty was thoughtless and speechless, what she saw in that room would never leave her mind. Fish unconscious with a large gash across his chest that was red enough to be infected. Fish was also wearing two arm casts that were blue enough to essentially match the room. Through all of this though, Skitty only noticed the depressed look on the face of the sleeping Fish. Not noticing the state of the injuries, she walked over to him and looked at the fallen leader. With a soft cry she just looked, and sat down in a nearby chair grasping her love's hand without a noise. All the noise in that room for half an hour was caused by the prayer from Skitty to ensure the safety of her beloved Fish. Chapter three:A new face After five minutes of quietly praying, tears running down her cheek, Skitty fell into a silent deep train of thought, so deep that it seemed as if she were in the exact same unconscious state that Fish was in. After five more minutes of this amazing silence, Trenn and Draken both came running in at a loss for breath. Breathing heavily while calming down, Trenn could barely say, “Hi Skitty, how is he doing?” After waiting for a response with no success, he asked the question again. Walking over to the infirmary bed, Draken noticed that Skitty was out like a light. “Poor thing must be mentally exhausted, a mission and this all in one day,” he said with a concerned expression on his face. “She has to be. Look at her, she has her hand essentially fused with his and she is just there, I’ve never seen her like this before, she’s been through hell and back through her life, but this is just so eerie.”Trenn said with true fear in his mind and eyes. Looking at the two that were in what seemed to be a joint slumber, Trenn turned his attention to Draken and Geno, who was now in the room. “Hey Geno, do you think that she is okay?” With a quick look of wearyness, the Doctor said “don’t worry about her she is just trying to get closer to Fish”, “What do you mean by that?” Trenn asked back towards Geno. “Think about it. Where are you closer to your loved ones than in your dreams?” with an interestingly quizzical look Trenn simply smacked his forehead which was followed by “of course.” While holding in a bit of a laugh, Geno mentioned to the second and third in command why he came into the room in the first place. “I have been told by Lavable that a few of our stationed culties have arrived.” With a lightening of heart Draken asked “Really? That’s great! By chance, did he say who was here?” With a manic shake of his head Geno said, “Sorry I have no clue on who is here. All I know is that apparently we have a new member, and Lavables room mate is here right from Hyrule, ready for the info on what exactly happened. They are all in the social area waiting to meet up with you guys,” stated Geno with a slightly proud smile. With a change of humor, Trenn said anxiously “Seaphron is back!?” now smiling in a relieved way. “So Seaphron, a new cultie and some other friends? Wow, talk about ten seconds making a day better” Draken said with smile. Before anybody else could talk Geno said “Why don’t you guys go see them? I have it under control here.” In a smooth fluid motion, Trenn put on his deafening headphones, complimented Geno’s idea and worked his way toward the door. As he was walking out of the room Geno said in respect for sure “……man likes his metal.” Draken had no option but to agree with him because the statement was one hundred percent true, and Draken really wanted to see who had returned, so he rushed out and followed Trenn. Walking at a pretty quick pace, Trenn and Draken discussed a few things, such as seeing the returning culties, who met up with the new guy and how Skitty is putting to much anguish on her self because of this whole Fish being attacked situation. Talking is often attached to jokes in the cult and what a surprise… the same could be said now, even with the current matters of worry… but it was Draken and Trenn after all. Turning around a corner, the subject of Draken’s weapon of choice was brought up. “So, Draken, how in the hell did you figure out your… potential with your beloved sporks?” With a bout of silence lasting no more than twenty seconds Draken responded with “the curved surface of a spork has the potential of having nitro, knockout powder or other useful itemes adhered to them” with a fast, almost instant reply Trenn verbally thought “Really!?” After a snicker of slight evil, Draken said “and kunai and suruikens are played out” With that Trenn stated as if an absolute fact “man Draken, if you are insane enough to fight with sporks…and be successful,……. you know what? You’re insane.” With another snicker Draken agreed before saying “Thanks, that’s why I am here” “Fish knows some real out there people, you know that?” Trenn said in between a laugh and a breath, “just count em’, Lavable, Gonbe is with her quirks, and to be honest you and I could freak out a wall” now laughing quite loud. After a long and fun trip down memory lane, the two made it to the door of the main social area where they were to meet the others. While in a very hard battle with laughter, it took easily two minutes to calm down, and after they stopped laughing Trenn opened the door slowly, revealing Masamune, Lavable and four other familiar culties and one new face. Chapter four:A weird history Walking into the social room, there were many thoughts on Trenn’s and Draken’s minds. Even though they were seeing friends that have been absent from the main base for many a night, they could only focus on the state of Fish, and for that matter Skitty, who was often strong hearted and at a lack of any sorrow. This feeling of worry was lingering in all of the cultie's hearts, but alas, all of these thoughts were to be in vain, as wishing would do nothing. After a few moments of pure thought, Draken said “Hey guys, I didn’t think that you would be the first to be here,” and with a quick look over the returning friends, Draken saw a new face. After the ever so… constant and classic line of “Hey guys,” that he had uttered he finally addressed people specifically. Before Draken could say another word, Trenn quickly said in a friendly voice, which was odd because his Metal had the frequency of making him yell, “Hey Seaphron, welcome back home, buddy,” This statement was aimed at a young man who was sitting on one of the couches in the social room with his very dark blue hair. He was clad in what was often considered hyper casual by others, he wore a simple matching set of a black loose fitting pants and a shirt that was the same, loose fitting. As many culties he had headphones in his ears, and a chain was around his neck and a small pair of shades covered a small part of his eyes. “Good to be back, well kind of,” responded Seaphron in a slightly dark tone. As the attack went on in the main base, all of the stationed culties were saddened by the fact that they were of no help as was the case with Seaphron. Seaphron was a friend of Fish before his entry into the cult, so the injury was hard on him as much as anybody. Now more focused on the members in his sights, Draken was to speak to his pals, but as he was opening his mouth to say a word Trenn cut in again to stop Draken by mistake for a second time. Sounding like a kid in a candy store, Trenn switched his focus to another cultie. Looking at yet another person who was wearing a set of head phones, he said with a sly grin on his face, “Well if it isn’t the Lifeless Fox.” With a look of seemingly evil intentions in the teen’s eyes he said, “Yup, I am here.” With that the one known as Lifeless Fox popped his headphones back into his ears and continued with his head banging. Nicknamed LF for short, this young teen was one of the more… extraordinary members of the cult, the main reason was, he was exactly what his name stated, lifeless. When he was young there was a curse cast on him that when he died, all of humanity would be removed from his essence and he would be born immortal. Some might ask, “Wouldn’t eternal life be great?” Well, in theory yes, but this curse took away his natural ability to feel anything at all. That's right. LF felt no pain, fear nor love, many would call that a lethal combination, as would he, because that is how he died at the age of sixteen, in pain, fear and in love with his late girl friend. The reason that LF is a member of the cult in the first place is because his family were friends with the man talking to him, Trenn had found his family and LF in a small village near Hyrule castle on a friendly visit that turned into hell on earth, what Trenn saw that day was a family he was close to his entire life just gone… gone into the heavens with the exception of the cursed youngest son who would become a cultie. Because of the odd circumstances, Fox had a different appearance then others but not in a major, rotting flesh type of way. The only abnormalities were that his eyes had been permanently glazed over in a way that looked absolutely bone chilling. Besides that he looked normal, dark blue hair, and black and white clothes. Now with anger Draken started to say “hi” but got no further. Trenn had cut in again. “Hi Forsaken, still kicking drawing a**?” With a quizzical look the man known as Forsaken replied with one of his now famous comebacks “No, those were only your drawings Trenn,” with proud smile mixed with some sarcasm he said, “Hi guys, nice to be back.” Forsaken, possibly one of the oldest and most befriended culties of them all, was the cult’s resident artist. “But why would the cult need an artist?” you might ask to yourself. Well, to put it simple… living art, yeah that’s right. What he drew, it could materialize right there. How this ability was given to him is an absolute mystery. He was born with it, to be honest his brother had this ability as well but refrained from using it unless he or a loved one was in danger. Forsaken was also a fan of the apparent hyper casual look, as he simply wore glasses, jeans, a shirt and a coat. Forsaken is one of the original culties being respected from the start. His amazing ability was often used for uses such as weapon conjuring, and armor creation, although he often used it as a joke starter. Now fuming in anger Draken waited for Trenn to speak first to the fourth returning cultie, which he never did. So as familiar as it was Draken reluctantly started to say “Hi S…” but alas, Trenn interrupted again, but before Trenn could say more than “hi,” Draken planted a spork in the right arm of Trenn so he could at least talk to one person. Now with a few laughs in the crowd of seven, Draken said in an annoyed voice “Hey Sauvie, how have you been buddy?” now in a full fledged eerie voice. The history between the resident Spork ninja and Sauvie was well documented, for a reason unknown to every one of the culties and to be honest both of them as well. Was it a rivalry of hatred…no, how about a feud spawned from an argument?...no. Essentially it was a friendly competition of one upping each other. Sauvie who was stationed at the main base but was on a mission to the island of the Yoshi. The mission was to be a week of scowering the land and protecting it, because of a recent set of danger calls. What does he do before his departure though, he makes a bet with Draken on whether it would be a flase alarm or not, just to prove that he could guess a mission’s outcome… for money which in reality he lost. “Hey Sporky,” greeted Sauvie, and then in a swift movement he pulled an object from his pocket and tossed it to Draken “There's your three hundred bucks. It was a real call, and I was attacked… by vigilante koopas.” After seconds of silence from three people and laughter from three others, Draken said, “The vigilante bet, always smart.” After another pause of about five seconds Sauvie mumbled “Damn Spork ninja,” and sat down next to the new cultie. Sauvie was probably one of the more liked culties. In an odd coincidence the day that Sauvie had been brought to the main base to be a cultie was the same day Masamune found the cult in his escape. Oddly enough, since then they had become friends. Little of Sauvie's past is known from what he has given to people, all that truly is known is that he was banished (coincidently, so was Masamune) for being born with semi control over the shadows. What Sauvie was equipped with attire wise was a simple set of black jeans, a red shirt, and a scarf covering the lower half of his face for the most part and assorted hats for no apparent reason, because he ever only wore one. Sauvie was only a cultie because of a stroke of luck, good or bad you decide. As he was living in a small, almost non existent cabin, he was attacked by a werewolf lord that to his great appreciation was killed by three culties. Sauvie was knocked out in the attack on him and was brought to the cult just to be safe, and he stayed as a valued member. While counting the money that had been tossed over to him to make sure it was all there, when he was finished he asked to a new female member “What would your name be?” in a calm friendly voice. Without a hesitation the young girl said “Altae… My name is Altae.” Chapter 5: Trouble “Altae was the girls name, there is no doubt in my mind that she would fit right into the scheme of things” said Sauvie, with a confidence. “So, you are the one that brought her?” asked Trenn, still examining the three curved punctures in his arm. Looking over at his handy work with his trusty spork, Draken questioned Sauvie “I am all for new members, but, why did you bring her?” before an answer could be made, Draken turned his head to the girl and quickly stated “no offence”. As Sauvie was about to say why Altae was here, she injected herself ahead of him, “I will explain, I was the person that was making the distress calls. First of all, I was scared, because Bowser had taken over the Volcano, and had threatened to kill all the inhabitants of the island” "What!” screamed Sauvie, “you neglected to tell me that part!” with a look of bored surprise, Altae said “you’re alive, aren’t you?” “but, Fire bad” Sauvie replied, in a pathetically wimpy voice while still sarcastic. After a brief pause and trying to figure Sauvie out, Altae just gave up and continued with the story, “any way, I was in need of help, and to be honest I didn’t know or even care at that point, but I am glad it was some one as nice as Sauvie” with a new cheer in her voice, she was cut off by the voice of an idling Masamune “Sauvie, nice that’s a first” with a laugh, “that’s a first” stated Sauvie in a pissed off voice, and then he threw a random book on a table, aiming for the head of his mouthy friend … which was easily avoided. “you guys are insane” stated Altae, as if she knew it to be an absolute fact. “Okay, now that that is done with, I was not originally from Yoshi’s island… obviously; I lived there for the last ten years of my life. I was originally from Pherae, a place a hell of a long way from Yoshi's island” she said with a cheerful grin. “Okay. I think the main reason Sauvie invited me to the cult, is the fact that I am a spirit conjurer” she said with pride. “What the hell is a spirit conjurer?” asked Trenn, in a voice that was more confused than usual, without a second, Altae spoke what sounded like a lie “I can tap into a mind to find out the perfect weapon for any person, and make it so they can conjure it at will, just by wanting it” with a laugh, Lavable said, “you can not” but before Altae could respond, Sauvie conjured up a double edged spear, apparently out of no where “no, she can”. With an applaud of amazement, the culties, said various things, like “holy s**t”, “wow” and “I want one” that last one came specifically from Masamune. “So you have that ability, but can you fight?” asked Draken politely. With no thought she said “will this do as an answer?” and then Altae conjured her weapon of choice, two Katana on long metal chains, with a look of sheer amazement, still from the act of the conjuring, Draken said “That should do nicely”. Forsaken who had just drew a cloth to wipe his eyes from amazement was still shocked, “How do you give a person that ability?, or for that matter find there best weapon?” he asked this rather hastily, but everyone was thinking the same exact thing, with a look of amazement her self, she said “I kind of have a slight psychic ability that allows me to do such” she said, as her weapons disappeared as fast as they appeared, “I can look into a mind, and when I have figured out the right weapon, I just plant a small amount of it into a person through their temple like I did to Sauvie over there” smiling with great happiness. Draken who was usually very calm and cool, was still baffled by this when he asked “so, you could try that on me?” saying nothing, Altae just closed her eyes and out of nowhere said "Trident, that is your weapon, right?” with his eyes wide open, he said “wow, you’re good. Okay, so how do you make me conjure it?” “it is simple” she said walking over to him, “ just stay still” as she said that she placed two of her fingers on the side of his head, Draken felt nothing at all while this was happening. After ten seconds she said “all done” with a polite smile, backing back to her original seat she said “just hold your hand out and think about your weapon.” Draken did do just that and his Trident appeared, then he made it disappear by thinking it away, although he did the process about ten times. As the new member was spending her first while in the cult, she gave her special ability to the Lifeless Fox, who used it to conjure up a scythe that was the color of night, Forsaken used it to conjure up a simple sword, Masamune just got another staff at will, Lavable and Trenn refused the offer because they both only used there hands, with Lavable using gauntlets molded to his hands. All went well until Seaphron got his mind scouted; he generally used daggers but, Altae read him as an axe user. “What? I can’t use a freaking battle axe” said Seaphron anxiously, “that can’t be possible. But hey, what do I know? Do your thing, I will try the axe” and, as Altae finished, Seaphron brought out the axe… only to be weighed down by it slightly. As all of this was happening, Trenn got a call, on what was essentially a cell phone, from another stationed cultie. “Hello? This is Trenn” he said quizzically, “Damn it, Trenn we were on our way to HQ from training and we were attacked by this giant annoyance Kraid during the night!” with a massively confused look he turned the phone to speaker and asked, “who is this” after hearing a massive roar, “This is Koosei!, what the hell, gone for a year training and were forgotten!?” after a pause, and Sauvie smacking himself on the head, “oh,… he, he hi Koosei” in an ashamed tone of speech. “Hi Koosei nothing, we have been avoiding Kraid for about an hour, we were asleep and we have no weapons and the hall is blocked by its girth!” the voice of Koosei was a hybrid of fear, anger, and total annoyance, “we? … oh yeah you and BC are there, right?” Koosei sounding like she was evading said “yeah” and the girl known as BC said “hi Trenn!” in a surprisingly joyful voice considering the situation. “Where the hell are you two!?” asked Trenn now in a somewhat state of worry. Screaming like there was no tomorrow Koosei exclaimed “We are………….” And the signal died. After waiting for ten seconds in awe Forsaken said “oh damn it that is all we need, Trenn you need a better wireless plan!” but it was simply ignored as Trenn and many others were looking out of the window straight ahead, there it was the major ship that the two were in, in a horrible condition no more than a mile away. “let’s go said Trenn” in the same dark voice that he had when thinking about Fish, but as they were running towards the door a blond teen pounced in yelling, “who said BC!?” but he missed the group and flew straight into a wall. As all of this was happening Skitty woke up, to find that Fish too was beginning to stir. Chapter 6: A Hero?
“Hurry guys! That ship looks like it is in bad shape!” Trenn yelled, as all of the culties that were in the Social room were following, even the blond teen was starting to follow, after shaking out the cobwebs. Running at a sprinters pace towards the docking bay, Trenn ordered, “We only need a few people, so Draken, Seaphron and Lavable will come with me. You five, just hold position in case back up is needed, that ship looks bad, the less people on it the better!” “We need to get there fast, so grab the warp stars!” exclaimed Draken, who really hated them himself. While the four ran and planted their feet onto warp stars, Forsaken said the-oh-so overused expression of “Good luck” but it was too late; the four were off in a flash of blinding light. While watching the speedy flight, the remaining culties were surprised by that same teen. Brandishing a sword, armor and a black outfit made out of more armor, the Teen ran and planted his feet on his own warp star. “Maul, What the hell are you doing!?” screamed Masamune and Sauvie, in a confused manner that had a hint of laughter in it as well, “What does it look like? I am going to save BC and Koosei, I want to earn some respect around here, and I want to be a hero, not a laughing stock!” he said with pride and a fire in his eyes. With a look of confusion Masamune asked “A Hero, Maul?” “Yes a hero, just look at my track record, I was brought here by accident, my best friend hates me and all I do to help is disregarded, because of what? A temper and some bad history? I am a joke, and that is going to change, right now!” He said, as he started after the shuttle. “What was that all about?” asked Altae, in a confused and possibly freaked out voice. “That was Maul, he has been here as long as BC, the member who is in trouble, when we brought BC here by her special request after seeing us save her city, Maul hid on our ship and came along. When we found him sleeping in the corner of the ships rooms, we invited him to stay with us because he seemed nice enough, and BC said he was a value in combat. When he went on his missions, he always got the short end of the stick and always got no glory or congratulations, because he was often over shadowed by veterans of the cult. And because of that he always thought that we have no respect for him, but we do.” Said Forsaken who was often really quiet, “so what about the best friend thing?” Altae asked in curiosity, “that is another reason Maul has become as bitter and distraught as he is. BC and Maul were pals about five years ago, but as soon as he started to turn paranoid because of the missions and his seniority, she started hating who he was, and eventually just stopped acknowledging his existence and avoiding him.” also said by Forsaken “Why would anyone do that to a friend?” asked Altae. “We have no idea, Maul was pretty good he wasn’t all that paranoid either” said Sauvie, in a serious voice. Forsaken continued on with the tale, after thinking why would anyone turn there back on a friend or family. “anyway, Maul and BC were essentially inseparable, they were both friends from the age of five, all of us like Maul and all of us like BC but she just cannot tolerate him. It truly is a sad tale, that shouldn’t be a reality” Forsaken said with a sad look on his face. The other members shared his expression. Sauvie, who was also standing there with a look of sadness on his face, said “you know the worst part of all, that drove maul into a dark place that he is in, is? Maul loves BC and she wants him dead. It has to be the most agonizing thing a heart could ever feel” with a quick set of thoughts and ideas, Altae said “I would think if BC knew all this, she would feel worse, I have never met her before but, I couldn’t imagine hurting anyone who was my friend any more than he already would be” “None of us could” Masamune said, “now what do we do?” said Masamune. After a pause the Lifeless Fox said, “We wait”. Chapter 7:Journey into hell With Trenn and the others, speeding towards a seemingly deteriorating ship, “Hurry up guys, there is the docking bay! Even if we wanted to, we can’t just crash through a wall!” yelled Trenn, as the group of four was nearing the ship at an amazing pace. As fast as the group was going, Maul not wanting to be found out in his attempt to save the two female culties had to ease behind the rest, that really hurt him, his heart would have to wait, or he would need to take a risk. As all of the group were landing in their friend's ship, the truly obvious was stated by Seaphron “hey guys, were the hell are we going?” in an utterly, dumbfounded voice that matched his expression. “We have no clue, but just listen to the noise of Kraid, that should direct us” stated Draken, who was holding his stomach in nausea from the ride. Now as the group was starting to run towards the generator of the loud screeches, Trenn said “hurry damn it, we have no time to spare!” As soon as the four were out of sight, Maul seemingly lazily just crept into the hangar, “Good, now I have to find out where I am going” was uttered as Maul started off, heading in the hall opposite to the others. Running down a hall filled with debris is hard enough, but when the debris was on fire that was another case, avoiding flaming things alone was not all that hard… avoiding fire on the other hand was. In some hallways running was impossible, the need to walk carefully was an inconvenience, sure, but indeed a life saving one to say the least. As Lavable, Seaphron, Draken and Trenn were trying to make as much progress as fast as possible, there were a few mistakes, Lavable got burned on his right leg pretty bad and Draken cut his hand open on a sharp fragment of metal that was sticking out of a wall, causing nothing but a bit of pain and some blood loss. Maul was in essentially the same thing, fire, debris and his personal favourite… debris on fire. Maul for the most part had it so much easier than the other four, he had the agility of a feline that was a good match to his balance, and nobody has ever seen Maul loose his balance. With the exception of one corridor filled with fire, the rest of the sprint was easy, although when he reached the wall of fire, it slowed him down considerably; all he could do was block some of the flames by pushing a big piece of debris, after pushing the massive block of metal he simply jumped over the blocked flames. On the other side of the ship, the others were trying to avoid random obstacles when, they saw a door, Seaphron exclaimed quickly “The noise has never been so loud, that door has to be it” he yelled, running in the direction. “What the hell are you going to do?” said Draken, holding his bleeding hand, wincing in a small amount of pain. Seaphron stopped moving to say “break the door down, what else?” after five seconds of silence from the culties, Lavable who was being pretty quiet said “get back here man, if you break down a door with fire on the other side you get a back draft, which would kill you.” Said Lavable, in a strangely calm voice. With a look of sheer one hundred percent confusion, Seaphron said “how the hell did I forget that?” walking back to the line of three, as soon as he took a step from his previous location. Next to the door, a large, metal and flaming no less piece of ceiling fell, narrowly missing the top of Seaphron's head. “Holy s**t!” with a look of awe towards Draken from Trenn, Lavable and even the surprised Seaphron, “whoops, sorry all, I didn’t mean to swear” with a look of embarrassment Draken said, "okay. Now for the door" all the while Trenn and Lavable, both wide eyed as could be their mouths hanging open looking at the Spork ninja, both for sure thinking “Draken...swore” Crossing through a large kitchen, Maul got a chill down his spine when he heard a loud screech from in a nearby room, “this has to be it, that b*****d is going down” he said, with a fearless fire in his eyes, while unsheathing his sword. What Maul had in his hands was a monster of a sword, the fact he could run while holding it was nothing short of amazing, it was five feet long and weighed forty five pounds, it was so big he needed to use both hands to hold it. As he was running, he just brought the next door down with a shot from his sword, from the side of course to protect from possible back draft, but no fire was spouted so he was safe. Back with the others, Trenn and Lavable still shocked at what had happened. Draken grew a menacing grin on his face. Pulling out four purple sporks he said to Seaphron, “Move, this is going to be a sight for the ages” that smirk still on his face. In a rush of curiosity Seaphron questioned Draken “do you have those things color coated?!” with a quick nod, the four sporks were thrown at the poor door, it never stood a chance. Before the word "yup" could be said by Draken, that door was gone, not blasted, just plain gone. “Purple plus spork equals nitro” “so you do, great!” meanwhile the blast woke the two others out of there dumbstruck state. But when all of the smoke settled they saw a sight that is not what they wanted nor needed. Koosei was fighting off Kraid's shots from his claws and projectiles, but BC was out like a light, on the floor behind Koosei, there was even a dent in the metal wall above her limp body. All four of the entering culties seemingly at once yelled, “BC!” to be responded by Koosei, “yeah, I know she is down, want to help me please!” she had been evading all of Kraid's attacks and now she nearly was out of energy and needed some rest. Draken, who was still even now getting the odd look from Trenn and Lavable, tossed a normal spork at the eye of Kraid “and now, the Spork ninja is the distraction, get those two out of here you two… and for god sakes stop looking at me like that, you’re freaking me out!” said Draken. As Lavable and Trenn were running into the room to get BC, and help Koosei out, Koosei just passed out from exhaustion and Trenn just picked her up, and placed her outside of the room, as Lavable did the same with BC, who had lost a lot of blood from the back of her head. “We might need to pull one out here, man” said Seaphron, as he pulled out his daggers, “never stopped us in the past” said Draken with a smirk, as he conjured up his trident.
Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 @ 02:55am
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 @ 12:39am