The stunning account of the epicest gaian battle ever.. The neopet event! -includes ped of isle paraphernalia- knock yourselves out as you try to unravel the mysterious battle, complete with makeout scenes, random people scenes, and neopet-themed usernames battling it out... epicly.
The first picture, in the midst of battle and an epic strange p3do/furry makeout! -male hustling? o.o-
The second pic, with the succesful and war-torn -orly?- team virtual high-fiving! Not included is the naming of the team, the Thrustin' Three and a half! biggrin 
The third picture, capturing the epic-ness of the name, and the epic ness of the actiono that follows with it! -speak bubble: Thrust Thrust x3-
and the final picture, the courageous TTAAH in victory! Not saying much, but that picture is EPIC.  see you next time! oh, and PS. TTAAH 1: Stella Endsville TTAAH 2: ***** of Isle TTAAH 3: Uni15 TTAAH 4: xLexiH3R3 Thank you biggrin
korabelle · Wed Feb 24, 2010 @ 08:33pm · 0 Comments |